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Wonderland (Credit: Patrick Klenk, distributed via imaggeo.egu.eu)

Structure Science for Policy Working Group

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European Geosciences Union


Science for Policy Working Group

Almost every policy decision, regardless of the country or government level, has a scientific component to it. Geoscientists not only research some of Earth’s key resources and properties (such as oceans, atmosphere, rivers, soils, and mineral resources), but also assess the interactions between them and evaluate potential societal risks. The geoscience community therefore plays a key role in a number of different policy areas where their research can help policymakers to more accurately assess the benefits and potential consequences of different policy pathways.

The EGU’s Science for Policy Working Group aims to promote greater collaboration between the geoscientific community and policymakers, highlight policy-relevant outputs from EGU scientists, and support evidence-based policy. The Working Group provides feedback regarding current policy activities, outlines new EGU policy proposals to be approved by the EGU Council, and highlights opportunities for the EGU to collaborate with EU institutions to contribute to the EU’s policymaking process.

The Working Group is chaired by the EGU Policy Manager, and all Working Group activities are overseen and approved by the EGU Council and Executives.

Science for Policy Working Group members:

EGU Science for Policy Working Group Alumni:

Please click here to read more about the EGU Science for Policy Working Group's mission and remit.


If you require more information on the Science for Policy Working Group please contact:

Chloe Hill
Policy Manager
Phone +49-89-2050-76342
Email [email protected]