Al Mohler inducted into dubious hall of fame for 'false prophets'
Joseph Gerth 
Big Brothers Big Sisters teaches valuable life lessons
Lee Fowler 
No long trips, but I like my EV
Letter to the Editor 
LMPD is already secretive. New body cam policy means less transparency
Joseph Gerth 
The GOP shamelessly hurts working families and slashes work benefits
Colmon Elridge 
Trump cultists are still dangerous. This Kentuckian proves it
Joseph Gerth 
Affordable housing should exist everywhere, not just impoverished areas
Kevin W. Cosby 
EVs are not the green machines advertised
Letter to the Editor 
Despite crucial role in March on Washington, Black women were silenced
Jemar Tisby 
Kentucky cannot build its economy on the backs of children
Karen M. Garnett-Civils 
Why JD Vance and other politicians don't let media attend fundraisers
Joseph Gerth 
EV hesitation is more than 'range anxiety.' It takes a mindset shift.
Bonnie Jean Feldkamp 
Who's going to pay for the highways of the future when EVs take over?
Letter to the Editor 
Those affected by inequities should lead the change to fight them
Taylor Ryan 
I worked at JD Vance's startup in Morehead. It ruined my body.
Carli Pierson 
KY's push against DEI is just another commitment to white supremacy
Ricky L. Jones 
I have alopecia and I'm still looking for my community, where I belong
Olivia Stone 
Kentuckians have a history of voting against their own self-interest
Letter to the Editor 
Tim Walz is the latest target of a Jamie Comer political hit job
Joseph Gerth 
Kentucky's Democratic Party needs to be revamped. Its soul has died.
Letter to the Editor 
Kentucky Democrats are ignoring uncommitted voters on one crucial issue
Violet Olds 
Cell phones are a part of life. Don't take them away from students.
Letter to the Editor 
Kudos to Prospect for cheering on Ironman participants
Letter to the Editor 
Eastwood is losing its patience. Traffic concerns fall on deaf ears.
Letter to the Editor 
All kids deserve school choice since all parents pay taxes.
Letter to the Editor