#MyBuffyLife Guest Blog - by Jacqui Kramer

08/30/2011 11:56am

We are really excited about Buffy Season 9 comics arriving on Comic Shop shelves Sept. 14th and wanted to reach out to fans and get their thoughts about Season 9 and Buffy the Vampire Slayer in general. Whedon fans are legion and probably some of the most generous and passionate we've ever encountered. We're excited to share their enthusiasm for Buffy here on our Blog.

I have a confession to make: I was late to the Buffy party. A friend recommended the show when Season 4 was in full swing. I went in expecting hot vampires and cool chicks, and I got a bad Frankenstein episode. Not “Beer Bad”–level bad, but close. I don’t remember which episode it was, but I do remember my friend’s reaction: “Oh God, not LAST night—last night was NOT Buffy.”

And he was right.

I caught up with the Scoobies in reruns, eventually buying the DVDs and ultimately The Chosen Collection. The show became my personal security blanket, always on if I was sick or lonely. But inevitably, the Scoobies left for parts unknown, only to magically restart high school.

Then Season 8 arrived.

It was like a reunion with old friends after many years apart. Some had changed, some had evolved, and some were pretty much the same. As we got to know each other again, there were ups and downs…but ultimately, I was thrilled to have them back in my life.

I’m looking forward to seeing my old friends again in Season 9 and hearing about their year. I’m curious to see how Dawn/Xander worked out. I admit, my initial reaction was “ew.” But she is a grown woman, and Xander, well—Xander deserves some happiness. So I’m going to accept it. (Xander, let’s try not to screw this one up, okay?) Perhaps we could unleash Willow a little this year and let her have some fun. Things got entirely too heavy in S8. I know she’s an addict and all, but perhaps she could loosen up just a little bit? Andrew might be able to help there. Andrew makes everything better.

I’m also hopeful we’ll be visited by some ghosts of Christmas past. We were treated to Warren sans skin in S8. Doesn’t Anya at least deserve a flashback? Perhaps we could remember that time that she and Giles…well, Giles. I don’t think I’ll ever be ready to address what happened there. Maybe after the funeral. I hope Faith attends. She’d deliver a memorable eulogy.

No mention of Buffy, you say? Of course she’s there—reflected in every story, every moment. But for me, the show was never just about the Slayer. It was about her world, and those who loved her most—including me. I can’t say S8 was among my favorite seasons, but good or bad, it did bring my Sunnydale friends back for another round of adventure. And I can’t wait for S9.

 by - Jacqui Kramer


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