Maine Judicial Branch announces invitation for input in post-COVID planning

Date: 5/3/2021

The novel coronavirus pandemic has presented difficult challenges to court operations. Numerous innovations and temporary processes instituted over the preceding twelve months have allowed the courts to hear and manage emergency cases and priority dockets. But as the possibility of a resolution of the virus looms, the courts must turn their attention to the task of addressing substantial backlogs of pending cases and a return to day-to-day operations without the impediments presented by the pandemic.

The Maine Judicial Branch invites and welcomes input and suggestions from professional associations, stakeholders, advocacy groups, and members of the public as it moves forward with planning for court procedures and practices to be implemented as the COVID-19 pandemic abates.

The Judicial Branch also seeks input on the innovations and processes that were instituted during the pandemic, and requests feedback concerning whether those measures should be continued, modified, or discarded.

Recommendations and suggestions may be submitted via email to: [email protected]

Contact: Amy Quinlan, Esq., Director of Court Communications
Phone: (207) 822-0716
Email: [email protected]

Supporting documents

Announcement (PDF)