The Department of Defense (DoD) Bus Program ensures that commercial bus, van, and limousine companies offering charter service for the transport DoD personnel provide safe vehicles that consistently meet DoD standards of service. In order participate in the DoD Bus Program, Carriers must submit parts I, II, and III of the application and be approved by the Defense Travel Management Office (DTMO).

How to Apply

Carriers wishing to participate in the DoD Bus Program must complete an online application and provide all required supplemental documentation. The application will be processed when all portions of the application are received.

Part I – Preliminary DoD Bus Program Requirements

Per the DoD Bus Program Agreement #5, Carriers must meet all of the following requirements before submitting an application.
Answer a series of online application questions to see if your company meets the basic requirements of the program. If you do, you will be granted access to Part II of the online Carrier application.

a) All carriers must apply for GOPAX unless your company is represented by an Agent. If your company is represented by an Agent, only the Agent is required to have GOPAX. Instructions for Creating a GOPAX account.
b) Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) New Entrant Safety Assurance Program. Carriers must have graduated from the FMCSA New Entrant Safety Assurance Program (Refer to Title 49 CFR, Part 385 and https://ai.fmcsa.dot.gov/NewEntrant/home.aspx). Carriers that existed before the New Entrant Safety Assurance Program are grandfathered.
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) Carrier Safety Rating. A carrier must have a Satisfactory Safety Rating from FMCSA. (See Part III, 10)
Interstate Carrier. Carriers must have an “Active” and “Authorized For Passengers” interstate operating authority registration. (See Part III, 11).
Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC). Carrier must have an active SCAC assigned by the National Motor Freight Traffic Association, Inc. (NMFTA) at http://www.nmfta.org/. (See Part III, 23).
Carrier’s Contact Information. List of carrier personnel to be contacted for transportation arrangements or questions. Carrier establishes an email address that does not change with personnel changes. (See Part III, 2).
System for Award Management (SAM). Carrier must have an active registration in System of Award Management, at https://www.sam.gov/SAM/ in order to be paid by the Government. Annual verification is required. (See Part III, 29). Allow 10-14 business days for activation.
Carrier Movement Reporting (CMR) Tool. Carrier shall submit a monthly data report in CMR Tool on all DoD movements performed during the prior month in the format as specified in Appendix 4. Prior to acceptance into the DoD Bus Program, carrier shall view https://media.defense.gov/2022/Aug/11/2003054176/-1/-1/0/CMR_TOOL_USERS_GUIDE.PDF to ensure capability to submit data in an acceptable format to the DTMO.

Part II – Carrier Information

Provide all required carrier identifying and contact information, SCAC, DOT number, and FMCSA graduation date (if not grandfathered).

Part III – Service Contract Act (SCA) Wage Determinations

Acknowledge the reading and understanding of wage determination requirements.

Part IV – Supplemental Documentation

Once you have completed the online portion of the application Parts I and II, you will receive an email with instructions for submitting additional supplemental documentation. Additional documentation includes:  
  • Inventory Equipment Listing.  An inventory listing of equipment offered for transporting DoD personnel in Appendix 5. All equipment must be less than 20 years old. Please annotate any handicap accessible equipment in the inventory.

  • Signature Page. Sign DoD Bus Agreement signature page linked to the application form.

Next Steps 

Once DTMO approves your application, you will be notified via email that you are an official Approved Carrier of the DoD Bus Program. As an approved carrier, you are required to meet all of the requirements outlined in the DoD Bus Program Agreement #5 including: 

Security Plan. Carrier must have a written security and emergency plan and make it available to DTMO. (See DoD Bus Agreement, Part III, 24)

Report Monthly Carrier Movements. Carrier shall submit a monthly report through the Carrier Movement Reporting (CMR) Tool on all DoD movements performed during the prior month. The report must be in the format outlined in Appendix 4 of the DoD Bus Agreement #5.

If you have questions about the DoD Bus Program, please send an email to [email protected]

*Participating carriers must comply with all Federal, U.S. Department of Transportation FMCSR, Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) and state regulations, directives, orders, rules and standards which may affect safety. Carriers will be subject to unscheduled safety inspections to monitor continued compliance.


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