What do you do after you’ve sat through ninety minutes of a sentient yam lying while the other guy begs for the world’s strongest cough drop? If you’re an Esquire Member, you join the Politics Blog with Charles P. Pierce to ask Charlie all your questions, live. On Friday, we sat down for an hour to break down what the $%*# that debate was all about. We talked about Trump’s very special relationship with the truth, Biden’s…er…performance, the moderators (such as they were), and where the hell any mention of Project 2025 was. And the question that ruled the day: Should Biden drop out of the race? We got into that, too.

If you missed it, don’t worry. We’re offering a recording here to Esquire Members only. And we hate to remind you of this, but we’ve got months before this thing is over—this won’t be the last one we’ll do, so save up your questions. Wherever we’re going, let’s go there together.

Headshot of Kelly Stout
Kelly Stout

Kelly Stout is Esquire's Articles Director. You can find her other writing in The New Yorker, Jezebel, Deadspin, The Awl, and more.