Bygones: Milk was 13 cents per quart in 1924

A look back at local news from years past.

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News Tribune, April 4, 1924

Retail milk prices in Duluth were reduced by 1 cent per quart, effective at the beginning of this month. Milk from the Bridgeman-Russell Co. and the City Dairy is now selling for 13 cents a quart.

News Tribune, April 4, 1954


Duluth police arrested a 43-year-old Canadian man who attempted to join a girls basketball game at the YMCA. The man drew five fouls before being lodged in the city jail on a drunk charge.

News Tribune & Herald, April 4, 1984

Controversial Bayfield Mayor Ed Erickson was handily reelected by a 2-1 margin in the wake of his arraignment in U.S. District Court on a charge that he made a fraudulent statement to a federal government agency.

News Tribune, April 4, 2004

The Duluth Police Department is scheduling a series of meetings less than two weeks after announcing more than 40 officers would move into a new $1 million station in West Duluth. The station will be built next to the existing fire hall at City Center West.

Barrett Chase has been web editor for the News Tribune since 2015. You can email him at [email protected] or call him at 218-723-5310.


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