In 2001, the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia (CSOSA) launched the Victim Services Program (VSP) to serve residents of the District of Columbia who have been victims of domestic violence, sexual offenses, traffic or alcohol-related crimes, or property crimes. VSP is committed to responding to victims of crime with compassion, understanding, and respect.

VSP works with Community Supervision Officers (CSOs) to decrease the incidence of recidivism and re-victimization. VSP also partners with victim service agencies to identify crime victims, provide education on victim rights, and deliver orientation and technical assistance to victims and the community. Additionally, VSP connects victims with resources to address the effect of victimization.

Contact Information

For more information about CSOSA’s Victim Services Program, please contact:

Bonnie Andrews
Victim Services Program Manager
Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency
(202) 585-7360 (office)
[email protected]

For information on Victim Impact Panels, please contact:

Victim Impact Panel Mailbox
(202) 442-1818
[email protected]