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Acceptable Use Policy

This Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is designed to (1) protect EdgeConneX’s customers (“Customers”), who have entered into a master services agreement (“MSA”) with EdgeConneX and Users of EdgeConneX’s Services, (2) compliance with all relevant laws and regulations, and (3) regulate and restrict the use of all Services provided by EdgeConneX. Service may be suspended or terminated for violation of this AUP in accordance with the MSA. EdgeConneX reserves the right to amend or modify this AUP from time to time and the continued use of EdgeConneX’s services, data centers, and/or physical infrastructure (“Services”) after changes to the AUP are posted on EdgeConneX’s website constitutes the Customer’s acceptance of any amendments and/or modifications.

This AUP applies to all users of EdgeConneX’s Services which include, Customers or contractors of EdgeConneX, or customers and contractors of EdgeConneX Customers (“Users”), and all customer equipment that is under each User’s control and attached to, or residing in, EdgeConneX’s physical infrastructure (”Customer Equipment”). Users are responsible for complying with this AUP whether authorized or not by the Customer or EdgeConneX.

EdgeConneX must approve all visitors prior to entering any data center (the “Facility”). Users are responsible for taking reasonable security precautions while using the EdgeConneX Services and are responsible for the following:

  • Users are responsible and liable for their visitors’ conduct and actions while at the Facility.
  • Users are solely responsible for any intrusions into, or security breaches of, any of their Customer Equipment, except as otherwise covered in the MSA.
  • By entering the Facility, Users are consenting to reasonable search of themselves and their possessions.
  • Users and/or visitors are NOT allowed in the meet-me-room (“MMR”) without being escorted by an EdgeConneX representative, unless explicit permission has been granted in writing by authorized EdgeConneX personnel, and limited to a specified period of time
  • Users must be personally escorted during the initial installation. Any subsequent maintenance performed by the User shall be unescorted with the knowledge that security will be monitoring their activity via video monitors.
  • Users may not be under the influence of any alcohol, illegal drugs, or impairing substances. EdgeConneX reserves the right to exclude any person from the Facility who is intoxicated, under the influence of drugs, or who may violate this AUP.
  • Users must carry government issued identification with them at all times while on the premises. Falsifying or withholding one’s identity or refusing to cooperate with EdgeConneX personnel is a violation of this AUP.
  • Users may not violate any laws or engage in any criminal activity while on Facility property. Misconduct will result in permanent expulsion from the Facility and/or prosecution to the fullest extent of the law.
  • Users and visitors are solely responsible for their personal belongings and property while on Facility property. EdgeConneX assumes no liability for missing, lost, or stolen property of any User and Users agree not to hold EdgeConneX, its employees, agents, contractors, subcontractors, and affiliate companies responsible for any claims arising out of missing, lost, or stolen property.
  • Users shall not do or permit others to do anything, which would unreasonably annoy or interfere with other Users’ rights within the Facility, including, but not limited to, parking areas, loading areas or the common areas of the Facility. Customers shall not permit its employees or invitees to loiter in or about the Facility or obstruct any of the parking, truck maneuvering or common areas of the Facility.
  • Users may not conduct themselves in an unprofessional manner or behave in an offensive way toward any individual, including EdgeConneX, building personnel or any other client on site.
  • Users shall not make use of the Facility in any way that may be dangerous to persons or property. Further, Users may not permit any noise, odor or vibrations to emit from the Facility, which are objectionable to EdgeConneX or other occupants of the Facility, nor may they create, maintain or permit a nuisance or violation of any regulation of governmental agencies.
  • Customers shall keep EdgeConneX advised of current telephone numbers of their employees who may be contacted in an emergency, i.e., fire, break-in, vandalism, etc. If EdgeConneX deems it necessary to respond to an emergency on a Customer’s behalf, the Customer shall pay all costs incurred for services ordered by EdgeConneX to secure or otherwise protect the Customer’s designated space in the facility (the “Space”) and/or Customer’s equipment, including a commercially reasonable charge for any time spent by EdgeConneX’s employees in responding to the emergency.

EdgeConneX reserves the right to disconnect without refund or the provision of service credit any Customer Equipment which disrupt EdgeConneX’s Services or any other hardware objects, either on the premises or on the network, as a result of a security compromise. Users violating this rule and allowing visitors to do so may face immediate revocation of their Facility privileges.

Use of Data Center Facilities
Users will not bring any of the following (“Prohibited Items”) to Facility property:

  • Tobacco products including e-Cigs and vaping products
  • Pets or other animals
  • All food and beverages within Colocation areas, MMR or other technical areas
  • Electro-magnetic devices that can interfere with computers and telecommunications equipment
  • Chemicals, explosives, radioactive, solvents, cleaners, paints or flammable materials
  • Guns of any kind, ammunition, fireworks, pepper spray, mace, or weapons of any kind

Users will not do any of the following (“Prohibited Activities“) on Facility property:

  • Send unsolicited commercial messages or communications in violation of applicable law or governmental regulation (“SPAM”)
  • Engage in any activities or actions that infringe or misappropriate the intellectual property rights of others, including, but not limited to, using third party copyrighted materials without appropriate permission, using third party trademarks without appropriate permission or attribution
  • Engage in any activities or actions that would violate the personal privacy rights of others, including, but not limited to, collecting and distributing information about Internet users without their permission, except as permitted by applicable law
  • Send, post or host harassing, abusive, libelous or obscene materials or assist in any similar activities
  • Intentionally omit, delete, forge or misrepresent transmission information, including headers, return mailing and Internet protocol addresses
  • Engage in any activities or actions intended to withhold or cloak Customer’s or its Users’ identity or contact information
  • Use the EdgeConneX connectivity services for any illegal purposes, in violation of any applicable laws or regulations
  • Assist or permit any persons in engaging in any of the activities described above

If Users becomes aware of any Prohibited Activities, they will use their best effort to remedy such Prohibited Activities immediately, including, if necessary, limiting or terminating their customers’ access to the Services and Facility

  • Lift floor tiles without written permission
  • Store any paper/cardboard products or plastic storage containers in their Space without written permission
  • Store open/closed storage shelves in their Space without written permission
  • Store wall lockers in their leased space without written permission

Users must adhere to the following policies:

  • Blanking panels must be installed to cover unused rack unit space to maintain proper airflow
  • Phase imbalance – the difference between the highest and lowest voltage should not exceed 4% of the lowest voltage on 3-Phase distribution
  • No storage of materials, equipment or property of any kind is permitted outside the Customer’s Space
  • No material is to be stored on top of any rack/cabinet, and clearance between racks/cabinets and the ceiling must be maintained
  • Remove trash from loading dock within 24hours
  • Remove shipping materials and pallets within 30 calendar days
  • All packing materials, cardboard, boxes, plastic, etc. must be removed from the loading dock and are NOT allowed within the Space
  • Customers shall not permit their employees or invitees to place, empty or throw away rubbish, litter, trash or material of any nature upon any common areas
  • All pre-approved storage containers with weight limitations cannot impede access to customer equipment, critical infrastructure (e.g. RPP’s), mounted wall equipment, nor can it block airflow
  • Customers are responsible for maintaining their own cage and cabinet areas. Those areas must be kept neat and free of debris at all times
  • Customers understand that any equipment required for maintenance of the Space is the Customer’s responsibility and that EdgeConneX has no equipment available for Customer’s use (e.g. ladders, or lifts for re-lamping, etc.)
  • Customers are to utilize the Space allocated to them only for the placement of equipment and the use of data center Services
  • Customers may not exceed power limits set forth in their contracts

Equipment and Connections
All interconnection services shall be implemented by EdgeConneX or an EdgeConneX assigned agent, and may not be performed in any other manner, unless permission is explicitly granted in writing by authorized EdgeConneX personnel. The operation of Customer Equipment must at all times comply with manufacturer’s specifications, including all power requirements. Users shall use the Space and shall operate Equipment in the Facility in a safe and prudent manner, and any damage or cracks occurring in the floor of the Facility caused by Users shall be promptly brought to the attention of EdgeConneX by written notice and repaired by Users at their sole expense.

Cooperation with Investigations
Users will cooperate and comply with any civil or criminal investigation regarding use of EdgeConneX Services, or content residing in Customer Equipment or transmitted using EdgeConneX Services. This includes but is not limited to the following: discovery orders, subpoenas, freeze orders, search warrants, information requests, physical interconnection services audit, wire taps, electronic intercepts and surveillance, preservation requests, and any other order from a court, government entity or regulatory agency (each an “Investigation”). EdgeConneX may charge a User or any person seeking compliance with an Investigation for the reasonable costs and expenses associated with EdgeConneX’s compliance with any Investigation. EdgeConneX reserves the right to comply with any Investigation without notice to a User. Customers shall not be entitled to a refund or any service credits, and EdgeConneX shall not be in default under any agreement for EdgeConneX Services, if its compliance with any Investigation causes a User to incur downtime or requires the sequestering of all or a portion of the Servers. EdgeConneX also reserves the right to disclose information relating to Users and their use of EdgeConneX Services, or information transmitted, owned by, stored by or on behalf of any User. If such information in connection with an Investigation or in order to prevent the death of or bodily harm to any individual, as determined by EdgeConneX.

Monitoring and Disclaimer
This AUP does not (a) obligate EdgeConneX to monitor, review, or police the data and content residing on EdgeConneX network, or (b) create any obligation or duty of EdgeConneX to any User that is not a Customer. Unless and until notified, EdgeConneX is not likely to be aware of any violations of this AUP or any violations of law. Users are expected to notify EdgeConneX of any violations of law or violations of this AUP. EDGECONNEX EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY FOR THE DATA AND CONTENT TRANSMITTED THROUGH OR INTERMEDIATELY, TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY STORED ON EDGECONNEX’S NETWORK OR ANY SERVER AND FOR THE ACTIONS OR OMISSION OF USERS.

Reporting Violations
If there is a violation of this AUP, direct such information related to the violation to [email protected].

Please direct any inquiries of this policy to [email protected]