John Pritchett/Civil Beat/2020

About the Author

John Pritchett

John Pritchett is an award-winning cartoonist. He has created artwork in Hawaii for decades, including 20 years at the Honolulu Weekly. See his portfolio on the web at: Opinions are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Civil Beat’s views.

Want more context? Check out Civil Beat’s coverage of the mayor’s race and these two candidates so far.

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Lee Cataluna: Saying Aloha To Hawaiian Airlines

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About the Author

John Pritchett

John Pritchett is an award-winning cartoonist. He has created artwork in Hawaii for decades, including 20 years at the Honolulu Weekly. See his portfolio on the web at: Opinions are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Civil Beat’s views.

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When we voted for Rail we all knew it was going to be a long time before completion and with a high cost.  Just look at H3. The main reason many voted for Rail was that we needed to lighten the commute traffic on H1,  and help our working  Ohana from the West side.  This is called Aloha.  The ones against Rail don't have a 3 hour roundtrips every  work day, and it seem they lost some Aloha by getting home early!

keoni808 · 3 years ago

Sadly, both Amemiya and Blangiardi have to use rhetoric supporting the completion of the rail for one reason and one reason only-union support.The only way you get elected into the mayor‘s (and the gubernatorial‘s) office is to have significant support from the unions. By stating you support the completion of rail, in part you are also saying you support the union jobs associated with that project. To say otherwise is political suicide.

ShawnR · 3 years ago

Rail was voted for by us, plain and simple. Everyone against it keeps crying over the increased costs. Who on these islands and actually anywhere has done a construction project that hasn't gone over budget? I'm in the middle of a simple renovation that's 3 times the original estimate (and counting) and over 2 years out. The public isn't stupid. We knew about overruns and everything that goes along with construction.  So please, stop treating us like we are stupid. Stop complaining. Get together and figure it out! 

redahi · 3 years ago

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