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News / Clark County News

Morning Press: Over-loved Gorge; Distracted driving; Taxes from marijuana

By Merridee Hanson, Columbian Managing Editor for Production
Published: July 24, 2017, 6:02am

Summer seems here to stay. Check out our local weather coverage.

Here are some of the stories that grabbed our readers’ attention this week.

Too much love for the Columbia River Gorge

Every year, millions of people visit the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area to experience the windswept flowering hills, arresting vistas and towering waterfalls scattered throughout the landscape.

While the impacts of all those people might not be immediately apparent to those snapping selfies at a waterfall or short-cutting trail switchbacks, conservation managers and environmental stewards are well aware and they worry our infatuation with the Gorge’s most beautiful features is more like an abusive relationship.

Read more about the challenges of balancing recreation and preservation.

Distracted-driving law takes effect Sunday

Washington’s newest distracted-driving law, which aims to curb unsafe driving due to gadget use behind the wheel, goes into effect Sunday. Here’s what’s changing:

What’s new? “The big change is you can no longer hold an electronic device — whether it’s an iPad, phone or what — while you’re operating your vehicle,” Clark County sheriff’s Detective Todd Young said. “This also includes when stopped in your vehicle.”

Find out more about the new law.

Clark Asks: Where does marijuana tax money go? Police

Vancouver Assistant Police Chief Mike Lester once used to enforce the laws against marijuana, but now his paycheck is partially funded by it.

“It’s a little ironic at times,” Lester said. “That’s just the way it is.”

All the money Vancouver receives from marijuana tax goes to police. That answers our latest question posed using Clark Asks.

Kay Olsen wondered: “What happens to the tax money that is generated in Clark County from marijuana sales? Could be put to good use for roads, homeless etc.”

Read more about how the marijuana tax revenue is spent. Also submit your question for the next Clark Asks article.

Kiggins conjures Harry Potter celebration

The magical and muggle worlds may seem radically different, but they share the same deathless problems: rotten racism and good old greed.

Everything that happens to Harry Potter and his noble pals is driven by what’s essentially Nazi ideology: the supremacy of purely magical blood, the hatred of anyone mixed or “inferior” — plus one supremely bad guy’s murderous quest for eternal life. At everyone else’s expense, of course.

Learn more about the festivities.

OMSI exhibit shows volcanic destruction of Pompeii 2,000 years ago

PORTLAND — The body casts of people who were killed 1,938 years ago testify to the deadly history of volcanoes.

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Those human forms represent the final moments of six unfortunate residents of Pompeii who died when Mount Vesuvius erupted on Aug. 24 in the year 79.

They are part of a new attraction at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, “Pompeii: The Exhibition.”

Other artifacts show how the residents of Pompeii lived, including arts (fresco paintings and mosaics) and entertainment (bronze gladiator armor).

Read more about the exhibit and if it could happen here.

Columbian Managing Editor for Production