Dark Horse in the Headlines - April 25th

04/27/2012 11:48am


If you haven't been keeping up with your comics media, here's some key links and reviews for you to check out what we've got going on in the news!


Dark Horse Digital Celebrates First Year With Anniversary Sale!

Dark Horse Digital reaches a new landmark, turning one year old today. To thank our loyal fans, Dark Horse announces an anniversary appreciation discount.

This weekend, Dark Horse Digital is offering 10% off all titles in the web store, with an additional coupon to newsletter subscribers and new subscribers who have signed up by this Thursday. And yes, the coupon stacks with an even greater discount off your order! 


Yahtzee Croshaw Returns with JAM!

The creator of The Escapist’s Zero Punctuation Reviews (TM) and author of 2010’s runaway hit novel Mogworld is back with his hilarious follow-up! Jam takes the prophecies of the Mayans and turns them on their ear, with a twist on the apocalypse that no one could have expected! The first chapter will run in the newly released digital edition of Mogworld, available now for Nook and Kobo eReaders.


Earth Day's dark vision: 'The Massive' sets sail with calamity

On Earth Day 2012 (Sunday, April 22), thousands of Brian Wood fans got a taste of what the world would be like if environmentalists didn't save the planet. 

For 24 hours, Dark Horse released the digital one-shot of The Massive for free in our digital store. The new comic series by DMZ, Conan the Barbarian, and Northlanders writer Brian Wood will launch in June.


RIVEN Sends a Shiver Through Dark Horse Presents!

Riven, the latest tale set to debut in Dark Horse Comics’ legendary anthology Dark Horse Presents, marks a new beginning for horror fans! 

Dark Horse Comics recently announced the Riven graphic novel, the third collaboration between cowriters Bo Hampton (The Legend of Sleepy Hollow) and Robert Tinnell (The Wicked West), which is slated to hit stores August 22.  Riven’s three-part story beginning in Dark Horse Presents #14 will serve as a chilling introduction to their world of terror.



Angel & Faith #9

"These last two issues really have a richness and depth that have me super excited each month and have me anxiously waiting for the next issue. I have no idea where Angel & Faith are going but I do know that I can’t wait to go there with them!" - BAMFAS 

"Angel & Faith #9 wraps up another fine chapter! Gage and Isaacs continue to explore redemption and the possibility of Rupert Giles’ resurrection with their top notch talents, and we’ve only just begun. You won’t be disappointed with this series, and I only see darker waters ahead, Scoobies!" - Fanboy Comics 


B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth: The Pickens County Horror #2

"The Pickens County Horror is a self-contained story, but it also seems to be an appetizer for grander things to come. I still don’t know how this series is going to connect to the overall Hell on Earth storyline running through B.P.R.D. -- or even if such a connection will be made. Most of the recent miniseries are personal character studies rather than grand sweeping adventures. I am assuming that, with hands like Mike Mignola and Scott Allie at the tiller, that there is some eventual destination." - Comics Bulletin

"Mignola and Allie take elements you'll find in the classic horror genre and implement them into every fiber of this issue; which is what makes it so interesting. It was great to see the art shift and become more panicky as the pacing of the story increased…Like most B.P.R.D. books, although this is issue #2 of 2 it does still feel somewhat unfinished. Perhaps because their work is never really done. Overall solid story and great art. These are not your Twilight vampires." - Comic Vine


The Goon #39

"Powell thumbs his nose at the major industry trends with this latest issue, and showcases his skills for satire and parody in the process. It probably won’t win him any friends in the executive offices of the major publishers, but the resulting product is strong. Powell has produced a truly funny script with several genuine laughs as he lampoons the industry. A certain series of titles that centers around certain ornamental finger jewelry and lighting devices get particularly hammered in this take-no-prisoners approach." - Gonzo Geek 

 "The Goon #39 satisfied nearly every desire that I have in a comic book. It's intelligent. It's hilarious. It's meaningful. If this book had more plot to support itself, I'd be hard pressed to call it anything but a masterpiece. As it is, though, this issue represents a brilliant piece of satire that stands, in my mind, as the comic book industry's equivalent of Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal." If you like comics – even a little – you need to read this book." - IGN 


King Conan: The Phoenix on the Sword #4

 "Giorello's art is phenomenal. He never ceases to amaze me, and it is easy to see why he was nominated for a Robert E. Howard Foundation Award this year. Giorello has entered the pantheon of the great Conan artists, along with Barry Windsor-Smith, John Buscema, and Gary Nord. It is a limited club and Giorello is a welcome member. This final issue is an action-issue, which shows off Giorello's talents. He is not a fluid action artist, but poses his figures and scenes like an old master. Giorello especially excels at full-page spreads. He doesn't do as much innovative panel work this issue like he did on the last one with his repeating triptychs, but it is still a wonder to behold." - Comics Bulletin 

 "If you are a fan of Conan, you should definitely check out Dark Horses King Conan series, and more specifically the Phoenix on the Sword mini series that have been released. It really does deliver a great Conan story and includes everything you would expect from Conan: Blood, Swords, Monsters and Crom!" - Word of the Nerd


Mass Effect: Homeworlds #1 

"This is a very solid start for this new Mass Effect mini-series, although being an anthology, the different writer/artist team on each issue could mean different levels of quality month to month. But we'll just have to wait and see." - Gay Gamer

"All-in-all “Mass Effect: Homeworlds” is a series that will likely be geared towards fans of the franchise and it may not appeal to those that either didn’t like the game or have never played it. For fans though the first issue is a great way to learn more about their heavy-hitting companion and is definitely worth reading." - Examiner.com 


Star Wars: Blood Ties—Boba Fett is Dead #1

"Star Wars: Blood Ties - Boba Fett Is Dead" is unashamedly an entertaining book. The narrative force moving forward relies on a structure we've seen before but it is fun seeing it in this setting. Tom Taylor finds something of interest in every scene to ensure you actually haven't seen all of this before. If you like Star Wars this is a nice and easy way to dip into the comics and have a good time." - Comic Book Resources 

"Probably by now, you’re tired of me praising the genius of the team behind this comic (if you’ve been following my reviews for his work on Invasion – Revelations, you already must think that i am actually Tom Taylor’s publicist). Just go out and get it and read it. and then thank me. Grab either the Scalf cover or the variant David Palumbo one – while I like Palumbo design, the Scalf cover (or the first page, a full panel of smouldering Fett armor) is likely destined to be poster material. and I’m not even that big of a Boba Fett fan. Go read it." - Big Shiny Robot 


Star Wars: Crimson Empire III—Empire Lost #6

 "Thus we finally have come to the end ofCrimson Empire; and what a hell of a ride it has been. In spite of my minor criticisms within these two issues, overall Crimson Empire III is a thrilling piece of work that Star Wars fans (specifically the EU nuts like me) will enjoy. On top of that, I think the grand sum efforts made for Crimson Empire I, II, and III have been significant contributions to the Expanded Star Wars Universe – showing us that this galaxy did not just need to concentrate on Skywalkers to give us a fantastic story with kick-ass action." - Geeks of Doom

 "Overall, the ending worked. It felt satisfying. There’s the possibility we could always get more but no guarantees and more importantly, it’s not necessary. If this ends up being the last issue of Crimson Empire ever, then it was a fitting end. If not, then fans will surely rejoice to get more Kir Kanos. Either way it works out good. As the last issue in the series, I give Empire Lost #6 a good four out of five metal bikinis." - Roqoo Depot


Star Wars: Dark Times—Out of the Wilderness #5

"Dass Jennir has been on the run for quite some time and Darth Vader has been teased as being right behind him. With the conclusion of this adventure, it truly seems as though the expanded universe and the original cast of characters (through Vader) are set on a collision course. You can almost hear John Williams' music beginning to filter in over closing credits that aren't present as we await the next installment of adventures in that galaxy "far, far away." - Comic Book Resources

"The final line: I’ve read a lot of Star Wars comics. It’s no small claim when I say this is the greatest Star Warsseries I have ever read. It would be a crime if Dark Horse does not collect this into a hardcover. Why is there no Eisner Award for Franchise in Another Medium? This would win. Highest possible recommendation. Overall grade: A+" - SciFi Pulse 



Thanks for ending your week with "Dark Horse in the Headlines." We'll see you next week. Same time, same channel. \m/ 


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