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DLA Publications

DLA Customer Assistance Handbook

The 22nd Edition, now accessible to the public, is available for download at this time. Please use the link to download 22nd Edition DLA Customer Assistance Handbook Download (PDF version). To order hard copies, complete the Order Request Form.  Because the handbook is available in limited quantities, the public is encouraged to download the handbook and print their own copy.

Information changes frequently, even while we make every effort to give our customers up-to-date information in the handbook.  We will continue to maintain the web version as the most recent version.

Please consult with your local intelligence team for the proper disposal of the FOUO versions of the DLA Customer Assistance Handbook.

In order to consistently deliver a high-quality product, we encourage you to leave us feedback via email at  [email protected] under the subject line: DLA Handbook Feedback.

Conversion Calendar

Customers are encouraged to download and print calendars as required, using the file provided below.  DLA Customers may request a hard copy of the 2025/2026 Conversion Schedule by using the Information Request Form.   Note: Requests for printed copies take 6-8 weeks to be processed and received.

  • DLA Conversion Schedule - 2025/2026  (PDF) Printed 2025/2026 conversion calendars will be available at the end of FY24.
  • DLA Conversion Schedule – 2027/2028, the calendar is available for download, FY25.


  • Brochures of our products and services are available online for printing or downloading.

Contact us for questions or additional interest in Publications.