October, 2010

Robert E. Howard Profiles: Kull, King of Valusia

10/22/2010 11:42am
Even 75 years after his death, Robert E. Howard remains one of the most influential pulp writers of all time. The creator of such characters as Conan the Barbarian, Solomon Kane, and Kull, King of Atlantis, Howard's mark on pop culture is indisputable. With the release of our new 100% Man campaign, each month we'll be featuring a character profile and caption contest on one of Robert E. Howard's best known creations. To kick things... Read more...

All Roads Lead to Vegas

10/22/2010 10:49am
Believe it or not, many Dark Horse employees also play a lot of video games. Shocking, I know. Anyway, what with our recent partnership with Bethesda Softworks, the award winning game studio behind the best-selling Fallout game series, we've been geeking out pretty hard lately. And in case you haven't had the chance to pick up Bethesda's latest masterpiece, Fallout: New Vegas, here's Dark Horse warehouse lead and game connoisseur Bill Portus with... Read more...
Bethesda Softworks, the award winning game studio behind the best-selling Fallout game series, we've been geeking out pretty hard lately. And in case you haven't had the chance to pick up Bethesda's latest masterpiece, Fallout: New Vegas, here's Dark Horse warehouse lead and game connoisseur Bill Portus with...">

The Dark Horse Halloween Countdown!

10/21/2010 10:38am
Here at Dark Horse we take Halloween pretty seriously. And why shouldn't we since we're the home of so many awesome horror titles? Read more...

Making of a Cover...BPRD: Hell on Earth--Gods #1

10/19/2010 2:19pm
We've received a lot of great feedback about the amazing cover of B.P.R.D.: Hell on Earth�Gods #1. What readers might not know is how this incredible cover came to be. Here's BPRD artist Guy Davis, co-writer John Arcudi, colorist Dave Stewart, and Dark Horse editor Scott Allie with a behind the scenes look at the creation of BPRD: Hell on Earth-- Gods #1. Read more...

Heart Transplant on Sale Today!

10/19/2010 12:45pm
Check out the exclusive excerpt from Heart Transplant, the gripping story of a young boy's transformation from bullied "outsider" to true manhood. Read more...

Thanks, NY and NYCC!

10/18/2010 5:16pm
New. York. City. It was the first time in NYC as well as at New York Comic Con for this comics fan and brand-new Dark Horse Comics employee. Read more...

Dark Horse in the Headlines 10/18/2010

10/18/2010 10:34am
With New York Comic Con in the rearview mirror, Dark Horse in the Headlines returns to its regularly scheduled flurry of aggregation. I'm your host, Publicity Coordinator JIm Gibbons, and the following are the cream of crop in terms of Dark Horse-related news items from the past week. Read more...

Dr. Horrible Sells Out!

10/15/2010 3:14pm
Dark Horse's Dr. Horrible trade paperback collection recently sold out and is being rushed back to print! Read more...

Star Wars Friday 10/15/2010

10/15/2010 6:28am
Strong with the force, this Star Wars Friday is. Read more...

Dark Horse Comics and Dark Horse Entertainment Presented With a 2010 Oregon Governors� Gold Award

10/14/2010 4:37pm
Presented each year to recognize “Greatness in Oregonians,” the Governor’s Gold Awards ceremony is held in conjunction with a benefit auction in support of Special Olympics Oregon. Recipients are chosen by Oregon’s current governor, Ted Kuongoski, and former governors John Kitzhaber, Barbara Roberts, and Victor Atiyeh. Six awards in all were presented Saturday night, October 9th, at a ceremony at the Oregon convention Center in Portland. Dark Horse Comics, and its sister entity Dark Horse Entertainment,... Read more...
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