News readers talk regional water negotiations

The cost of mismanagement

Re: Nolan Finley’s June 4 column, “Judge’s gag order is gagging democracy”: Highland Park has been characterized as a city of deadbeats who don’t want pay their fair share. People have been begging for accurate bills for the last two years but the city did not send out bills. The city has finally sent out bills that are averaging $2,000-$3,000 or more per resident. The city is full of seniors and others on fixed incomes. People cannot afford to pay that amount all at once. The whole situation has been mismanaged at the local level and we need all of our elected officials to help resolve the people.

Cheryl Sanford,

Highland Park

Suburbs feel the pain

What Mark Hackel and Brooks Patterson don’t grasp is that Detroit’s forced bankruptcy was an attack on the working class, not just black people in Detroit. Now it’s their turn in the barrel and they don’t like it.

George Corsetti, Detroit