

Small Business Overview For Vendors

New to working with the government?
New to working with DLA?
Just looking for a place to get started?

Learn the basics:
Small Business Overview for Vendors (PDF)

Getting Started Working With DLA

Connecting your business with DLA begins with a foundation built on two key tools: SAM and DIBBS.

SAM LogoThe System for Award Management (previously known as Central Contract Registration) is a database that requires registration prior to award of any federal government contract, basic agreement, basic ordering agreement, or blanket purchase agreement. One exception: Vendors who deal only in credit card purchases at a local level do not need to be registered in SAM.

Registration in SAM is free, and can be done via the SAM website , or with assistance from your local Apex Accelerator .

SAM is managed by the General Services Administration (GSA). You can get help with SAM registrations or renewals via GSA's Federal Service Desk .

DIBBS application screenshotDLA's Internet Bid Board System is a web-based application that allows vendors to search for, view and submit secure quotes on requests for quotations for DLA supply items. DIBBS also allows users to search and view requests for proposals, invitations for bids, awards, and other procurement information related to DLA.

Register for DIBBS or learn more about DIBBS via the DIBBS Frequently Asked Questions (PDF): A DIBBS frequently asked questions PDF has been posted to the Supplier Information Resource Center (SIRC) . Any follow up questions can be emailed to the DIBBS helpdesk at [email protected] .

Note that not all of DLA's buying activities use DIBBS such as the DLA Contracting Service Office (DCSO) and DLA Energy. Thus, you may not need to register in this system.

Checklist For Success

  1. Understand DLA - Review the detailed guide, "Small Business Overview for Vendors (PDF)," to learn more about DLA.

  2. Register in System for Award Management (SAM) - All vendors wanting to do business with the federal government must register in SAM. Create a user account and register at the SAM website .

  3. Visit your local Apex Accelerators - Apex Accelerators, formally known as Procurement Technical Assistance Centers, assist businesses in pursuit of a federal government contract. Find your local Apex Accelerator .

  4. Explore DLA Opportunities - Search for DLA procurement opportunities on the Federal Contract Opportunities website and the DLA Internet Bid Board System .

  5. View DLA Training Opportunities - DLA offers free vendor training. View the offerings on DLA's Small Business Training webpage