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What data is available from published Cochrane Reviews?

Data associated with each Cochrane Review is available from the published article on the Cochrane Library. This can include study data, risk of bias data, analyses data and references. You can access this through the right-hand navigation on the article page. You will be required to agree to the terms of conditions of re-using the data before downloading.

For Reviews published after 25 April 2023, a full data package can be downloaded from Cochrane Library  under the same license as the associated Review  (‘green’ or ‘gold’).

This data package is in standard formats, such as CSV and RIS, and includes included studies data, risk of bias assessments, analyses data, and references.

For Reviews published before April 2023, analyses data can be downloaded from the Cochrane Library as RevMan 5 files : a converter is supplied to convert these into standard CSV formats. 

With this approach, we aim to make reusing Cochrane Reviews more efficient and effective. Our mission is to increase the visibility and discovery of research data, promote transparency and ensure our information and data can be reproduced. It is the start of Cochrane’s journey towards FAIR principles - Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reuse - of data, which will open up new opportunities for how we can innovate with Cochrane evidence.

For more information, see Cochrane’s:


Author FAQs

How to access data from Cochrane Reviews?

See the Cochrane data request page for full details, including the different processes for commercial use versus non-commercial use.

What are the benefits of sharing data?

There are many benefits to sharing data, including opening up opportunities for collaboration, reducing research waste, making systematic reviewing more efficient, and ensuring transparency and quality. Making data available to everyone is at the heart of Cochrane’s core principles and enables us to maximize the benefits from investing in developing Cochrane Reviews.

I’m a Cochrane author, why do I need to share my data? What’s changed?

Cochrane has always shared the analyses data on published Cochrane Reviews (available via the ‘download statistical data’ option) so being able to download these data is not a change. Those who download these data must agree to the terms and conditions for downloading the data, which includes requirements such as correct acknowledgement and protects authors from unauthorized use. With changes in 2023, we have added the included studies data, risk of bias assessments and references for the review to the downloadable data package. These are already available within the published Review and any user would still need to agree to the terms and conditions for downloading the data.

I’m an author, is sharing my data mandatory?

Yes. Cochrane requires, as a condition for publication, that the data supporting the results in Reviews published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews are available for users. More details are available in Cochrane’s editorial policy on data sharing.

What license will the data shared be using?

The data will be available with new publications on the Cochrane Library under the same license as the associated Review (‘green’ or ‘gold’ open access). This will be reassessed as part of Cochrane’s commitment to move to full open access by 2025.

I’m an author, will sharing my data lead to a loss of ownership of my data and a loss of citations?

No. Recent research has shown that data sharing can enhance the perceived credibility of a study, create opportunities for co-authorship, and attract citation and funding opportunities. Also, by sharing your data through a published Cochrane Review, you have a time stamped citable record of the data being associated with your author team.

Could data from Cochrane Reviews be misused or misinterpreted, particularly for commercial exploitation or misleading secondary analyses?

Those who download the data associated with a Cochrane Review must agree to the terms and conditions for downloading it, which explicitly states that it cannot be used for commercial purposes, must not be used in a misleading manner, and overall protects authors from unauthorized use.

I’m an author, how do I curate and manage my data for sharing?

As an author using RevMan Web to develop your Review, you don’t need to do any extra steps to get your data ready for sharing alongside the publication. RevMan Web does it all for you when you select to prepare the submission package.