Host shared love of classical music with Detroit

Portrait of Charles E. Ramirez Charles E. Ramirez
The Detroit News
Chris Felcyn

For decades, Chris Felcyn shared his love for classical music and jazz with Metro Detroit over the airwaves. 

"Chris Felcyn was a true radio talent," Dave Wagner, a host on Detroit radio station WRCJ-FM (90.9) where Felcyn's "The Well Tempered Wireless" show aired 10 a.m.-3 p.m. weekdays, said in a statement. "He saw the microphone as an essential instrument of personal communication, and his presence on the air was so true to his character, that you felt you could reach over to your speaker and touch him."

Mr. Felcyn died Friday at his home in Detroit. He was 67.

The Detroit native also hosted "The Listening Room" show for more than 30 years, first on WDET and then on WRCJ, which aired on Sunday mornings.

"He was one of the best interviewers in the business, a talented pianist, and an ultimate professional with wit and creativity in sharing classical music," Detroit Public Television officials said in a statement. "Chris and his passion will truly be missed."  

Mr. Felcyn started working for Detroit Public Television in the early 1970s as a producer and director, according to station officials. WRCJ is managed by Detroit Public Television and the Detroit Educational Television Foundation Board of Trustees.

He left the television station in the 1990s to start his own video production company. In 2005, he joined WRCJ when it started broadcasting in 2005.

"He certainly touched many lives with his daily program, with 'The Listening Room', with his special 'Unmasked' programs ... the list is endless," Wagner said. "Creative, innovative, solidly prepared, I always like to think of Chris in the words of my father who always said 'Your work is your signature.'" 

Survivors include brothers Richard and Paul Felcyn, sister Nancy F. Blazevic and many nieces and nephews. He is preceded in death by his wife, Ann Patton.

Visitation is scheduled for 3-9 p.m. Thursday and 3-9 p.m. Friday at the A.H. Peters Funeral Home, 32000 Schoenherr Road at Masonic in Warren. A private funeral service for the family has been planned.

Memorials should be made to WRCJ 90.9 FM.

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Twitter: @CharlesERamirez