Attorney & Vendor Forms

Attorney Information Form

The Attorney Information Form is used by attorneys to register with the case management system used by the Maine Judicial Branch. It is also to be used by registered attorneys to update their contact information. Attorneys must also update their contact information with the Maine Board of Overseers of the Bar. 

Return completed forms to:
Technology Analyst, OIT
1 Court Street, Suite 201
Augusta, Maine 04330
[email protected] 
Fax: 207-430-4102

Attorney Entry Screening Exemption

Attorneys licensed to practice in the State of Maine and in good standing with the Maine Board of Overseers of the Bar may be issued a Maine Judicial Branch identification card by the Office of Judicial Marshals, which allows them to bypass entry screening if they meet certain criteria.

Return completed forms to:
Office of Judicial Marshals
1 Court Street, Suite 301
Augusta, Maine 04330


Office of Judicial Marshals
171 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333

State Vendor Code Form

Those seeking payment from the Judicial Branch must complete a Substitute W-9 & Vendor Authorization Form found on the State of Maine Office of the State Controller's website at This form is to be used by attorneys and other providers when applying for a vendor code or making modifications to existing vendor codes. 

Return completed forms to:
Financial Administrative Assistant 
Administrative Office of the Courts 
P.O. Box 4820, Portland, Maine 04112

Direct Deposit Form

The Activation/Change Request for Direct Deposit / EFT form and guidelines found on the State of Maine Office of the State Controller's website at is for attorneys and other vendors to fill out in order to have their payments from the State of Maine directly deposited into their accounts.

Return completed forms to:
Office of the State Controller 
Attention: Accounting Staff
14 State House Station, Augusta, Maine 04333

Maine Commission on Indigent Legal Services 

If you received an assignment through the Maine Commission on Indigent Legal Services, please contact them regarding the process for payment of services. The Commission is responsible for paying attorney for work on assigned cases (except for GAL assignments).

Maine Bar Numbers and Maine Board of Overseers of the Bar 

To secure a bar number, please contact the Maine Board of Overseers of the Bar. In addition, members of the Bar should provide address changes directly to the Board in addition to the Judicial Branch. Please contact the Board for more information about attorney obligations.