Dark Horse in the Headlines 10/25/10

10/25/2010 10:07am
If it's that day that Garfield hates, that means it's time for another thrilling installment of Dark Horse in the Headlines. I'm Dark Horse Publicity Coordinator Jim Gibbons, I love lasagna and I'm here to give you a hot, fresh plate-load of links. Let's do this!

Heart Transplant
Last week, Dark Horse published Andrew Vachss and Frank Caruso's anti-bullying book Heart Transplant (which features a concluding essay by Zak Mucha). USA Today, which interviewed Vachss, described the book nicely by saying…
"Vachss' latest work, Heart Transplant, is a graphic novel about the emotional and physical tolls that bullying can take on a child. It is a powerful tale that is unique to the medium. Rather than judging the success of the book solely on the profit that it brings in, Vachss, artist Frank Caruso and special contributor Zak Mucha have set a loftier goal. The creative team wants to get their graphic novel into the hands of as many school librarians, guidance counselors, parents and students as possible."

Read the whole USA Today piece here.

Vachss also spoke with both Publisher's Weekly and Comic Book Daily. Here's a selection of the Publisher's Weekly piece…
"Vachss realizes that getting Heart Transplant to every reader it could help will be a battle. As a work that is hard to pigeonhole and one that fits on the shelves for fiction, non-fiction, graphic novels and more, Vachss said he is prepared to change the world one reader at a time if he has to.

“'That's the cosmic goal of this book, we want to start recoding the cultural software and this is our best shot,' Vachss said. 'I don't own a TV station. I don't have a radio program. This is our best shot. I know it's insanely ambitious, but this is the best punch we've got to throw to try and accomplish that end. If this turns out to be the last book I ever write, I'll go out with a smile.'"

For more information on Heart Transplant, check out the Dark Horse Web site.

The classic Gold Key survivalist and all-around badass Turok made his return to comics last week, and people had some nice things to say about his arrow-slinging adventures in a lost land of dinosaurs.

Here's what ComicBookResources.com had to say…
"This third offering [from Dark Horse's recent Gold Key relaunchs] is by far the best of the bunch. The story is exciting and the characters are compelling. [Jim] Shooter broadens his imagination and shores up his story with facts—or what seems factual—making this story ring true and allowing it to hit home."

Mania.com also said nice things…
"From the first turn of the page, before reading a single word, I was totally stoked. The look of the book is slick, and perfectly matches the tone of the story, being at once modern and reminiscent of the Valiant series. Eduardo Francisco does an amazing job of breathing life into his characters and capturing (at least in the mind of this reviewer) pre-European America."

ComicAttack.net raved about the new series…
"Shooter has scripted another fantastic revival, re-telling the story of Turok, who along with some rivals, accidentally falls through a time hole and ends up in a sort of land of the lost, filled with dinosaurs and adventures. Shooter has set up a great base for these characters, in which we see their fears and humanity as they try to kill each other, as well as the effects of suddenly being thrown into this unknown world. Francisco's art is also fantastic and his action scenes are beautifully laid out, making you not want to miss a page."

If you're looking for more insight into the Turok, Sone of Stone beyond reviews, Jim Shooter did an interview with Newsarama about the series and shared some of his script pages in order to give a look at his creative process.

In related news, MTV Geek ran an article about how they'd love to read a crossover between Iron Man and Magnus, Robot Fighter. Sounds pretty rad...

Speaking of rad, CBR's Comics Should Be Good blog ran a piece of art featuring a team-up between Hellboy and Simon Belmont of Castlevania fame. I'd play that video game!

Video interviews
New York Comic Con news is still trickling out, and last week it was the video interviews that took the place at the show that got their time to shine. MTV Splash Page chatted with Mark Verheiden about the upcoming TNT sci-fi series "Falling Skies" and the comic crossover with Dark Horse Comics while MTV Geek spoke with John Arcudi about B.P.R.D. and its myriad cast of characters. If you're tired of text-based links, these are gonna be your favorite clicks in the whole column!

  • Boing Boing had tremendous things to say about Jill Thompson's Scary Godmother. If you haven't picked up this excellent story, which is particularly appropriate for the season, give this a read and I think you'll be making an immediate trip to your local purveyor of books and comics!
  • Worcester Magazine enjoyed Fábio Moon and Gabriel Bá's hardcover edition of De: Tales.
  • Comics Worth Reading paid a nice compliment to Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service, calling it "simply wonderful manga" before recommending it to readers.
  • And lastly, but not leastly, Twitch Film loved Mike Mignola's The Amazing Screw-On Head and Other Curious Objects. You've gotta love a headline that list your books among "Things You Absolutely Need This Halloween To Be Considered Cool," right?!

Looks like we've reached the conclusion of this week's DH in the H. Thanks for checking it out! I'll be back… maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow… but definitely by next Monday! Till then!
--Jim Gibbons
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