Fiscal, Demographic, and Performance Data on California’s K-12 Schools

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New on Ed-Data

Now available: 2023-24 student enrollment and demographic data, plus detailed school district financial reports for the 2022-23 academic year.


What's new:

2023-24 Enrollment and Student Demographic Data

You can now find new — and more extensive — Census Day Enrollment data in the Student Demographics section of Ed-Data.

Drill in to the first graph on the page to see enrollment by grade or student group. This year, the California Department of Education has added transitional kindergarten enrollment as well as data on enrollment of students with disabilities and students who are socioeconomically disadvantaged, homeless, migrant, and foster youth.

Another change you might notice: The default enrollment graph now disaggregates enrollment in traditional district schools and charter schools. 

In this section, you will also find data on English learners, foster youth, and students eligible for free/reduced priced meals. Our Ethnic Diversity Index helps you see how many different races/ethnicities are represented in a school or district. These data are available at the school, district, county and state level. 

Schools by Type information is available at the state, county and district level, while the Districts by Type graph can be viewed at the state and county level. Charter school counts and enrollment are available for the state, counties and districts. At the state level, you can also find the overall counts and enrollment in private schools with six or more students. 

One dataset that has not been updated is the Redesignated Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) graph. The state has moved the reporting of annual RFEP to the end of year data collection and has not yet released the data for 2021-22, 2022-23 or 2023-24. 

Census Day is the first Wednesday in October. The state also collects Cumulative Enrollment at the end of the year, which is used to calculate rates for chronic absenteeism and suspensions and expulsions. It is important not to use these counts interchangeably. To learn more , see our article on How Students are Counted.

Unduplicated Pupil Counts 

Also in this section, is a graph showing the unduplicated pupil count of students who are English learners, low-income, homeless or foster youth. This count is the starting point for funding calculations under the state's Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). Under the funding formula, district receive additional funds to help serve these higher-need student populations. Note: While the chart includes percentages, these percentages should not be confused with the "Unduplicated Pupil Percentage (UPP)" used for LCFF funding calculations. For more information on the official Unduplicated Pupil Percentage (UPP), see the California Department of Education's LCFF Summary Data Page.  

2022-23 Financial data

You can now find updated financial statements for every school district and county office education at the state and district level. These reports include detailed revenue and expenditure data and trend graphs, as well as an extensive glossary that explains the various account codes. To find the data, navigate to your district's profile and click the Financial Data tab. For more information on using the financial reports, go here. To learn more about the fund accounting system used by California's school districts, go here

Screenshot of School Finance reports section

Average Daily Attendance (ADA) for 2022-23

Average Daily Attendance (ADA), which is calculated by dividing the total number of days of student attendance by the total number of days taught, is a starting point for school funding calculations in California. The 2022-23 ADA is now available in the financial reports and as a separate graph in the Student Demographics section of the state and district reports.

ADA is just one way California keeps track of how many students the system is supporting. On Ed-Data, you can see the enrollment counts taken at the start of the school year (Census Day) alongside end-of-year cumulative enrollment and ADA. For more details, see: How Students are Counted.

Also available:

Have you tried the comparison tools? 

Much of the data mentioned above are also available in our school and district comparisons. Our comparison functionality allows you to: 

  • Compare schools or districts
  • Select a specific year for comparisons and toggle between years as desired
  • Select the data elements to be included in the comparison results from a list of all fields or by data category (e.g., summary, student demographic, performance, suspensions/expulsions, finance)
  • Add in corresponding state or county data for elements you’ve added
  • Filter results using criteria you select (e.g., show districts matching a specific data range such as enrollment between 1-500 students, or show only districts or schools within specific counties)
  • Sort each data element from high to low or low to high, or sort districts/schools alphabetically
  • Add specific schools or districts into the comparison (e.g., add a high-performing district or a neighboring district or school regardless of the other selection criteria used)
  • Export results to Excel
  • Eliminate a data element from results if you don’t need it
  • “Pin” one or more districts or schools so that they are always displayed in the left-most columns of the results regardless of any sorting performed by the user – allowing you to compare districts/schools of interest with the highest or lowest values in each field

For a step-by-step “how to” directions on using the comparisons, view one of our online tutorials or see our How to Create District or School Comparisons article. Or start making your own comparisons: Compare Schools or Compare Districts

What's Next

We are looking forward to the release of the statewide CAASPP tests as well as data on chronic absenteeism, discipline and graduation/dropout rates. And we are hoping to be able to update the site with data on California's teachers as soon as that information becomes available. 

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