Who Is Collecting My Kid's Data, And What Are They Doing With It?

Topics: Online Safety

Large companies like Amazon, Google, and TikTok collect data on every interaction that a user has with their platform. These companies use the information to build profiles of people's habits, preferences, and purchases.

Here are some examples of data that companies collect:

  • Your location
  • Your age, gender, and ethnicity
  • Any post or link you open, like, or share
  • What you look up
  • Information you share on their platforms
  • What you buy
  • The people and accounts you interact with
  • Information stored in your device or in other apps

Companies collect, sell, and share all this information to make money. They typically sell the data to advertisers. Advertising companies in turn use your information to target you with individualized ads. For example, if your child watches "Get Ready with Me" videos online, they might be targeted with ads trying to sell them products that were used in the videos. In some cases, governments also purchase user data from companies.

Our research shows that companies are not fully transparent about how they profit from our data. So the next time you or your kid use a "free" platform or service, remember that the price you pay for admission is your personal information.

There are some legal restrictions in place to help protect your children's consumer privacy online. The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) prevents companies from collecting data from kids younger than 13 without parental consent. The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) also give California residents increased control over their personal data.

Find tips on protecting your kid's online privacy here.

Common Sense Media

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