Video: 'Kickalicious' returns as Gillette pitchman

Tony Augusty
The Detroit News

Havard Rugland rose to Internet fame under the nickname "Kickalicious" with a trick-shot video of him kicking footballs. It even earned him a tryout with the Lions last season.

Now he's back. Sort of.

Rugland still has not fulfilled his dream of being an NFL kicker (the Lions cut him during camp in 2013). But Rugland, who is from Norway, stars in a new video showing off his pinpoint kicking — something the Lions could badly use right now — as part of razor company Gillette's "Precision" campaign.

His feats in the video, seen below, include kicking a "pass" to a receiver who goes long, then picking up a football with his foot, soccer-style, before sending it through the uprights.

Check it out the video below. Unless you're Matt Prater. It might make him nervous: