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News | June 3, 2024

Troop Support honors almost two centuries of service at retirement ceremony

By Christian Deluca DLA Troop Support Public Affairs

Defense Logistics Agency Troop Support held a civilian retirement ceremony to honor five employees with almost two centuries of federal service, May 30, 2024. 

Three employees retired from the Business Process Support office; Zenowy Bojczuk, James Ricci and Eric Thomason, with 43, 42 and 38 years of service respectively. Janet Patton-Norris retired from the Medical supply chain with 39 years of service, and Tonia L. Whitaker retired from Construction and Equipment supply chain after 36 years.

DLA Troop Support Commander Brig. Gen. Landis Maddox said that although the organization is losing a wealth of knowledge with the retirees, they have set a positive example for those following in their footsteps.

“You all represent many years of experience and corporate knowledge that our organization will surely miss,” he said. “But you’ve left an indelible mark on your teams, and I know that your colleagues will carry on your commitment to our customers.”

Maddox went on to say that the retirees’ years of service adds them to the rich history and exceptional reputation of Troop Support and that their accomplishments would not be possible without the love and support of colleagues, friends and family along the way.

“You all have my personal appreciation, and I would like to thank you, on behalf of Troop Support for your unwavering support to our retirees throughout the years,” he said.

Bojczuk, who began his career in 1981 as an inventory management specialist at the Defense Industrial Supply Center, said he has enjoyed his time at Troop Support and the people he’s worked with.

“I really appreciate working with everybody,” he said. “As with most retirees I think, I’ll miss the people the most. It will be an honor and privilege to work with everybody here.”

Thomason, who began his career with the U.S. Army, attending the airborne, air assault and pathfinder schools, and has traveled all over the world, said his time with Troop Support has been some of the most memorable.

“I love logistics,” he said. “I love working with all of you people. The one thing that I loved about DLA is how multicultural it is. I’ve travelled to 70 different countries and islands all over the world. And now that I’m retiring, I plan on travelling some more. But this has always felt like home to me.”

Ricci, Patton-Norris and Whitaker share similar sentiments, thanking their coworkers and looking back fondly of their time at Troop Support. All retirees said they were looking forward to spending more time with friends and family.

During the ceremony Maddox presented each retiree with a certificate of retirement, a DLA retirement memento, a pin of appreciation, and a coin and star note. Spouses received a letter of appreciation for their support over the years.