Posts tagged with killbook

Comic Bastards Reviews Last Man Standing: Killbook of a Bounty Hunter

Comic Bastards Reviews Last Man Standing: Killbook of a Bounty Hunter

11/20/2013 11:59am
This book has been something the stuff of legend over the last couple of years. Released at Comic Con in 2010, it was then described as a �bible� to an upcoming story that reportedly would cover three extensive graphic novel tomes. Long story short, the book sold out and achieved a cult status. Read more...
Nerdophiles Reviews Last Man Standing

Nerdophiles Reviews Last Man Standing

10/29/2013 9:42am
All right, so, this is a really hard book to review. I almost didn�t review it because I honestly don�t know what exactly to say about it. To understand Last Man Standing: Killbook of a Bounty Hunter you need to sort of understand the history. Read more...


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