More from CQ Amateur Radio

CQ Amateur Radio6 min read
Vhf Plus
During August, an impressive high-pressure system was in place over the middle of the country, bringing sweltering heat and weeks without rain. A silver lining to the weather, however, was the tropospheric ducting that resulted across the region. Pho
CQ Amateur Radio1 min read
QSL Of The Month: JT1YL
JT1YL (home call OK1KX) was Milada (Mila) Klouckova. Her husband was Ludvik Kloucek, JT1AA (OK1KW). In 1957/58 Ludvik was a radio operator at the Czechoslovak Embassy in Ulan Bator, Mongolia’s capital. Mongolia was in great demand on the ham bands, n
CQ Amateur Radio6 min read
Learning Curve
As many readers are aware, I am a retired public high school teacher. I am fortunate and pleased when I meet former students, for they greet me with all five fingers extended! It’s always a pleasure to see them, to catch up and to hear about their su
