Star Wars Friday 10/22/2010

10/22/2010 3:17pm
Heya folks! Last week we asked you, our clever and immensely good looking fans, to tell us how you would use the force to make your day to day lives easier! And although many of your submissions definitely leaned towards the Dark Side, all of them were pretty damn clever. After carefully reviewing each submission and conferring with our in-house Jedi Council, we've selected our Top 5 favorites! 

Terry Lovern
"The Jedi mind trick would make teaching college freshmen a whole lot easier: "You WILL discuss the readings." Or, if I couldn't do the mind trick, Force lightning would be just as satisfying: "You refuse to join our discussion? So be it, frat boy."

Tyler Danger
"I'd use the Jedi Force Grip for the power of good! Such as lifting fallen trees from forests to safer grounds, catching criminals who try to run away, or I'd even use it to throw the remote control outside whenever my girlfriend wants to watch those annoying 'talent' shows...all worthy causes!"

Richard Gartner:
"would go to 20th century fox and tell them to re boot the aliens movies but follow darkhorse storyline to the letter original b&w 1-6 then full color 1-4 thats how it should have been!!!"

Dave Cosgrove:
"The force and one sentence would do me just fine, "This is the winning Powerball ticket"

Manda Craig
"My reasoning is explained by Haiku.

The Jedi Mind Trick
Would help me bring my two droids
In the cantina."

Congrats guys! Look for your Star Wars Prize Package in the mail soon! 
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