
Pharmaceuticals and Vaccines 

Employee giving a vaccinePharmaceuticals

Medical procures and manages the full spectrum of pharmaceuticals for the military and their dependents all over the world, including the Navy fleet. Benefits of the pharmaceutical prime vendor program include: 

Item Selection and Availability

  • Extensive product coverage is available
  • In the event of product unavailability, substitute items are available with permission of the ordering facility
  • Expanded item selection includes regional pricing agreements


  • Potential 10-year period with lowering distribution fees as contracts age
  • Lowest distribution fees in our 12-year history
  • DLA Troop Support Medical supply chain sends the PPVs daily price files ensuring accurate pricing
  • DLA Troop Support Medical supply chain performs 100% price verification

Fill Rates

  • Contractual fill rates range between 95% and 98% for routine orders
  • Guaranteed 100% fill rate for surge and sustainment requirements


  • Routine orders delivered within 24 hours
  • Emergency orders delivered within 6 hours

Expanded Readiness Coverage

  • War reserve requirements for Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps
  • Army surge

Useful Features for Customers

  • One-on-one customer assistance
  • DLA Troop Support Medical supply chain handles payment of bills
  • Customers have a credit account
  • PV's web-based ordering system
  • Pharmaceutical Reverse Distribution Program


Most vaccines are available. Medical delivered 3.8 million doses of flu vaccine to service members and their dependents worldwide.

Reverse Distribution

Customers can return pharmaceuticals and medical supplies dispensed by a pharmacy, and any related waste materials that may arise due to un-returnable pharmaceuticals.