Judge Eric L. Clay: Damon Keith’s support vital

Judge Eric L. Clay

Perhaps one of the truest measures of the man is the thoughtfulness and loyalty he devotes to his family and friends, including the large community of his former law clerks who have been privileged to form lifelong relationships with Judge Keith, and who have had the opportunity to receive advice and counsel from him with regard to both personal matters and professional career decisions.

I personally would not have been able to become a federal appeals court judge without his support and assistance.

... Once you have worked as a law clerk for the judge, or become a fixture in his circle as a close friend, you become in perpetuity a member of the “Keith Family,” a network of people with shared values characterized by a desire to contribute to the well-being of their community and society as a whole.

We are honored to have the opportunity to celebrate with Judge Keith his 50 years of distinguished service as federal judge.

Eric L. Clay

U.S. Judge, 6th Circuit Court of Appeals, and former law clerk