Dark Horse in the Headlines - February 22nd

02/24/2012 12:48pm

If you haven't been keeping up with your comics media, here's some key links and reviews for you to check out what we've got going on in the news!

Avatar: The Last Airbender #1 on NY Times Bestseller List!

It just keeps getting better for Dark Horse’s newest graphic novel, Avatar: The Last Airbender—The Promise Part 1, which has soared to the top of the New York Times Bestseller List last week! Big congrats to everyone who has worked on this book. 

Newsarama Interviews Prototype 2 writer Dan Jolley

The first in line for Dark Horse Comics new digital exclusives, writer Dan Jolley gives Newsarama all the gory details about Prototype 2!

"We looked at a ton of different artists, a ton of different samples, and we all agreed that these were the three guys who would do the stories justice. And DAMN, have they delivered. This was the first time I've worked with any of them, and I would work with any or all of them again in a heartbeat."  -Dan Jolley

Comic Book Resources Interviews Dragon Age Writer David Gaider

BioWare's David Gaider, head writer for Dragon Age - Dark Horse Comic's second digital exclusive - spoke with Comic Book Resources about the series! 

"I started with the company back when they started work on “Baldur’s Gate II”, and went on to write for “Knights of the Old Republic” and “Neverwinter Nights” before we moved onto the Dragon Age series." - David Gaider 

io9 shows off Brian Wood's The Massive

We allowed io9 to repost the entire first chapter of Wood's story from January's issue of Dark Horse Presents #8 and got some awesome fan response for an up and coming title! 

Carla Speed McNeil a finalist for L.A. Times Book Prize!

L.A. Time's Jacket Copy announced Finder: Voice by Carla Speed McNeil was a nominated finalist for the L.A. Times Book Prize.  The L.A. Times Book Prizes will be awarded on April 20th, the night before the weekend's Festival of Books which will take place at USC. 



Dark Horse Presents #9 

"Probably the best story was the new Paul Pope tale called 1969. It was a historical piece about the second lunar landing. A wonderful part of our nation's history that gets little attention." - Technorati

"The last and probably my favorite story of the issue is "Alabaster: Wolves". When Dark Horse teased about this a few months back it opened my eyes to writing of Caitlin R. Kiernan and I’ve been enjoying it ever since. Needless to say that I’ve been looking forward to this comic adaptation and it didn’t disappoint." - Comic Bastards

"I love it when Mignola plays with Lovecraft. He does it just often enough that it doesn't become a "thing." Whenever he rolls out Lovecraft you know that he is just having some fun, and a writer having fun with his characters is always a good thing.  Tony Masso's Finest Hour is just a perfect little eight-page comic." - Comics Bulletin


Star Wars: Dark Times—Out of the Wilderness #4

"Four issues into this story, the tension has been building. With the crew of Uhumele so close to Jennir, Jennir readying to spring the assassin's trap and Vader somewhere off-screen, this story is ready to explode like the first Death Star at the end of "A New Hope." - Comic Book Resources 

"I am so grateful for this book when it comes out. It brings me back to the awe I felt when I saw the first film in ’77. The story, the art, the colors, and the letters of this book make me proud to be a ‘Star Wars’ fan. You could show this book to anyone and they’ll have to agree that it’s great. Overall grade: A+" - SciFi Pulse


Dragon Age: The Silent Grove #1 (Digital Exclusive)

"Right away I knew I would enjoy this story, being the fantasy buff that I am; swords, dwarven crossbows and conspiracy plots against a kingdom, yep, I’m sold!" - Bloody Disgusting 

"A good script that stays true to each character, amazing art, and a good amount of action. It’s all enough to warrant a purchase at a buck a pop." - 2D-X


Thanks for ending your week with "Dark Horse in the Headlines." We'll see you next week. Same time, same channel. \m/ 

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