The Collected Writings of Edgar Allan Poe, Vol. IV. (1986), title page and table of contents


Title page:



Edgar Allan Poe



Part 2, The Annotations

Edited with Introduction

Gordian Press Logo





Table of Contents

[page ix:]


Foreword and Acknowledgements    v
[[Introduction]]    xii
History of The Broadway Journal by Heyward Ehrlich    xii
The Department and Topics Treated by Poe (Book Reviews, Editorial Miscellany, Drama, Music, Art    xxxiii
Miscellaneous Subjects:
Advertisements and Publicity Notices    xl
Arrangement of the Material    xl
Authenticating Poe's Prose    xliii
Typographical Errors: Editorial Correction    xlv
The “Little Longfellow War”    l
Poe's Markings in The Broadway Journal    li
Selected Bibliography of Studies    liv
Special Elements in the Two Volumes    lvi
Abbreviations and Short Titles    lviii
Vol. I: January, 1845 [Text pp. 1-18]    1
Vol. I: February, 1845 [Text pp. 18-24]    17
Vol. I: March 1845 [Text pp. 25-69]    22
Vol. I: April 1845 [Text pp. 69-105]    53
Vol. I: May 1845 [Text pp. 106-136]    81
Vol. I: June 1845 [Text pp. 136-157]    103
Vol. II: July, 1845 [Text pp. 161-186]    119
Vol. II: August 1845 [Text pp. 187-239]    141
Vol. II: September 1845 [Text pp. 239-264]    190
Vol. II: October, 1845 [Text pp. 265-292]    206
Vol. II: November, 1845 [Text pp. 292-324]    222
Vol. II: December, 1845 [Text pp. 325-358]    246
Vol. II: January 1846 [Text pp. 358-360]    264
Index of Names, Titles, and Topics in Poe's Text
Index, A-L   
Index, M-Z   




All material in this edition is protected by copyright, exclusively held by the estate of the author. Permission has been obtained by the Poe Society of Baltimore from Pollin's estate to provide this electronic edition for academic and research purposes only. (Permission to include the essay by Heyward Erhlich, reprinted from the original edition, was obtained from him personally.) The Poe Society of Baltimore asks all users of this material to respect these copyrights, and not to exceed what would typically be considered as fair use (generally interpreted as selective quotations and/or paraphrasing of only a small percentage of the total material, and with the appropriate attribution and citation).

Although Poe's writings are essentially in the public domain, the texts presented here embody often painstaking editorial work by Burton R. Pollin, and that editorial work is protected by copyright. The introductory material, descriptions, annotations, and the apparatus of texts and variants are Pollin's original work, and are even more clearly subject to copyright.

The text for this electronic version of the book was taken from an original printed form, revised for XHTML/CSS and to follow our own formatting preferences. Pagination of the original edition has been included.

The table of contents is a reasonable representation of the table of contents from the original printing, although the leader dots have been added to the current presentation. Also, in the original, the Issue number is given as a separate column. In most other respects, it has followed the form of the original, including the positioning of page numbers for the main sections at the far right and for individual items the page number more closely follows the title.

The annotations in the original are keyed based on page and line numbers within the facsimile text, without specific indications in the text, although the lines are numbered in units of 5. For this digital version, since “lines” do not conform to the printed edition, tags have been created to link between the text and the annotations. It should be noted, however, that Pollin's assignment of lines in the annotations are not always precise and do not necessarily match the lines as they are indicated in the text. It is likely that the annotations were in preparation prior to the facsimile text being finalized, and minor disagreements occurred as a result. Especially for references to ranges of lines, it has sometimes made more sense to tag the beginning of the range, and sometimes the end. Every effort has been made to make the references as meaningful as possible, based on context, even if it results in some inconsistencies in terms of the line references specified.


[S:0 - BRP4J, 1986] - Edgar Allan Poe Society of Baltimore - Works - Editions - The Collected Writings of Edgar Allan Poe - Vol. 04 (1986)