#MyBuffyLife Guest Blog - by Allison Ferland

08/29/2011 2:38pm

We are really excited about Buffy Season 9 comics arriving on Comic Shop shelves Sept. 14th and wanted to reach out to fans and get their thoughts about Season 9 and Buffy the Vampire Slayer in general. Whedon fans are legion and probably some of the most generous and passionate we've ever encountered. We're excited to share their enthusiasm for Buffy here on our Blog.

There are certain things we tend to take for granted.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer is one of those things. The television show debuted over fourteen years ago and spawned a television spinoff, as well as a long-running comic-book companion, before being spun off into a comic book itself. 

There is a canon for this series spanning from prehistory to the twenty-third century. Through the canon, we have met the first vampire Slayer and the first vampire Slayer in centuries.

The story, however, has always been about Buffy Summers. We have watched her explore her calling for fourteen years. Some of us have known her longer, some for less time, but the point stands that we know this woman as well as you can know a fictional character.

Joss Whedon, creator and supreme overlord, has stated that this season, the ninth, will return to a more familiar format than that of the world-shattering Season 8. While many, missing the television show that grew to be so well loved and the format thereof, are glad to hear this, I cannot say I like the turn.

In the seventh season of the show, it tried to return to what it used to be. The problem is, the world has grown and evolved. More importantly, Buffy Summers has grown and evolved. Her friends have, as well. Trying to go back and return to a format that was better suited toward television will be difficult, particularly given the changes that encompassed Season 8. It was a wild, twisting ride with plenty of good to overshadow the awkward moments created by the change of format.

That is to say, I will miss the format of Season 8. I will miss the massive consequences, the world-enveloping scope, and the Anderson Cooper cameos.

Overall, however, I can say I am looking forward to the new season. The format will change again; life will go on, and so will Buffy. We will get to see her world again, we will get to see the aftermath of Season 8, and we will get to spend more time with this woman we so love to know.

I am going to miss Giles, but I am excited for more Faith and I support the relationship between Xander and Dawn that was flourishing when we saw them last. Given his history, I’m slightly worried that Dawn will either be horribly injured or killed but I am also prepared for the possibility.

I suppose you could say my feelings are somewhat mixed, but, really, the decision to be onboard and thankful is the front-runner.

There is more change and more to learn, more ways to know the characters we love and the world they inhabit.

Really, now, why would I take that for granted?

by Allison Ferland


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