Humane Society International/Europe

Special ReportOpinionPromoted content
Agrifood 27-08-2024

Turning the tide on tail-docking: will Denmark’s State Aid scheme to improve pig welfare inspire other Member States?

Est. 6min

Around 134 million pigs are farmed for food in the European Union. The vast majority of these highly intelligent animals will undergo surgical mutilation at a tender age with a portion of their tails being chopped off, generally without the use of anaesthesia or pain relief.

Special ReportOpinionPromoted content
Agrifood 21-06-2024

REFIT and Reseal: Why the EU Must Uphold the Ban on Trade in Seal Products

Est. 6min

It is fitting that the European Commission periodically reviews legislation to ensure that it is still delivering on its objectives in a cost-effective way. Sometimes, however, a ‘REFIT’ risks poking a hornets’ nest.

Special ReportOpinionPromoted content
Agrifood 14-03-2024

EU citizens care about animal welfare, but why is this not being translated into political action?

Est. 6min

Animal welfare is one of those rare issues that is neither left nor right. Across the political spectrum and irrespective of nationality, you’ll always find politicians who care about the plight of animals; it is certainly not the exclusive domain of the Greens and the Left.

Agrifood 31-10-2016

Hard to swallow: Breaking the EU taboo on healthy, sustainable diets

Est. 6min

The European Commission has consistently failed to deliver commitments on promoting healthy and sustainable diets. New plans to increase rather than reduce meat consumption are proving difficult to stomach, argues Dr Joanna Swabe.

Euro & Finance 07-10-2016

Animal welfare deserves better from investment policy

Est. 5min

International finance institutions and member state export credit agencies continue to invest in projects outside the EU involving cruel farm animal confinement systems banned in the EU. Better joined-up thinking is needed with regard to investment policy and animal welfare, writes Joanna Swabe.