Countdown to Mogworld by Rachel Edidin

08/24/2010 9:35am
With Mogworld on-sale soon, and The Escapist hosting the Zero Punctuation Viewer's Choice Contest, we here at Dark Horse Comics thought we'd pay tribute to the author Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw with a special countdown of our favorite Zero Punctuation game reviews. Here's associate editor Rachel Edidin with her picks. Rachel, take it away:

5. Braid
(Am I missing the point by starting with a positive review? This one sums up a lot of what I enjoy about Yahtzee as a critic: the perfect storm of vitriol, prescient criticism, and jokes you probably shouldn't repeat in public.) 

4. The Witcher (A classic, as much for the bit after the credits as for the review itself. Pufferfish.) 

3. Psychonauts (This, along with Yahtzee's unrepentant love of Silent Hill 2, is what hooked me on ZP in the first place.)

2. Wolfenstein (The critical equivalent of juggling lit torches on a unicycle: a scathing point-by-point review in a series of limericks)

1. Duke Nukem Forever (Best. Burn. Ever.)

Editor Rachel Edidin and her coveted Zero Punctuation Imp pose for the camera.  
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