Notice of Opportunity for Comment -- Extension of Apportionment Deadlines and Authority of Apportionment Commission to Act After June 1, 2021

Date: 5/27/2021

Updated June 10, 2021, to add Apportionment Commission as a petitioner and to add a description of the additional relief that the Commission requests.

Supreme Judicial Court invites responses
to petition of legislative leaders and the Apportionment Commision
for an order extending the time for apportionment of
legislative, congressional, and county commissioner districts.

President of the Senate Troy D. Jackson, Senate Minority Leader Jeffrey L. Timberlake, Speaker of the House Ryan M. Fecteau, House Minority Leader Kathleen R. J. Dillingham, and the Apportionment Commission established by the Maine Legislature have filed a petition for an order of the Supreme Judicial Court extending the constitutional deadlines for apportionment of legislative, congressional, and county commissioner districts and declaring that the Apportionment Commission has full authority to exercise all of its constitutional and other legal powers after June 1, 2021. The Executive Clerk has docketed the petition under the title In re 2021 Apportionment of Maine House of Representatives, Maine Senate, U.S. House of Representatives, and County Commissioners and has assigned it docket number SJC-21-4. The Court has issued a procedural order permitting any individual, legal entity, or organization to file a response to the petition.

The petition, the affidavit of Deputy Secretary of State Julie L. Flynn that accompanied the petition, the Court's amended procedural order, the Commission's motion to join in the petition, and the Court's order joining the Apportionment Commission are available at the links below.

Any response must be filed with the Executive Clerk on or before June 18, 2021, and must meet the requirements set forth in the procedural order.

Dated: May 27, 2021

Matthew Pollack
Executive Clerk
205 Newbury Street Room 139
Portland, Maine 04101
(207) 822-4146
[email protected]

Supporting documents

Petition (with exhibits)

Affidavit of Deputy Secretary of State Julie Flynn

PDF of original version of this notice

Amended procedural order

Apportionment Commission's motion to join petition

Order Joining Apportionment Commission