
EULEX hosts a delegation from the German Ministry of the Interior and from the Center for International Peace Operations (ZIF)

16 July

From 15 to 16 July 2024, the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) has hosted a delegation of representatives from the Mission Support Unit of the German Ministry of the Interior and from the Center for International Peace Operations (ZIF).

The delegation was welcomed by the EULEX Deputy Head of Mission, Emily Rakhorst, who emphasized the ongoing and crucial contribution of Germany to the Mission, appreciating its steadfast support to advancing our common goals of peace and security.

The visitors had the opportunity to receive in-depth briefings by Mission’s representatives, covering a range of topics that included the Mission’s mandate, structure and activities.

In particular, during the two-day visits, the members of the delegation exchanged views with the EULEX Head of Press and Public Information Office and Spokesperson, Nicole Miller, the Chief of Staff, Matthias Zander, the Head of Human Resources Division, Anita Janassary, with the Chief of Medical Unit, Dr. Cristina Anghelescu, and with the Chief of the Case Monitoring Unit, Hubert van Eck Koster.

On 16 July, the delegation visited the EULEX Center Mitrovica, where they learned about the role and responsibilities of the EULEX Formed Police Unit (FPU) from the FPU Commander, Krzysztof Kosinski, and discussed with EULEX Police Advisors North the current security situation in Kosovo. Later, they had a brief tour of Mitrovica North, where they also visited the Europe House.  

The delegation expressed appreciation for the detailed overview and the open discussions, which provided them with valuable insights on EULEX’s work.