Treasure: ‘Wonder Ball’ unique find from 1920s era

Khristi Zimmeth

Long walks sometimes pay off in more than health benefits, as former congressman Thad McCotter and his wife, Rita, of Livonia found out not long ago. “We live by Fox Creek where there is a lot of public space and nature trails,” Thad McCotter recently told appraiser Brian Thomczek at an appraisal session held at Judy Frankel Antiques, part of the Antiques Centre of Troy. “We often walk the trails by the golf course and one day earlier in the year we found this.”

“This” is a small golf ball marked “Wonder Ball” with an unusual diamond dimple pattern that the couple has been intrigued with since. The couple did a little Internet research on the ball and discovered that it was likely made in England. “Our big question is do we offer it for sale on the Internet or do we hit it into the lake?” Thad McCotter asked Thomczek.

The appraiser, who dated the ball to the 1920s-1930s, offered a little more information, including a possible explanation for how the ball ended up in Michigan. “We saw a lot of English activity during those years as part of the history of the Ford Motor Co.,” he explained. “Henry Ford encouraged his executives and workers to play golf and, while I’m obviously not sure that’s what happened, it does offer a possible explanation for how it could have come to these shores.”

Thomczek praised the ball’s condition, given how long it’s been exposed to the elements. “The diamond pattern on it is in really good shape given how old it is and where it’s been,” he told the McCotters. “It’s definitely been used, you can tell just by looking at it.

He said that golfing equipment and other game collectibles are a hot antiquing area, saying that the couple would surely find a taker if they were to offer it on the Internet. He also said that there may be interest in it by a local golf club, where the ball could be used in a display of historic items. A similar ball made by Wanamaker was listed for sale on the Internet by a U.K. dealer for 200 pounds.

Thomczek added that similar balls he found selling between $15 and $100 were in rough shape and had pieces missing. He appraised the McCotters’ ball at $60-$80 retail, less at auction. Thad McCotter joked, adding that “the ball is holding up better than I am.”

The couple said they may decide to offer it for sale; Thomczek suggested eBay if they do. “I just don’t think I can hit an $80 golf ball into the lake,” Thad McCotter said.

“I definitely wouldn’t hit it into the lake,” Thomczek replied, and advised the couple to continue to keep their eyes open on future walks. “You never know what you’ll find,” he said. The couple vowed to do so, adding that there’s one thing they don’t worry about and wouldn’t relish finding. “At least we know here in Michigan it won’t be a crocodile,” said Thad McCotter.

Do you have an object you would like to know more about? Send a photo and description that includes how you acquired the object to: The Detroit News, Trash or Treasure?, 160 W. Fort St., Detroit, MI 48226. Include your name and daytime telephone number. You may also send your photo and description to [email protected]. If chosen you’ll need to bring the items to an appraisal session. Photos cannot be returned.

About this object

Item : Wonder Ball golf ball

Owner : Thaddeus and Rita McCotter, Livonia

Appraised by : Brian Thomczek, independent appraiser

Estimated value : $60-$80 retail