Judicial Branch Invites Members of the Public to Sign Up to Receive Supreme Judicial Court Opinions and Notices

Date: 11/16/2022

The Maine Judicial Branch announced today that it has established a public service that will send emails with links to opinions, memorandum decisions, orders, and notices from the Supreme Judicial Court (SJC). The SJC publishes opinions and a list of recent memorandum decisions as often as twice a week and publishes other orders and notices when they are issued on the Judicial Branch website at www.courts.maine.gov.

The orders that the SJC issues govern the operations of the Judicial Branch and include administrative orders, orders adopting amendments to court rules, and orders appointing members of committees. The notices that it issues include invitations for amicus or "friend of the Court" briefs in cases before it and invitations for comments on proposed amendments to court rules or other matters under consideration by the Judicial Branch.

To receive emails with links to the SJC's decisions, orders, and notices, and with short summaries of the published opinions, go to https://www.courts.maine.gov/news/signup.html and enter your email address and name. In addition to signing up for SJC decisions, orders, and notices, you can sign up for other news from the Judicial Branch.

Contact: Matt Pollack, Clerk of the Supreme Judicial Court
Phone: 207-822-4146
Email: [email protected]

Supporting documents

Press Release (PDF)