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EGU news Volunteer to be an EGUsphere preprint moderator!

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European Geosciences Union


Volunteer to be an EGUsphere preprint moderator!

14 October 2020

EGUsphere, the new online platform designed to increase engagement and collaboration within the Earth, planetary, and space science community, will soon be ready for preprint submissions. Authors will be able to submit a manuscript to EGUsphere for preprint posting and public discussion, and have the option to request peer-review for potential publication in one of EGU’s 19 open-access journals.

To ensure scientific standards, moderators will pre-screen all preprints submitted solely for public discussion before they’re posted on the platform. Self-nominations for EGUsphere moderators are now sought from within the EGU community.

“Preprints submitted with the intention of publication in an EGU journal will be screened by one of the journal’s editors as is currently done for all manuscript submissions to EGU journals,” says Katja Fennel, chair of the EGU Publications Committee. “The role of EGUsphere moderators is to ensure that a similar process is in place for the preprints not immediately intended for journal submission to prevent posting of non-scientific content or content that is obviously unsound.”

Members of the EGU community and other interested scientists are now invited to self-nominate to become an EGUsphere moderator. “I especially encourage early-career scientists interested in becoming involved with the publications arm of the EGU to volunteer,” says Fennel. “Aside from basic scientific qualifications in Earth, planetary or space science, we ask for two endorsements, one from a supervisor or colleague and one from a member of the EGU Council or Publications Committee,” she says.

Moderating should not require a large amount of time, according to Martin Rasmussen, Managing Director of Copernicus Publications, the partner organization that manages EGUsphere and all 19 EGU journals. “Volunteering for EGUsphere moderation will be a rewarding commitment,” he says. “Early Career Scientists who want to gain real-world experience in open-access publishing are especially encouraged to apply.”

“Besides learning the ins and outs of open-access publishing, as a moderator you’ll extend your network, get up to date about the newest scientific output in your field of expertise, and be actively contributing to the EGU community,” says Anouk Beniest, the ECS Union-level Representative. “It’s a fantastic chance to boost your academic portfolio!”

EGUsphere moderators will be selected by the EGU Publications Committee according to the Union principles of equality, diversity, and inclusion in scientific collaboration. “We seek to foster diversity in terms of gender, career stages, and geographic location with respect to the scientists we select,” Fennel says.

In addition to the two endorsements, applicants are asked to provide a CV and a cover letter explaining their motivation to become an EGUsphere moderator. Applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis, and the first round of evaluations will begin in mid-November. All materials should be submitted here.

EGU and Copernicus Publications launched EGUsphere in spring 2020. In addition to hosting preprints, the platform serves as a central repository for the abstracts and presentations from each annual EGU General Assembly and other conferences. The technology will provide geoscientists with unparalleled opportunities to engage in virtual discussions regarding abstracts, preprints, and presentations. Further information can be found at: https://www.egusphere.net/.

More information

Copernicus Publications manages all topical EGU journals in addition to EGUsphere. This enables the full integration of the preprint server, public peer review, and journal publication under a single roof.


Katja Fennel
EGU Publications Committee Chair
Email [email protected]

Martin Rasmussen
Managing Director
Copernicus Publications
Email [email protected]

Terri Cook
Head of Media, Communications and Outreach
European Geosciences Union
Email [email protected]
X @EuroGeosciences


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