Call for Experts: New Report on Recycling Technologies

15 May 2024

The EU SME Centre is looking for an expert to produce a new report on the opportunities and market entry requirements for recycling technologies in China. The report should cover the following aspects:

  • Overview of the Chinese market for recycling technologies: market size, structure, main actors and regions, drivers and main policies, general market entry requirements
  • Closer look at two or three specific segments within the market for recycling technologies (e.g. plastics, metal, textile, electronics, etc.), illustrating in more detail the opportunities, challenges, and market entry requirements (incl. standards and certification).
  • Case studies of EU SMEs
  • New ideas/suggestions are welcome.

The report should be highly practical and guide European small and medium-sized enterprises in the understanding and planning their market entry strategy in the Chinese recycling market. We are not interested in quantity/length but rather in quality insights.

Application Process

Interested experts should send an email with their proposal (maximum 1 page) to [email protected]. Questions may also be sent to this email address.

The proposal must include:

  • Tentative structure of the report, clearly indicating which specific segments within the recycling market will be covered, and why.
  • Short bio of the author(s), including relevant experience in the field
  • A quotation of workdays and fees required

The deadline for submitting applications is 5 June 2024.

Note: we expect the report to be concise and practical, focusing on the most concerning issues for EU SMEs, and sharing insights on how best to approach these issues. We estimate a length of around 20–25 pages, for a workload of 10–14 working days, but we are happy to hear your proposals and suggestions.


A first draft of the report must be submitted to the EU SME Centre before the end of August 2024. Changes and modifications may be requested after review and feedback from the EU SME Centre. We expect the final version of the report to be finalised and officially released in occasion of the EU SME Centre Business Mission to China planned for 22–27 September 2024. The author(s) will be invited to present the report during the mission.

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