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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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The New York Times bestselling novel from Garth Stein—a heart-wrenching but deeply funny and ultimately uplifting story of family, love, loyalty, and hope—a captivating look at the wonders and absurdities of human life . . . as only a dog could tell it.

“Splendid.” —People

“The perfect book for anyone who knows that compassion isn’t only for humans, and that the relationship between two souls who are meant for each other never really comes to an end. Every now and then I’m lucky enough to read a novel I can’t stop thinking about: this is one of them.” —Jodi Picoult

“It’s impossible not to love Enzo.” —Minneapolis Star Tribune

“This old soul of a dog has much to teach us about being human. I loved this book.” —Sara Gruen

Editor's Note

Winning, losing, and loving...

See the trials and tribulations of a fraying family from the heartwarming perspective of their dog. Man’s best friend has much to teach about winning, losing, and loving on this emotionally turbulent ride. The movie adaptation stars Milo Ventimiglia, Amanda Seyfried, and Kevin Costner as the voice of the dog, Enzo.

Release dateMar 17, 2009
The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel

Garth Stein

Garth Stein is the author of Enzo Races in the Rain!, based on the New York Times bestselling novel The Art of Racing in the Rain (and its tween adaptation, Racing in the Rain). His other works include A Sudden Light, How Evan Broke His Head and Other Secrets, Raven Stole the Moon, and a play, Brother Jones. He is the cofounder of, a nonprofit collective of sixty-two Northwest authors dedicated to fostering a passion for the written word. Garth lives in Seattle with his family and his dog, Comet.

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Reviews for The Art of Racing in the Rain

Rating: 4.10073553203607 out of 5 stars

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Readers find this title to be a beautiful, touching, and brilliantly written book. The story is engaging and heart-opening, with a unique perspective from the narrator, a dog named Enzo. While there are some sad and emotional moments, the overall experience is uplifting and unforgettable. The book resonates with animal lovers and captures the deep bond between humans and dogs. It is recommended for anyone looking for a thought-provoking and enjoyable read.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Denny is a starting out Formula One race care driver, married to his beloved wife Eve. Then Zoe comes along who is their pride and extreme joy. Tragedy strikes and strikes and strikes! The story is told through Enzo's eyes. Enzo is the family's dog. Enzo sees things the humans don't and Enzo is a very proud animal. You will love this book and it may even bring some tears to your eyes. In this book is one of the best expression of grace I have ever witnessed. What a wonderful story, heartwarming, I don't know but it will grip you. The book is currently being made into a movie. READ the book first.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was a good read... not in an ebullient way that I suspected at first when I picked it up, but on a different level. A bitter sweet story. I loved the perspicacious dog Enzo, the true protagonist of the book, who tells the story and ruminates on the meaning of life, who longs to be a human being in his next life ("Here is why I will be a good person. Because I listen....") - ha!...; even though he wonders " difficult it must be to be a person. To constantly subvert your desires. To worry about doing the right thing, rather than doing what is most expedient" (hmm... indeed!); who discerns so well what people are all about: that "be it through intention or ignorance, our successes and our failures have been brought on by none other than ourselves"...; who likes "to live every day as if it were stolen from death, that is how I would love to live"... (much agree!). And I truly don't think that the idea for this book is too miraculous - in my own experience dogs are extremely sensitive and intelligent creatures.What I didn't care for was the "car racing" metaphor for "life", or, rather, I didn't care for the technicalities and history of car racing itself (I really felt like skipping those parts...). Even though it is so interconnected with everything that's going on in the book, Enzo's master being a car race driver... But for me, it didn't take away much from the novel. A case in point is this quote: "There is no dishonor in losing the race... There is only dishonor in not racing because you are afraid to lose" (even though it's a bit of a cliche). This is not a book where you rapturously re-read this or that sentence, just for the beauty of expression. The characters are at times over-simplified in their description. But it's nevertheless, a good, fast, and even poignant read.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The first book I've read from the POV of a dog. Interesting bend. A quick read, but NOT meant for kids until "young adult" reading level.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Excellent book. I recommend it to anyone who enjoys great stories told in a unique way. Also, have no fear of suffering depression at the end. I have found that I can read sad books as long as there are moments of relief.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    ”The Art of Racing in the Rain” surprised me but not from the beginning. It started out slow diving into the relationships of Denny (the father) with that of his wife, his daughter and Enzo (his dog). Interestingly enough the book is written entirely from the perspective of Enzo as you get his perspective on the storyline as it develops. I felt this was a little distracting at times and the dreamy court sequence could have been eliminated with good editing but overall I was moved by the events. Admittedly I have three daughters so I can relate to the feelings of betrayal and abandonment that Denny must have felt when he lost his daughter. Denny is a race car driver looking for his big break and he marries into a family with money as he falls in love with Eve. The buy a little two bedroom house, struggle to make ends meet while raising their daughter and their beloved family dog Enzo. Unfortunately disaster strikes and Eve becomes very ill setting into play a series of events that pummel Denny left and right exhausting the reader with the constant battles this poor father faces on a daily basis. By the end you are amazed at the fortitude Denny possess and although he falters at times he keeps pulling himself back to the fight staying true to his family. One can only hope that all fathers would have the strength to weather the storm for their children but very few of us are ever forced to prove that we can. Denny was not so fortunate. The writing was decent and the storyline while starting off slow injected enough twists towards the middle and end raising the level of the book several notches by the time I was finished. If you are in the mood for a teary fight about love and family and the darkness that some people can inflict told through the eyes of a dog I would highly recommend this one. It is an easy read and casually entertaining.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Fantastic book.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I cried, I laughed and then I sobbed. Rarely, if ever has a book tugged at my emotions like this one. I devoured it in one sitting.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    One of the best dog-books out there! Enzo, the beloved pet dog, recounts his owner's story with the wisdom and innocence that only a dog could have. The plot is real and well-developed with Enzo's narration going well beyond that of the cliched "dopey" dog. This book brought me to tears and made me laugh out loud...don't pass it up!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Enzo the dog tells us about his life with his master, who likes to race cars. During the course of this book his master falls in love, gets married, has a child, loses his wife to cancer, gets sued by his child's grandparents for custody of the child, and also gets accused of rape. So Enzo has a lot to reflect on which he does with a candor and wisdom far beyond his doggy exterior. He also shows us that he has a capacity for love and acceptance far beyond what most humans can show. The reader who gets sucked into the sentimental journey of this book will thoroughly enjoy it, though there may be quite a few tears at the end. I definitely recommend it for those that like stories full of emotion.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A multi-layered, deeply moving, thought-provoking, life-affirming little novel, the art of racing in the rainis, on its surface, a dog's review of his life on his last night. Told from Enzo's (the dog's) point of view, the narration is nearly pitch-perfect. On a deeper level it is about a life's purpose--and not incidentally about love, heroism, personal identity, spirituality, and death. Enzo will stay with you long after you have closed the book.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This is a very enjoyable read, the story of a very commendable young man with commendable skills and commendable persistence in handling some very serious life obstacles...all told from the perspective of his very commendable dog. Again, it's a "good read", but ultimately it's only a very commendable, made-for-TV movie. I wouldn't call it just a guilty pleasure, but it's not great literature either. You won't be ashamed to read it. So go ahead.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    "The Art of Racing in the Rain" is a sweet story narrated by a dog name Enzo and his perception of the world around him. He has a great relationship with his owner who is a distressed racecar driver struggling to find work. Enzo loves car racing, and believes that he will be incarnated in his next life as a racecar driver. Although admittedly, the plot may seem a bit banal, I assure you the book is worth reading. Stein writes with care in attempting to narrate from a dog's point of view, and Enzo's account of life is heartwarming.I recommend this book to the animal lover and someone who enjoys a nice, quick read.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    The Art of Racing in the Rain Book Review 3 Stars Nice and simple story I laughed and I cried. A good read but not great. The book moved along well in the beginning but became a bit tiring. I enjoyed the dogs (Enzo) perspective but not the overkill of racing, racing techniques and racing statistics. I'm not a fan. I don't regret reading the book and would recommend it if you're a racing fan.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A sweet story of a dog who aspires to be human (and believes he will be in his next life)and his master, Denny, a race car driver. This tale is packed with survival techniques from a dog's perspective that prove effective when running the race of life against nearly unbearable obstacles. Enzo (the dog) tells us what it takes to be a champion. Dog lovers will appreciate this book.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A book not only for dog lovers, but for anyone that wants to live a life with meaning. Loved the book.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I finished [The Art of Racing in the Rain] and enjoyed it. A quick read. A dog book. There were tears, of course. There also was a happy ending. The book was set mostly in Seattle and I enjoyed the talking about Seattle neighborhoods, and the rain. It included a fair amount about auto racing, about which I know nothing, and care even less. I skimmed through most of that part and I am sure the author would chide me for missing the connections he drew between racing techniques and methods and a philosophy of life, including some reincarnation and karma. But all that aside it was a good quick story, believable, and I enjoyed reading the book. Recommended to most readers, especially those who love dogs. It is written from a dog's point of view and if you enjoy the fantasy that your dog knows even more than you do about how to live life, this book is definitely up your alley.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Excellent - heart-wrenching - lots of tears.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Read in Large Print version. Nice. Could read while on the treadmill.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    If you have ever shared your life with a dog, I think that you would appriciate this book. I loved this story even though it broke my heart. Enzo was like a little philosopher. He recalls his master's life both the challenging times and times of happiness, the way only a dog could. It was interesting view... how so many of us let our guard down and tell our dogs things we may not tell each other or things that we cannot tell anyone else. A perfect narrator!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Enzo is an old dog, declining in health and uninterested in becoming a burden to his beloved Denny -- a man who’s had so many family burdens already. And there’s another reason Enzo is ready to move on: he’s a philosopher dog, versed in spirituality and aware that, ”when a dog is finished living his lifetimes as a dog, his next incarnation will be as a man.” Woot! having opposable thumbs and a tongue that can form words -- what could be better?Using Denny’s excellence at auto racing as a guide for navigating life’s difficulties, Enzo narrates his life story with bachelor Denny and then wife Eve and daughter Zoë. Though the spirituality and racing metaphor grow a bit heavy-handed, this is a tender and imaginative look at people and life from a dog’s perspective.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Enzo is a mostly Labrador mixed breed dog who narrates the life he shared first with Denny, then his new wife, Eve and then the added daughter Zoe. This is his swan song. Enzo doesn’t mind, actually, he welcomes it. He’s lived a good life and wants Denny to do so, as well. Unencumbered. Plus, according to a tv show he watched on Mongolia, when he dies, he will come back as a man, thumbs, working tongue and all. Enzo is very philosophical, most endearing and totally understanding of the why of his existence, especially in his own household. Not long after Zoe’s 2nd Birthday and the new home move in, Enzo “smells the disease in Eve’s brain long before even she knew it was there.” Denny is a race car driver. Mostly enduro tracks. He actually missed the birth of his daughter due to a race. He and Enzo watch races together with Denny commenting on technique and his own experience. He had nailed the art of racing in the rain. Their lives encumber many obstacles that they stoically overcome, both with the patience of a seasoned racer. Other than a stuffed zebra, a squirrel and a patch of carpeting, one would juxtapose Enzo with Buddha. Tho this is a story, as much, about a dog’s death, it is also, more so, about a rebirth. Love this book. Love Enzo.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Yes, yes, this glurge succeded in making me cry (not difficult to do).

    I was not charmed by the anthropomorphic dog-as-narrator (although I do like some animal stories, like Lad A Dog, and Watership Down). I was expecting something a good bit lighter, and I resented caring about the over the top, contrived storyline that seemed pretty emotionally manipulative to me.

    I also take exception to the "Eve was talked into dying" philosophical angle in the story-- it reminded me of Louise Hay's unforgiveable and victim-blaming take that dying from AIDS (in the days before HAART) was all about emotional dysfunction. Nonsense! Let's all stay ignorant and in denial, shall we? Everything will work out somehow.

    A lot of the metaphor seemed forced to me and the calculated sentimentality did not float my boat. It wasn't a terrible book, and it was engaging. It just wasn't very good.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The story of race car driver Denny and his dog Enzo. Just starting this book you know you're going to cry. Humor, philosophy and the ups and downs of life make this book an enjoyable read.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A touching book, full of life lessons. I certainly understood the parallels between life and the lessons of the race driver, but I did skip a lot of the race descripitions in the middle and last part of the book.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Well some good bits first. It did help me understand more about car racing. And yes I liked the title as the theme for the story – we can get through the bad times etc. But the characters are flat and boarding on cliché – the kooky, brave loyal wife, the cute kid, the in-laws from hell , the silent strong hero struggling to do the best for his loved ones. In short, classic TV movie fodder. The use as a dog as the central narrator does allow for some interesting takes on the events but it gradually beggars belief – he can bark twice as requested to urge speed but can’t work any other code out in his time with the family? Then its downhill for me as the plot unfolds. The wife suffers months/years of a mega serious illness but loving husband and in-laws from hell don't get her to the hospital ( so why no coven of friends fighting her corner?) But once in and the consequences known, wife and child go to live with in-laws from hell and so create the added complications of the plot. And he’s working in some vague back office job yet manages to raise the serious levels of sponsorship needed for professional racing almost in passing. I suspect that as a spoken book and a film with the right cast it might work as character depth could be injected but for me it’s the first abandoned book of the year.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    One of the the books I recommend most, because I love it and because I think lots of different types of people would like it. My husband liked it because he thought it was about racing. I like it because I think it’s about families navigating through obstacles on the road of life. So, the story is told from the point of view of the family dog and before you think, oh, that’s corny, it’s not. I was hesitant at first too, but the dog point of view is very unique and well done. Enzo is the dog, well, actually a nearly human soul trapped in a dog’s body. Enzo has learned much from watching television and listening to Denny, his master and aspiring race car driver. As Enzo senses the end of his life, he recalls the family struggles: Denny’s unexpected loss of his wife, Eve, and the subsequent custody battle over Zoë, their daughter, whose maternal grandparents pull out all the dirty tricks. In the end, it is Enzo that comes to the rescue of the family and in the process, he thinks, learns what it takes to be a human. It is a great story of hope and perseverance in the face of despair. Read it. You’ll like it, but keep the tissues handy.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    When my book club picked this book, I though, ugh...a book written from a dog's perspective, how dumb. Am I even going to get through this one? Well, I did.This book is a triumph. I laughed, I cried, I got angry for Denny and his misfortunes. But with loyal Enzo at his side he tries to overcome all his adversities. This book is a reminder to everyone that although there are certainly hard times in life, push through to the other side. Absolutely amazing.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I am a dog owner/lover and a race fan. Needless to say, I loved this book. It was sad in some aspects, but the story told from the dog's point of view was clever and poignant. I now find myself looking at my dog and wondering what he is thinking about the events of his life, much as I imagined the sound of my dog's voice after seeing Disney's Homeward Bound with my kids.
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I postponed reading this book for quite a while because I thought it would be too sad, but a good friend of mine urged me to read it, certain I would love it as much as she did.Darn. I did NOT love it, and now must think of a way to explain to my friend why I didn't. Maybe I will just praise its strengths - vivid, evocative writing (the whole zebra subtext is fascinating) - and skip what I disliked. It broke my heart that Enzo hated being a dog, that he imagined someday he might be a real boy. Maybe it's because I feel the opposite way: I hope to come back as a dog. Dogs already know so much, and that's why their lives are so short. Dogs are innocent. The only reason there are bad dogs is because some human has worked really hard to break them.And the array of outrageous misfortunes that befall Denny: I got numbed by the manipulation and posturing. I did not believe it after a while. Serving papers on the exact day of a person's death? Forbidding a spouse's attendance at a damn funeral? This is rank melodrama and I resented it.I know I'm in the minority, so I'm glad so many other readers appreciated it. But give me a good Chet and Bernie mystery any day of the week and I'll be happy.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I really enjoyed this book (we were considering it for our one book read but the whole selection process turned into such a debacle that we did away with the program altogher.) I really liked this book--there were some objections to the dog narrator being as educated as he seems and using the language that he does--but how realistic can the idea of a talking dog be?There is some material that could be considered objectionable but it is plot integral. Some of my friends found the book overly sentimental but i (who is not a fan of sentimentality) felt very moved by it.

Book preview

The Art of Racing in the Rain - Garth Stein


Gestures are all that I have; sometimes they must be grand in nature. And while I occasionally step over the line and into the world of the melodramatic, it is what I must do in order to communicate clearly and effectively. In order to make my point understood without question. I have no words I can rely on because, much to my dismay, my tongue was designed long and flat and loose, and therefore, is a horribly ineffective tool for pushing food around my mouth while chewing, and an even less effective tool for making clever and complicated polysyllabic sounds that can be linked together to form sentences. And that’s why I’m here now waiting for Denny to come home—he should be here soon—lying on the cool tiles of the kitchen floor in a puddle of my own urine.

I’m old. And while I’m very capable of getting older, that’s not the way I want to go out. Shot full of pain medication and steroids to reduce the swelling of my joints. Vision fogged with cataracts. Puffy, plasticky packages of Doggie Depends stocked in the pantry. I’m sure Denny would get me one of those little wagons I’ve seen on the streets, the ones that cradle the hindquarters so a dog can drag his ass behind him when things start to fail. That’s humiliating and degrading. I’m not sure if it’s worse than dressing up a dog for Halloween, but it’s close. He would do it out of love, of course. I’m sure he would keep me alive as long as he possibly could, my body deteriorating, disintegrating around me, dissolving until there’s nothing left but my brain floating in a glass jar filled with clear liquid, my eyeballs drifting at the surface and all sorts of cables and tubes feeding what remains. But I don’t want to be kept alive. Because I know what’s next. I’ve seen it on TV. A documentary I saw about Mongolia, of all places. It was the best thing I’ve ever seen on television, other than the 1993 Grand Prix of Europe, of course, the greatest automobile race of all time in which Ayrton Senna proved himself to be a genius in the rain. After the 1993 Grand Prix, the best thing I’ve ever seen on TV is a documentary that explained everything to me, made it all clear, told the whole truth: when a dog is finished living his lifetimes as a dog, his next incarnation will be as a man.

I’ve always felt almost human. I’ve always known that there’s something about me that’s different than other dogs. Sure, I’m stuffed into a dog’s body, but that’s just the shell. It’s what’s inside that’s important. The soul. And my soul is very human.

I am ready to become a man now, though I realize I will lose all that I have been. All of my memories, all of my experiences. I would like to take them with me into my next life—there is so much I have gone through with the Swift family—but I have little say in the matter. What can I do but force myself to remember? Try to imprint what I know on my soul, a thing that has no surface, no sides, no pages, no form of any kind. Carry it so deeply in the pockets of my existence that when I open my eyes and look down at my new hands with their thumbs that are able to close tightly around their fingers, I will already know. I will already see.

The door opens, and I hear him with his familiar cry, Yo, Zo! Usually, I can’t help but put aside my pain and hoist myself to my feet, wag my tail, sling my tongue around, and shove my face into his crotch. It takes humanlike willpower to hold back on this particular occasion, but I do. I hold back. I don’t get up. I’m acting.


I hear his footsteps, the concern in his voice. He finds me and looks down. I lift my head, wag my tail feebly so it taps against the floor. I play the part.

He shakes his head and runs his hand through his hair, sets down the plastic bag from the grocery that has his dinner in it. I can smell roast chicken through the plastic. Tonight he’s having roast chicken and an iceberg lettuce salad.

Oh, Enz, he says.

He reaches down to me, crouches, touches my head like he does, along the crease behind the ear, and I lift my head and lick at his forearm.

What happened, kid? he asks.

Gestures can’t explain.

Can you get up?

I try, and I scramble. My heart takes off, lunges ahead because no, I can’t. I panic. I thought I was just acting, but I really can’t get up. Shit. Life imitating art.

Take it easy, kid, he says, pressing down on my chest to calm me. I’ve got you.

He lifts me easily, he cradles me, and I can smell the day on him. I can smell everything he’s done. His work, the auto shop where he’s behind the counter all day, standing, making nice with the customers who yell at him because their BMWs don’t work right and it costs too much to fix them and that makes them mad so they have to yell at someone. I can smell his lunch. He went to the Indian buffet he likes. All you can eat. It’s cheap, and sometimes he takes a container with him and steals extra portions of the tandoori chicken and yellow rice and has it for dinner, too. I can smell beer. He stopped somewhere. The Mexican restaurant up the hill. I can smell the tortilla chips on his breath. Now it makes sense. Usually, I’m excellent with elapsed time, but I wasn’t paying attention because of my emoting.

He places me gently in the tub and turns on the handheld shower thing and says, Easy, Enz.

He says, Sorry I was late. I should have come straight home, but the guys from work insisted. I told Craig I was quitting, and…

He trails off, and I realize that he thinks that my accident was because he was late. Oh, no. That’s not how it was meant. It’s so hard to communicate because there are so many moving parts. There’s presentation and there’s interpretation and they’re so dependent on each other it makes things very difficult. I didn’t want him to feel bad about this. I wanted him to see the obvious, that it’s okay for him to let me go. He’s been going through so much, and he’s finally through it. He needs to not have me around to worry about anymore. He needs me to free him to be brilliant.

He is so brilliant. He shines. He’s beautiful with his hands that grab things and his tongue that says things and the way he stands and chews his food for so long, mashing it into a paste before he swallows. I will miss him and little Zoë, and I know they will miss me. But I can’t let sentimentality cloud my grand plan. After this happens, Denny will be free to live his life, and I will return to earth in a new form, as a man, and I will find him and shake his hand and comment on how talented he is, and then I will wink at him and say, Enzo says hello, and turn and walk quickly away as he calls after me, Do I know you? He will call, Have we met before?

After the bath he cleans the kitchen floor while I watch; he gives me my food, which I eat too quickly again, and sets me up in front of the TV while he prepares his dinner.

How about a tape, he says.

Yes, a tape, I reply, but of course, he doesn’t hear me.

He puts in a video from one of his races and he turns it on and we watch. It’s one of my favorites. The racetrack is dry for the pace lap, and then just after the green flag is waved, indicating the start of the race, there is a wall of rain, a torrential downpour that engulfs the track, and all the cars around him spin out of control into the fields and he drives through them as if the rain didn’t fall on him, like he had a magic spell that cleared water from his path. Just like the 1993 Grand Prix of Europe, when Senna passed four cars on the opening lap, four of the best championship drivers in their championship cars—Schumacher, Wendlinger, Hill, Prost—and he passed them all. Like he had a magic spell.

Denny is as good as Ayrton Senna. But no one sees him because he has responsibilities. He has his daughter, Zoë, and he had his wife, Eve, who was sick until she died, and he has me. And he lives in Seattle when he should live somewhere else. And he has a job. But sometimes when he goes away he comes back with a trophy and he shows it to me and tells me all about his races and how he shone on the track and taught those other drivers in Sonoma or Texas or Mid-Ohio what driving in wet weather is really about.

When the tape is over he says, Let’s go out, and I struggle to get up.

He lifts my butt into the air and centers my weight over my legs and then I’m okay. To show him, I rub my muzzle against his thigh.

There’s my Enzo.

We leave our apartment; the night is sharp, cool and breezy and clear. We only go down the block and back because my hips hurt so much, and Denny sees. Denny knows. When we get back, he gives me my bedtime cookies and I curl into my bed on the floor next to his. He picks up the phone and dials.

Mike, he says. Mike is Denny’s friend from the shop where they both work behind the counter. Customer relations, they call it. Mike’s a little guy with friendly hands that are pink and always washed clean of smell. Mike, can you cover for me tomorrow? I have to take Enzo to the vet again.

We’ve been going to the vet a lot recently to get different medicines that are supposed to help make me more comfortable, but they don’t, really. And since they don’t, and considering all that went on yesterday, I’ve set the Master Plan in motion.

Denny stops talking for a minute, and when he starts again, his voice doesn’t sound like his voice. It’s rough, like when he has a cold or allergies.

I don’t know, he says. I’m not sure it’s a round trip visit.

I may not be able to form words, but I understand them. And I’m surprised by what he said, even though I set it up. For a moment, I’m surprised my plan is working. It is the best thing for all involved, I know. It’s the right thing for Denny to do. He’s done so much for me, my whole life. I owe him the gift of setting him free. Letting him ascend. We had a good run, and now it’s over; what’s wrong with that?

I close my eyes and listen vaguely in a half sleep as he does the things he does before he sleeps each night. Brushing and squirting and splashing. So many things. People and their rituals. They cling to things so hard sometimes.


He picked me out of a pile of puppies, a tangled, rolling mass of paws and ears and tails, behind a barn in a smelly field near a town in eastern Washington called Spangle. I don’t remember much about where I came from, but I remember my mother, a heavy bitch of a lab with pendulous teats that swung to and fro as my littermates and I chased them down from across the yard. Honestly, our mother didn’t seem to like us much, and she was fairly indifferent to whether we ate or starved. She seemed relieved whenever one of us left. One fewer yipping mammal tracking her down to bleed her of her milk.

I never knew my father. The people on the farm told Denny that he was a shepherd-poodle mix, but I don’t believe it. I never saw a dog that looked like that on the farm, and while the lady was nice, the alpha man was a mean bastard who would look you in the eyes and lie even if telling the truth would serve him better. He expounded at length on the relative intelligence of dog breeds, and he firmly believed that shepherds and poodles were the smart ones, and therefore would be more desirable—and more valuable—when bred back to a lab for temperament. All a bunch of junk. Everyone knows that shepherds and poodles aren’t especially smart. They’re responders and reactors, not independent thinkers. Especially the blue-eyed sheep dogs from Down Under that people make such a fuss over when they catch a Frisbee. Sure, they’re clever and quick, but they don’t think outside the box; they’re all about convention.

I’m sure my father was a terrier. Because terriers are problem solvers. They’ll do what you tell them, but only if it happens to be in line with what they wanted to do anyway. There was a terrier like that on the farm. An Airedale. Big and brown-black and tough. No one messed with him. He didn’t stay with us in the gated field behind the house. He stayed in the barn down the hill by the creek where the men went to fix their tractors. But sometimes he would come up the hill, and when he did, everyone steered clear. Word in the field was he was a fighting dog the alpha man kept separate because he’d kill a dog for sniffing in his direction. He’d rip the fur from a nape because of a lazy glance. And when a bitch was in heat, he’d mount her good and go about his business without a thought about who was watching or who cared. I’ve often wondered if he sired me. I have his brown-black coloring and my coat is slightly wiry, and people frequently comment that I must be part terrier. I like to think I came from a determined gene pool.

I remember the heat on the day I left the farm. Every day was hot in Spangle, and I thought the world was just a hot place because I never knew what cold was about. I had never seen rain, didn’t know much about water. Water was the stuff in the buckets that the older dogs drank, and it was the stuff the alpha man sprayed out of the hose and into the faces of dogs who might want to pick a fight. But the day Denny arrived was exceptionally hot. My littermates and I were tussling around like we always did, and a hand reached into the pile and found my scruff and suddenly I was dangling high in the air.

This one, a man said.

It was my first glimpse of the rest of my life. He was slender, with long and lean muscles. Not a large man, but assertive. He had keen, icy blue eyes. His choppy hair and short, scruffy beard were dark and wiry, like an Irish terrier.

The pick of the litter, the lady said. She was nice; I always liked it when she cuddled us in her soft lap. The sweetest. The best.

We were thinkin’ a keepin’ ’im, the alpha man said, stepping up with his big boots caked with mud from the creek where he was patching a fence. That was the line he always used. Hell, I was a pup only a dozen weeks old, and I’d already heard that line a bunch of times. He used it to get more money.

Will you let him go?

Fur a price, the alpha man said, squinting at the sky, bleached a pale blue by the sun. Fur a price.


Very gently. Like there are eggshells on your pedals, Denny always says, "and you don’t want to break them. That’s how you drive in the rain."

When we watch videos together—which we’ve done ever since the very first day I met him—he explains these things to me. (To me!) Balance, anticipation, patience. These are all vital. Peripheral vision, seeing things you’ve never seen before. Kinesthetic sensation, driving by the seat of the pants. But what I’ve always liked best is when he talks about having no memory. No memory of things he’d done just a second before. Good or bad. Because memory is time folding back on itself. To remember is to disengage from the present. In order to reach any kind of success in automobile racing, a driver must never remember.

Which is why drivers compulsively record their every move, their every race, with cockpit cameras, in-car video, data mapping; a driver cannot be a witness to his own greatness. This is what Denny says. He says racing is doing. It is being a part of a moment and being aware of nothing else but that moment. Reflection must come at a later time. The great champion Julian SabellaRosa has said, When I am racing, my mind and my body are working so quickly and so well together, I must be sure not to think, or else I will definitely make a mistake.


Denny moved me far from the farm in Spangle, to a Seattle neighborhood called Leschi where he lived in a little apartment he rented on Lake Washington. I didn’t enjoy apartment living much, as I was used to wide-open spaces and I was very much a puppy; still, we had a balcony that overlooked the lake, which gave me pleasure since I am part water dog, on my mother’s side.

I grew quickly, and during that first year, Denny and I forged a deep fondness for each other as well as a feeling of trust. Which is why I was surprised when he fell in love with Eve so quickly.

He brought her home and she was sweet smelling, like him. Full of fermented drinks that made them both act funny, they were hanging on each other like they had too many clothes between them, and they were pulling at each other, tugging, biting lips and jabbing fingers and yanking at hair, all elbows and toes and saliva. They fell onto the bed and he mounted her and she said, The field is fertile—beware! And he said, I embrace the fertility. And he plowed the field until it grasped the sheets in its fists, arched its back, and cried out with joy.

When he got up to splash in the bathroom, she patted my head, which hovered low to the floor, me still being immature at just over a year old, and a little bit intimidated by all the screaming. She said, You don’t mind if I love him, too, do you? I won’t come between you.

I respected her for asking, but I knew that she would come between us, and I found her preemptive denial to be disingenuous.

I tried not to act off-putting because I knew how infatuated Denny was with her. But I admit I was less than embracing of her presence. And because of that, she was less than embracing of me. We were both satellites orbiting Denny’s sun, struggling for gravitational supremacy. Of course, she had the advantage of her tongue and her thumbs, and when I watched her kiss and fondle him sometimes she would glance at me and wink as if to gloat: Look at my thumbs! See what they can do!


Monkeys have thumbs.

Practically the dumbest species on the planet, next to the duck-billed platypus, who make their dens underwater even though they breathe the air. The platypus is horribly stupid, but is only slightly dumber than a monkey. Yet monkeys have thumbs. Those monkey-thumbs were meant for dogs. Give me my thumbs, you fucking monkeys! (I love the Al Pacino remake of Scarface, very much, though it doesn’t compare to the Godfather movies, which are excellent.)

I watch too much TV. When Denny goes away in the mornings, he turns it on for me, and it’s become a habit. He warned me not to watch all day, but I do. Fortunately, he knows I love cars, so he lets me watch a lot of Speed Channel. The classic races are the best, and I especially like Formula One. I like NASCAR, too, but I prefer it when they race on the road circuits. While racing is my favorite, Denny told me it was good for me to have variety in my life, so he often puts on other channels, which I enjoy very much as well.

Sometimes if I’m watching the History Channel or the Discovery Channel or PBS or even one of the kids’ channels—when Zoë was little I’d end up spending half the day trying to pry goofy jingles out of my brain—I learn about other cultures and other ways of life, and then I start thinking about my own place in the world and what makes sense and what doesn’t.

They talk a lot about Darwin; pretty much every educational channel has some kind of show about evolution at some point, and it’s usually really well thought out and researched. However, I don’t understand why people insist on pitting the concepts of evolution and creation against each other. Why can’t they see that spiritualism and science are one? That bodies evolve and souls evolve and the universe is a fluid place that marries them both in a wonderful package called a human being. What’s wrong with that idea?

The scientific theorists go on and on about how monkeys are the closest evolutionary relative of people. But that’s speculation. Based on what? Based on the fact that certain ancient craniums have been found to be similar to modern man’s? What does that prove? Based on the fact that some primates walk on two feet? Being bipedal isn’t even an advantage. Look at the human foot, full of bent toes and calcium deposits and pus draining from ingrown claws that aren’t even

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