Welcome to the Days of the Dead Volunteer Application
I want to thank everyone with your patience with the changing of our website and functions! Eventually this will link to a formal questionnaire ....
At this time could you please COPY AND PASTE the following with your replies in a email to
Any questions please feel free to email me at [email protected]

1.Name - First and Last
2. Show City you would like to Volunteer at : Atlanta, Charlotte, Indianapolis, Chicago, Las Vegas, Louisville

3. Email

4. Phone

5. What is your Availability? Friday, Saturday first shift, Saturday Second Shift, Sunday? Or All weekend?

6. Have you Previously Volunteered at one of our shows, if so which one and when? What were your duties and experience?

7. What other shows or organizations have you had experience with as a Volunteer?

8. Do you have any special skills we should know about in order to place you properly?

9. Do you have any special needs that we can help accommodate you?

10. Are you applying with a significant other or friends so we may schedule you in like time slots?

11. How did you hear about our Volunteer program? We’re you referred by someone? Please name-

12. Anything additional you would like to say?
Small Black & Grey * Small Color * Traditional * New School * Artist of Day

Any questions please feel free to email me at [email protected]
Please save this in your contacts to prevent this from accidentally landing in a spam or junk folder.
Thank You
Betty Ingole
Volunteer Coordinator for Days of the Dead