Introduction to The Art of the Mass Effect Universe Part 1

01/26/2012 10:00am
The Mass Effect Universe is an epicly large, cohesive Science Fiction setting with beautiful landscapes, intense backgrounds and intricate details. The Art of the Mass Effect Universe is a beautiful book that displays all those details in one place. If you haven't preorderd your copy, you may want to do so. This book is going to fly off the shelves. You can pick it up here and pick up bonus content for Mass Effect 3.

Casey Hudson's Introduction to the book is below. Get ready for the goods.

Mass Effect 3 represents the achievement of an incredible goal: a major video-game series that was envisioned as a trilogy from the very start. More importantly, it is a trilogy where players decide how the story unfolds—the consequences of their decisions impact not just one game, but the entire series.

The two biggest challenges in accomplishing this ambitious plan were that each game had to become popular enough to warrant a sequel, and—even harder—that each game had to get finished; both things are rarities in a winner-take-all industry where games are often delayed or cancelled altogether. Not only did our team at BioWare drive each game to completion, but each installment went on to become a commercial and critical hit. This is a testament to the talent and professionalism of the artists at BioWare, and to their creative vision for the Mass Effect universe.

In the eight years that we worked on this trilogy, we watched the Mass Effect universe take shape, from the first tentative brush strokes in 2004 to the spectacular realism of the worlds experienced in Mass Effect 3. While we always intended to give players an expansive new universe to play in, we never could have imagined the response we’ve had from fans around the world. For them, and for us, Mass Effect is more than a video game—it has become a place filled with the memories of friendships, rivalries, wondrous visions, and thrilling adventures.

It has been an honor and a pleasure to work with the art team in the creation of the Mass Effect universe. This book is a record of that artistic journey, and I hope you enjoy it.

Casey Hudson

Executive Producer

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