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Vampires—the Cursed Ones—have declared war on humanity. Most people are too afraid or unwilling to take a stand, but eighteen-year-old Jenn Leitner trains to become a vampire hunter, risking everything in the process. When Jenn falls for Antonio, a vampire fighting on the side of humanity, she discovers a love that transcends attraction and physical consummation. But the closer Jenn and Antonio become, the greater the danger. Together, they must fight for their love—and to bring light into the darkness the vampires have drawn over the face of the planet.
PublisherSimon Pulse
Release dateSep 7, 2010

Nancy Holder

USA TODAY bestselling author Nancy Holder is thrilled to be back at Harlequin/Silhouette where she sold her first two novels many years ago (for a young-adult line that no longer exists.) In answer to recent queries, yes, she is "that" Nancy Holder, who wrote for Bantam Loveswept, and also Laurel Chandler. She wrote thirteen category and women's fiction single titles before writing two erotic horror novels with her coauthor, Melanie Tem, and a solo horror novel titled Dead in the Water, which received a Bram Stoker Award from the Horror Writers Association. Soon after that, Nancy was asked to write an original novel based on the TV show, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and working with other writers and solo, she has wound up writing more Buffy and Angel material (including show guides) than any other writer. She has written for Buffy since the show went on the air, and her latest Buffy effort is on the stands now. She has also written tie-in books for Smallville, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Highlander and other "universes." She also writes a lot of young adult and children's fiction, sometimes under various "house" names. She loves retold fairy tales, and has worked on those as well. Nancy has lived in San Diego for most of her adult life, and is a doting mother to her daughter. The Holder women recently sold their first collaborative effort, a short story about Lightning the Mouse, to an anthology. Lightning is a brown mouse that belongs to her daughter. They also have two cats, Kittnen Snow and David. Nancy is a Jazzercise devotee and also studies yoga. She dropped out of high school to become a ballet dancer in Germany, but a number of injuries sidelined her. She figure that's just as well - she's very happy with being a freelance writer. Nancy is a charter member of both RWA and HWA (the Horror Writers Association). She also belongs to the IAMTW, the International Association of Media Tie-in Writers; and Persephone, which is an organisation for women horror writers. She attends a lot of science fiction and fantasy cons. She learned about the Silhouette Bombshell line at a fantasy convention from a friend of hers who used to write scripts for Xena. Nancy also teaches at the University of California San Diego through the Extension department, and has also taught at the Maui Writers Retreat and in other venues. She is delighted to report that several of her students have gone on to great publishing success, which is just as thrilling to her as selling something herself. You can check for classes if you're local at You can also email her through the web site. Please feel free to "snail mail" her (including a self-addressed, stamped envelope, please) at: Nancy Holder, P.O. Box 26384, San Diego, CA 92196, USA.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    good!! really set me up for the next one!
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    I tried... I really did try. I had thought I'd like this title after hearing about a great book talk the authors did regarding it earlier this year. After reading diligently for 300 pages, however, I had to move onto skimming the rest of the text. The story sounded interesting, but for some reason, the writing and story just didn't grab me.

  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    This book was so cheesy and 90s. That may not make much sense as a description, but it just was. It's also predictable and very much follows along with the popular themes of the day, without trying to do anything particularly original. The authors' constantly and annoyingly get off on a pretension to being extremely knowledgeable in every foreign language. Very few pages do not include at least one foreign word as an ejaculation from one of the characters. The main character is pretty much the only one who does not drop words of another language at every opportunity.

    As with the languages, the diversity of the characters, who are a veritable grab bag of nationalities, should have been fun. But it wasn't. It was just the device whereby the authors could pretend to be exceedingly clever, while writing sentences of low complexity and constructing an even lesser plot.

    The whole thing is overdramatic and obnoxious: the diction, the characters, and the emotions felt. Poor Jenn whines through the whole book (except the last page) about her lack of awesome; everyone else in her group has amazing slaying skills, but she is a big ol' klutz (the whole Bella Swan ploy to catch yourself a sexy, schmexy vampire). This kind of heroine is so obnoxious; girls should read books by Kristin Cashore, Suzanne Collins and Tamora Pierce to see what real heroines are. The (forbidden!) love of Antonio and Jenn is the other main theme of the book and even that is not done well. It's not particularly sexy or gushy or sappy or intense. The characters have no chemistry. Neither seems particularly to like the other one, despite their constant inner monologue soliloquies to that effect.

    I do not recommend Crusade, as may be apparent. I am sure it will have dedicated readers, as these authors wrote a popular series on witches. That's fine, but I, for one, am done.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Contemporary, Paranormal, Spain, San Francisco and New OrleansJenn has been studying, living and training for the past two years at Spain’s Sacred Heart Academy Against the Cursed Ones. She is one of the few that have pledged to defend humanity against the vampires or at least die trying. The vampires though are gaining power and the battle has just begun.She is forced to return home after the death of a family member. While in San Francisco Jenn discovers that it is now a stronghold for the vampires. She is a lone hunter apart from her team and because of that isolation she is now at risk. She needs and craves the company of her fighting partner Antonio. She wants his protection, reassurance and his touch. Though a relationship with Antonio has its own risks and the closer they get the more Jenn ultimately has to lose. Now Jenn is facing a betrayal by someone that was once bound to protect her. She now has to face her doubts about everything she has believed to be true. If Jenn is going to survive she needs to trust in herself and her heart. This is the start of a trilogy that while written about vampires proves to be story that is all its own. The plot is fascinating and very different. Reading how the characters interact with each other and how they react to each situation is interesting and pulls the reader into the story. It will also have readers wanting the next book just to see how everything works out or if it is even possible for it to be fixed. It also has several mysteries that while not quite answered in the first book makes for an interesting puzzle to solve. With every answer provided there are still more to be solved and will have readers looking forward to seeing just what drives each and every character in the book. This is one worth checking out.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I just kept expecting more from the story. It was nearly a good story but somehow it didn't convince me that it's worth following. Jenn is an American training in a church run training camp in Spain to hunt vampires. She love Antonio, a vampire who hunts other vampires and the rest of the team who work together to fight the vampires who are trying to convince humanity that really they aren't evil.Another commenter said that it's almost Buffy but not quite, and I would agree. The characters didn't feel all that fleshed out and I didn't really care for them. I finished it but didn't really care much about following up on it.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Crusade was a book that originally ended up on my TBR list because of the cover. It was so full of promises of dark action and adventure that I immediately wanted to know what it was about. The blurb made me even more curious and when a copy landed in my mailbox last year I knew I'd get to it sooner rather than later. It didn't disappoint - the characters, the writing, the suspence and the action kept the story going and me glued to the book for a full two days. The premise of vampires revealing their existence to the world, forming alliances with humans under false pretenses and then taking over was new to me and the idea of teens from all over the world learning to fight them at specialized academies seemed like a pretty cool counterweight and I liked the way it was executed. Crusade packs an interesting cast of characters and in a series of flashbacks tells a bit about them. There's a witch, a werewolf, a devout Catholic vampire, an IRA fighter, a wannabe samurai, a priest who's got more secrets than all of them put together and those are the good guys. Holder and Viguié are very gradual with the revelations and by the time the novel ends it's clear that we don't know the half of it. That's actually one of the things that dampened my enthusiasm - you usually expect that by the end of the last chapter there'd be a resolution of sorts but here at the end of the book things are just getting started. Not a bad thing for a series of course, but I guess I expected more of an "ending" than a minor lull in action. I'm not usually a fan of extensive flashbacks because they tend to slow down the action but here they were actually very effective at making the characters more real. Through their past we get a better sense of who they are which is great because they are secretive with each other and without these insights they'd be a lot more one-dimensional, which is never a good thing. Another thing I didn't particularly enjoy was the angsty vampire and the much-heard/seen/read "I love her so much but we can't be together because I'm no good". Come on people, there are only so many ways this sort of thing can be spun and seems like they've all been done. And here's another thought - why not make the girl the dangerous one, the one who has to hold back? Why is it always the guy? I liked the writing and the way things developed. The dialogue flowed well, every character had a unique voice and there was just enough suspence to keep me guessing as to the identity of the possible traitor in the midst of the Hunters. I think I know where things are heading but then again the authors have planted enough false clues to keep things interesting. It was refreshing to see vampires as the bad guys and here they are very bad guys. Cunning, cruel, crafty and murderous. Sunlight and holy water hurt them and a stake through the heart is a sure way to get rid of one. (I can hear the Twilight haters cheering.) There's also black magic, warewolves allied with the vampires and humans ready to betray their own kind so this book is pretty juicy and it sets up the scene well for an even jucier sequel, which by the way is already out so look for Damned if you like this first book in the series. I sure will be looking it up at the library.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Crusade is a great book with a complex and intriguing plot. This is one of those books that should be made into an action movie. The action scenes remind me of movies like Blade, very intense the kind where your afraid to blink because you might miss something. After a vampire named Solomon goes public the world turns into utter chaos. Some countries have claimed equal rights with vampires, some are trying to fight back, Some are fighting civil wars among themselves. This is how I imagine things going down if vampires were actually real, it's not pretty and some of it is just terrifying. The book is told from multiple POV's, the team of hunters all trained in Salamanca Spain. They are all completely different from one another and intriguing in their own rights making the all the different view points really work to the advantage of the story. Jenn, the main character is a girl from California who wants to fight back against the vampires. She is a great fighter but has no confidence in herself. Skye is a white witch who joined the academy to hide from someone. Jamie is an Irishmen who joined to get revenge for the loss of his family. Holgar is a Danish werewolf, who's pretty mysterious, I didn't figure out his reason for being there. Eriko is a Japanese girl who lost her best friends to the vampires and Antonio is as far as anyone knows the only vampire fighting on the humans side.I really enjoyed every aspect of this book, I think it can be read and loved by all ages. I'm giving Crusade 4 out of 5.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    A group of six young adults trying to get past prejudices and cultural differences to form a cohesive unit to slay vampires. Vampires have come out and pretty much control the world. They have taken over governments with the promise of changing the leaders into immortals. They terrorize humanity and basically governments and law enforcement turn a blind eye. In Spain, a Catholic Priest has helped train and empower youth to take up the fight against the vampires. Father Juan used magic and his faith to form a group of hunters. Though he knows that he picked the correct people, they cannot seem to get their act together. There is a lot of animosity and bickering. Three of the group have supernatural powers. Two are warriors, and then there is Jenn. The story revolves around Jenn. Her struggle to fit into the group and the betrayal of one she loves. She finds herself on a journey to save her sister, and in turn finds herself. I enjoyed the plot line and the fast paced story. The first part left me with a feeling of deja vu. I can't figure out why. This is an interesting and great beginning to a series. I look forward to the second book, "Damned"
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    An okay read, nothing spectacular. Borrow from a library don't buy it!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I thought this book was doomed from the start. I opened it, read the first page, and went "Damn, another vampire story? It better not have werewolves and a sparkle-pire-killer-who-wants-redemption or I'm out". Turns out it did have werewolves and a sparkle-pire, but it was well enough done that I didn't mind too much. In fact, I'm rather "eh" about this book, but I think that's really sad, because 5 years ago I would have been excited about it. It's actually a very good book. I'm just so, so over vampires. No more vampire or angel stories, plz. For a retelling of Buffy it's good, and rather reminiscent of Rampant and Ascendant in both plotting and story style, it's got some promise. Not entirely sure I'll get the sequel, though. Seriously, vampire-d out.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    The book was a little slow for me in the beginning. After a while I was able to get into it. Like everyone Jenn has a past. A past she left behind and now has to face it. Her worst enemy is also her lover. A love she had held onto like a lifeline. Now Jenn has to become strong and face her world without him.Like I said before this book was slow. The story line was good but I felt like it needed more action. With talk of war, fights with family and friends, I wanted more. Now the romance was written perfectly. I love Antonio and his fierce love for Jenn. I love how he fought his nature. Even though he different, he fought not to be that way, but to be someone different. I admired hm for that. I also admired Jenn strength to fight and never give up. You can literally see her character grow right in front of your eyes. She was scared but then became fearless. I love it when that happens.The betrayals in this book was good. Some of them made my jaw drop. Seriously some people can be so cold. After that bomb I put away the book to let out some steam. But wow, it was good.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Review courtesy of All Things Urban FantasyCRUSADE takes us into a very believable apocalyptic world and paints a vivid possible future wherein vampires have stepped out of the shadows under the guise of friendship, lulled us into complacency, and when we were at our most vulnerable, they revealed their true nature.Jenn was thirteen when the slaughter began. She was helpless to watch as her friends and family soon began spouting vampire propaganda and making excuses for freedoms they were forced to give-up. The vampires still maintained a show of friendship with humanity that is very reminiscent of Big Brother’s control in Orwell’s 1984. Those who spoke out against the vampires had accidents or simply disappeared. The story begins with Jenn, now seventeen, and her team hunting a group of vampires in a little town in Spain. A lot of characters are introduced in a very short period of time and unfortunately none of them ever distinguished themselves clearly enough for me to care about them. There’s a witch, a werewolf, a sympathetic vampire, a superhuman, and then Jenn. Jenn feels like the weak member of her team because she has no special skills or abilities and I have to agree with her. The promised romance from the description is about as dull as I can remember reading in a long time. Neither Jenn or Antonio ever showed me why they were in love. We were just told from the first chapter that they were. They repeated that they love each other throughout CRUSADE, but it felt pretty hollow. The story jumps from multiple POVs and time periods all building up to the final showdown with a particularly nasty vampire, but by then the appeal of this world had been overshadowed and I had long since stopped caring. I think I could have gotten more on board with CRUSADE if the story had started when Jenn first arrived at Sacred Heart Academy. We would have gotten to see her learn all her fierce vampire slaying skills, meet her eventual hunter teammates, and most importantly, see how she and Antonio fell in love. That could have been an interesting story. Instead, this very cool vampire apocalypse world is essentially wasted on a lethargic plot and an overabundance of flat characters. Sexual Content: Kissing
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    This book sounded awesome when I read the book blurb and I was so excited when I was able to review it. When all is said and done I am feeling ambivalent about this book. It feels like it has the potential to be a great series but I just wasn’t loving it.What worked?I liked the setup in a world that like in the Sookie Stackhouse series (or the True Blood TV series) vampires have gone public but instead of co-existing somewhat peacefully with humans they are basically at war. Jenn’s teammate Skye is a witch who is hiding a secret of her own and that sub-plot intrigued me and left me wanting to find out what is going to happen. Another team member, Jamie, despises vampires and werewolves but is forced to fight side by side with both. He wants to kill both team members but will he? Or will he overcome his hatred?What didn’t work?Jenn. I know Jenn was supposed to come off as self-conscious and possessing low self-esteem but I think it was taken too far and I started nodding my head that yes, she does seem pretty worthless to the team. She did not seem to experience any growth to show that she was growing in self-confidence and was really a useful part of the team. I am really hoping we see her evolve more in the next book otherwise I might have a hard time sticking with the series.Antonio. He’s your brooding, conscious ridden vampire who loves Jenn but is afraid to hurt her. Should he stay or should he go? Honestly, I did not really care one way or another.I will definitely pick up the next book to see what happens but Jenn and Antonio really need to step it up.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Vampires, and werewolves, and witches, and....OH MY! Paranormal creatures abound in the latest release from this marvelous writing duo and they are at war. Okay, so that in a general sense isn't that unexpected but the level to which it has reached truly is. Nations are falling to the power of the Cursed Ones and there are only a few that stand in their way....the Resistance and the Salamancans. Who will win in this ultimate power struggle especially when family and friends are involved? Only time will tell...Wow...what can I say? This is a pretty hefty choice for a YA novel but a great start to a new series. There are spots in which the story seemed to drag a little but rest assured those few instances are bringing you towards a greater end. Definite recommendation for YA readers of all ages. The only "questionable" aspects are rather PG (think along the lines of "Twilight") so anyone who enjoys the YA genre with paranormal twists should be readily entertained by this one.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I do a little jig every time I read a book where the vampires don't glitter and have blood lust. Can I get a hell yes for a story that evokes Buffy? I won't lie, I love a good kick ass story. I enjoy a whole lot of action, especially when that action involves stakes.Crusade by Nancy Holder and Debbie Viguie is set in the future. Sort of like the Sookie Stackhouse books, vampires have revealed their presence to the world at large. However, the vampires don't want to make nice and they do not have an artificial blood substitute like TruBlood. The vamps are known as The Cursed Ones. Some of the humans have decided the acquiesce to the Cursed Ones and let them do whatever they want for the illusion of safety. Other humans, however, have decided to fight back. They are known as hunters. In my mind, I call them slayers. You know why.There is quite a large cast of characters in Crusade. This has the potential to be confusing, as the book, while told in third person, often jumps in scenery. For example, I was reading about a fight going down in Spain, then the book would jump to a character in New Orleans. I did not really mind the jumping, as I felt it kept the story fresh. As for the characters, it was give and take for me. There is a priest named Father Juan, who is the teacher of the slayers. I thought he was fascinating. Then, of course, there was the main character, Jenn, who I will admit -- I felt was a bit stale. I mean, I have read her character before, girl who thinks she is not unique or special, but it turns out she is a snowflake after all. I thought the side characters were much more engaging. Jamie, one of the hunters, is a former IRA member. He's hot-blooded, quick tempered, and ready to jump into any battle. He's clearly battling with some inner-demons. THEN we have Eriko, who is the Hunter, meaning she got to sip the magic juice. Eriko is Japanese, and the story of why she decides to go to hunter school is fascinating. As far as the writing goes, the story is very fun and full of action. However, I did not think Crusade was on level with the writing quality of, say, A Northern Light or The Book Thief. Although, I feel when you read a vampire novel, do you really expect a literary masterpiece? I certainly do not. I expect escapism, blood, and perhaps a bit of fun, which is precisely what I got from Crusade.

Book preview

Crusade - Nancy Holder


Also by Nancy Holder

and Debbie Viguié


Witch & Curse

Wicked 2

Legacy & Spellbound


This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people,

or real locales are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


An imprint of Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing Division

1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020

First Simon Pulse hardcover edition September 2010

Copyright © 2010 by Nancy Holder and Debbie Viguié

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Holder, Nancy.

Crusade / by Nancy Holder and Debbie Viguié — 1st Simon Pulse hardcover ed.

p. cm.

Summary: An international team of six teenaged vampire hunters, trained in Salamanca, Spain, goes to New Orleans seeking to rescue team member Jenn’s younger sister as the vampires escalate their efforts to take over the Earth.

ISBN 978-1-4169-9802-0

[1. Vampires—Fiction. 2. Guerrilla warfare—Fiction. 3. Supernatural—Fiction.

4. Sisters—Fiction. 5. Horror stories.] I. Viguié, Debbie. II. Title.

PZ7.H70326Cru 2010 [Fic]—dc22 2010009094

ISBN 978-1-4169-9808-2 (eBook)

To my daughter, Belle Holder. I would fight

a million vampires for you, my darling girl.

And I would beat them all.

— N. H.

To my father, Richard Reynolds, who continually

teaches me that there are things in this world

worth fighting for.

—D. V.


I’m so grateful to everyone who has joined us on this crusade. A novel is a huge undertaking, and a new series is an even bigger one. Thank you to the legions who helped us on the journey, most especially our fantastic agent, Howard Morhaim, and our truly wonderful editor, Annette Pollert, as well as our Simon & Schuster family, including Bethany Buck, Mara Anastas, Paul Crichton, Taryn Rosada, Bess Braswell, Venessa Williams, Sammy Yuen, Mike Rosamilia, Katherine Devendorf, Karen Sherman, and Stacey Sakal. Gracias to Lawrence Schimel, who helped with the Spanish; any errors are ours. My deepest thanks and love to Debbie, my comrade in arms, my coauthor, and my dearest friend. My gratitude to Debbie’s husband, Dr. Scott Viguié, who kept us both sane. Thanks also to Katie Menick, and to Kate McKean, also included in our literary representation. Thanks to my family, and to Richard Dean Anderson for starring in my favorite show. And besitos to my homegirls—Pam Escobedo, Amy Schricker, and Beth Hogan.

—N. H.

So many people have joined us in bringing Crusade to the world, and their tireless efforts have ensured that this story was all it could be. I would especially like to thank Howard Morhaim, a great agent, and Annette Pollert, a wonderful editor, for their enthusiasm and support. Thank you to Nancy, the best collaborator anyone could ever wish for. Thank you as well to Belle Holder for her energy and encouragement. I would also like to thank my husband, Scott, my mother, Barbara, and my friends Calliope, Juliette, and Ann. I would fight vampires with you any day!

—D. V.



On a dark night,

kindled in love with yearnings~

oh, happy chance!

I went forth without being observed,

my house being now at rest.

—St. John of the Cross,

sixteenth-century mystic of Salamanca


For thousands of years the Cursed Ones hid in the shadows, fooling mankind into thinking they didn’t exist. Then one day they just . . . stopped. Skeptics turned into believers one fateful dawn. And no one was ever safe again.

No one knows why they made themselves known. Why they chose a Valentine’s Day in the early twenty-first century to reveal their presence. Some say it had something to do with the end of the world. Others that they simply grew tired of hiding.

I was twelve when Solomon, the leader of the vampires, first appeared on TV and lied through his fangs to all of us. Thirteen when the war broke out. Fifteen when the United States declared a truce . . . when, in reality, we surrendered, and the nightmare really began.

Even after that, many of us couldn’t bring ourselves to actually say the word vampire. It was as if once we admitted it, then we’d have to believe in extraterrestrials or government conspiracies, too. Or in witches and werewolves . . . in anything and everything that could destroy us. Because we could be destroyed. We lost something so precious—our faith that eventually everything would be all right. Because it wasn’t all right . . . and few believed it ever would be again.

So among those of us who swore not to abandon all hope, vampires came to be called the Cursed Ones. We learned that it was the name given to them long ago by those few groups who knew of their existence yet never shared the knowledge. But the vampires weren’t the cursed ones—we were. They had seduced us with their hypnotic smiles and talk of peaceful coexistence and immortality even as they had mounted a war against us. Then they sought to turn us into their slaves, and drink from rivers of our blood.

I’m nearly eighteen now, and I have learned something about myself I might never have known, if I’d been able to live an ordinary life.

But there is nothing ordinary about my life.


Including me.

—from the diary of Jenn Leitner,

discovered in the ashes




Barely sunset, and death exploded all around Jenn Leitner.

It was a trap, she thought.

The sky crackled with flames; oily smoke choked the air and burned her lungs. Jenn struggled not to cough, fearing that the sound would expose her. On her elbows and knees, her dark auburn hair loose and falling into her eyes, she crawled from beneath the red-tiled roof of the medieval church as it collapsed in a crash of orange sparks. Fragments of tile, stone, and burning wood ricocheted toward the blood-colored moon, plummeting back down to the earth like bombs. She dug in her elbows and pushed forward with the toes of her boots, grunting as a large, fiery chunk of wood landed on her back with a sizzle. She fought to stay silent as the pain seared through her. Biting her lip hard, she tasted coppery blood as she rolled to extinguish the flames.

Next to her, Antonio de la Cruz hissed a warning. The scent of her blood would fill the night air, attracting the vampires they’d been sent to hunt—but who were hunting them instead. When Jenn was little, her grandmother had told her that sharks could smell a drop of blood in the water half a mile away. She hadn’t gone in the ocean since. Cursed Ones could smell blood more than a mile away. With sharks you could choose to stay out of the water. With Cursed Ones it was different. You couldn’t leave the planet. You were trapped.

Like we are now.

Antonio studied her with his deep-set Spanish eyes. Jenn gave her head a shake to let him know she was all right; she could keep going. She had no time to search through her jacket for the garlic-infused salve that would block the odor of her blood. She prayed that the stench of the burning buildings—and burning bodies—would cloak the scent long enough to allow them to escape.

Past the church grounds the oak trees were on fire, acorns popping, leaves igniting like tattered tissue paper. Smoke filled the inky night sky, smothering the faint glow of the moon, but the hellish light from the fires illuminated Jenn’s and Antonio’s every move. Combine that with her bleeding lip, and they were two very easy targets for the savage monsters bent on massacring the village.

Antonio stopped suddenly and held up a warning hand. She watched him closely. Wisps of his wild dark hair escaped from his knitted cap; his full eyebrows were raised slightly, and his jaw was clenched. Like her he was dressed all in black—black sweater, black cargo pants, black knee protectors, and black leather boots—and now coated with ash. She could see the glint of the small ruby-studded cross that he wore in his left ear. A gift, he had said, when she’d asked about it. His face had darkened when he’d answered her, and she knew there was more to that story. So much of Antonio was a mystery to her, as intriguing as the sharp planes and hollows of his face.

He was focused, listening. All Jenn could hear were the flames and the terrorized, outraged cries of the villagers from the surrounding houses and office buildings. Her world became Antonio’s face and Antonio’s hand, blotched with soot, and she tensed her muscles so she’d be ready to move again when his hand dropped. She wished she could stop shaking. Wished she would stop bleeding and hurting. Wished someone else could do the rescuing, instead of them.

But somewhere in the darkness the Cursed Ones were watching. She imagined them staring at her, and could almost hear their cruel laughter dancing in the acrid air.

Three vampires and six hunters stalked one another through the steamy inferno. If the other hunters are still alive. If they escaped the burning church.

Don’t think about that now. Don’t think at all. Wait. Watch.

Cuevas, a small Spanish town a couple of hours from their home, had been terrorized by a group of vampires for weeks, and their mayor had begged for help. Jenn was one of a group of trained vampire hunters called the Salamancans, graduates of the Academia Sagrado Corazón Contra los Malditos—Sacred Heart Academy Against the Cursed Ones—at the centuries-old University of Salamanca. Father Juan, their master, had sent them to Cuevas to rid it of the Cursed Ones.

Instead the vampires were hunting the hunters, as if they had known they were coming, as if they had lured them there. Jenn wondered how they’d known. Father Juan always sent the team out covertly. Was there a spy at the university? Had someone in Cuevas betrayed them?

Or is the Hunter’s Manual right about all vampires?

Don’t think.

Late that afternoon Jenn, Antonio, and the other hunters had parked in the woods and silently made their way to the church, where they waited, meditating or praying, and preparing for the battle ahead. The vampires appeared with the flat shadows of dusk, and in the literal blink of an eye—they moved faster than most people could see—they set fire to the stone ruins of the castillo, the brick-and-mortar shops of the nearby plaza, and the glass and steel of a handful of modern office buildings. Flower boxes lining the plaza, which had brimmed with pink and white geraniums, crackled like sparklers; windows shattered; car horns blared like Klaxons; and everywhere, everywhere, fires roared.

In their short two months’ hunting together as a team, the Salamancans had fought greater numbers—once there had been as many as eleven—but those Cursed Ones had been newly converted. The younger the bloodsucker, the easier to defeat, as they would not have fully adapted to their new abilities . . . or their weaknesses.

Against older vampires, like the three lurking in the darkness, you could only hope they hadn’t yet run up against a hunter. That they would have grown so used to slaughtering the helpless that they would underestimate those who knew how to fight back.

But the Cuevas C.O.’s had struck first, which meant they knew what the six hunters were capable of. By the time Jenn and the other Salamancans had smelled smoke, there had only been time to rouse Antonio from his meditations in the chapel behind the altar and crawl outside.

Now they were exposed and vulnerable. And—

Jenn blinked. Antonio was no longer beside her. Panic wrapped around her heart, and she froze, unsure of what to do. Directly in front of her an oak tree shuddered inside its thick coat of fire, and a huge limb snapped off, cascading into the dirt with a fwom.

He left me here, she thought. Oh, God.

Breathe, she reminded herself, but as she inhaled, smoke filled her lungs, and she pressed her hand over her mouth. Her balance gave way, and she collapsed onto the dirt. Jenn grunted back a hacking cough. The welt on her back burned like a bull’s-eye; she was a prime target. And alone.

Where are you, Antonio? she silently demanded. How could you leave me?

Tears welled. Jenn gave her head a hard shake. She had to hustle. If she didn’t move, she would die a horrible death. She had seen vampires kill people. But he wouldn’t let that happen to her. Would he?

Don’t think. Just move.

Jenn’s fingernails dug into the dirt as she lifted herself up. Commando-style she worked her way forward, scrambling to the left when another large oak branch cracked and fell toward her like a flaming spear. She had to get away from the collapsing buildings and the falling trees before she could think about going on the offensive.

There was a whisper of sound, a shushshushshush, and Jenn rolled farther to her left just as a vampire landed on his back beside her. His pale blue eyes were opened wide in a death mask, and his breath reeked of rotting blood. She thought he groaned a word, maybe a name.

Then all at once the vampire collapsed into dust and was scattered by the hot winds. One down, she thought, covering her mouth and nose to avoid inhaling any of the vampire’s remains. The first time Jenn had seen that happen, she’d been unable to speak for over an hour. Now she couldn’t help the triumphant smile that spread across her face.

Jenn struggled to her feet; Antonio stood a breath away, his eyes blazing, the stake that had killed the vampire still clenched in his hand. He towered over her, six feet to her five-five. As she reached out to touch his arm, a blood-curdling scream ripped through the night air, and she took off in its direction, expecting Antonio to do the same.

Instead his body hurtled past her, landing in a pile of burning branches and leaves.

Antonio! she screamed, then wheeled around in a fighter’s stance, facing off against the vampire who had tossed him through the air like one might toss loose change onto a counter. The Cursed One was tall and bulky, grinning so that his fangs gleamed in the firelight. His face was covered in blood. Her stomach lurched, and she tried not to think about how many of the villagers were already dead.

Jenn swiftly grabbed a stake from the quiver on her belt, gripping it in her right hand, and ripped open a Velcro pocket with her left to retrieve a cross. She desperately wanted to look back at Antonio. She dared not.

The vampire sneered at her and snarled in a thick Leonese-Spanish accent, "Pobrecita, I can hear the frightened beating of your heart. Just like the rabbit in the trap."

He slashed her across the cheek with his talonlike nails before leaping back in a dizzying blur. Jenn felt the blood running hot and sticky down her cheek before she felt the sting.

Jenn circled him warily. I’m a hunter, she reminded herself, but the hand around her stake was shaking badly. Surely he could see it. If he attacked, there was a good chance she wouldn’t be quick enough. The specialized training she had received at the academy had taught her how to anticipate a vampire’s moves even when she couldn’t see them. They moved so fast, the Cursed Ones. Father Juan said that they moved faster than man could sin. He said they could kill you and you would never know it had happened, but if you had been a brave and just person, the angels would tell you all about it, in song.

I’m not brave.

She took a deep breath and turned her head slightly to the side. Her best bet at tracking him was not to look directly at him. Movement was most effectively caught out of the corner of one’s eyes. She had learned that at the academy, and it had saved her before. Maybe it would again.

But maybe not.

The vampire stayed visible, stalling, but more likely toying with her before he made his kill. Some vampires were matadors, drawing out the death dance like a ritual. For others the hunt was a means to an end—fresh human blood, pumped by a still-beating heart.

Movement in the shadows caught her eyes. Jenn fought not to react as one of the other hunters—the Hunter, Eriko Sakamoto—crept toward the vampire, her tiny frame belying her superior strength. Dressed in night hues like Jenn and Antonio, she wore a turtleneck, leather pants, and thick-soled boots that Velcroed halfway up her calves. Her short, gelled hair made her look like a tribal warrior. Fresh streaks of soot were smeared on her high, golden cheekbones.

The sound of the fires masked any noise from her approach. Eriko caught Jenn’s eye, and Jenn began to edge to the right, placing the vampire between them.

"Hunters . . . jóvenes . . . you’re nothing special after all," the Cursed One snarled.

We’re special enough to turn you to dust, Jenn growled, trying to hold the vampire’s attention. She focused on his fangs instead of his eyes, so as not to be mesmerized by him. That was one of the first rules of survival—to resist the Cursed Ones’ hypnotic gaze, designed to put their prey in thrall. You’d better say your prayers. You’re about to die.

The vampire scoffed, weaving closer, seemingly unaware that a hunter advanced behind him with her stake poised. The smell of Jenn’s blood cloaked the subtler scent of unharmed human flesh.

Prayer is for mortals, he said, who must beg some deity to save them. And as we know, those prayers always go unanswered.

Always? Jenn asked, feeling the blood oozing down her cheek. The vampire stared at it as if he hadn’t drunk in centuries.

Always, he replied.

Eriko kept her distance, and Jenn had a terrible thought: She’s using me as bait. Jenn began to back away, and the vampire made a show of taking a step toward her. Her hands were slick with sweat—from the heat, from her fear—and her grip on the stake began to slip. She worked her fingers around it. The vampire snickered.

Jenn took another step backward, her boot crunching down on something. Her stomach lurched as sparks flew upward. What if it was Antonio?

She couldn’t stop herself from glancing down. It was only a branch. The vampire launched himself at her with a hiss.

No! Jenn shrieked, falling backward.

The vampire landed on top of her, his eyes filled with bloodlust. His fangs were long and curved; she flailed, forgetting all her training, every maneuver that could save her. His breath stank of fresh blood, and she heard herself whimper.


Then, suddenly, the Cursed One was gone. Jenn pulled herself into a crouch, aware that she’d lost her cross. Eriko had yanked the vampire to his feet and was on his back, legs wrapped around his waist. He batted at her as she laced her fingers underneath his chin, forcing back his head. He hissed and grabbed her ankles, trying to peel her off him.

Jenn, stake him, Eriko shouted. Now!

Jenn blinked. She took two steps forward, and then she stopped for a fraction of an instant. Just stopped.

She could no longer see Eriko or the vampire. They were moving too fast for her to track. She lunged forward, stabbing at the air. There was no contact. She caught flashes, blurs, but not enough to give her a target. Through her exhaustion Jenn kept swinging, as her mind raced. If Eriko died, it would be on Jenn’s head.

Then she saw them. The vampire had been forced to his knees, and Eriko stood behind him, her hands still laced beneath his chin. Jenn ran to stake him as Eriko flashed her a fierce smile and twisted off his head. His headless body held its shape; Eriko threw the head into the advancing flames. It was something Jenn could never have done; she didn’t have Eriko’s superhuman strength.

At least someone’s prayers were answered, Eriko said, panting, as the body disintegrated. She trotted toward a crumbling stone wall to their left, which marked the north end of the church’s cemetery. Let’s keep moving.

Jenn looked back to where she had last seen Antonio, but he wasn’t there. Another surge of panic washed over her as she raced toward the spot. He was simply gone. He wouldn’t have just abandoned them, though; he couldn’t have left.

Antonio! Jenn screamed. Wait, Eriko. Antonio!

Sí, he called. ", Jenn."

Antonio pushed through the burning brush a few yards away, wisps of smoke curling from his charred clothes as he batted at them. His hands were blackened and peeling.

She ran to him and then stood hesitantly in front of him, frightened and ashamed of her doubts. Are you okay? she asked.

He nodded grimly. I will be.

She began to shake. I was worried. I thought . . . She trailed off. It didn’t matter what she had thought. All that mattered was that he was alive and there.

You didn’t think I would leave you? Antonio questioned, his gaze intense as he reached out to cup her cheek with his hand. I was coming to help you and Eriko. Then his soft expression flickered, and she saw his despair. He hid it well . . . though not well enough, at least for someone so focused on him as she was. The shadow in his eyes spoke of something he had refused to share with her—his deepest wound.

His darkest secret.

Tears stung her eyes. Jenn loved Antonio, and she wanted to trust him. But trust was something she’d left behind two years ago when she’d crossed the threshold of the university. She’d had to learn not to trust her eyes, her mind, or even her heart. Every time she forgot that, she nearly got herself killed.

Ay, no, Antonio whispered, gazing at her. I would never leave you.

Antonio stroked her cheek with his thumb, and she closed her eyes, leaning into the touch. Calloused, velvet. When his lips brushed hers, she returned the kiss with a sob. She threw her arms around his neck and clung to him. His lips were soft and yielding against hers, and the taste of him mixed with the faint metallic flavor of the blood in her mouth.

Leaning against Antonio, she whimpered, wanting more. Then, suddenly, he was gone.

Jenn opened her eyes and saw Antonio hunched over a few feet away, eyes glowing and fangs protruding. Eriko strode up beside Jenn, a thick stake clasped in her hand. One throw and she could kill him.

Estoy bien, Antonio growled deep in his throat. He wiped something dark off of his lips and onto his black cargo pants.

Her blood.

Eriko, I’m all right, he said in English.

His deep voice always made Jenn shiver, but with fear or desire she was never quite sure. Sometimes when they were kissing she would forget, just for a moment, all that kept them apart.

Antonio was a vampire.

She forced herself to take a good look: the gleaming teeth, the hungry, feral look that had crept into his eyes, the way the muscles in his face contorted as he tried to overcome his bloodlust. He didn’t like her to see it, but she needed to. She needed to remember so that she could protect herself—and him.

Some vampires claimed to be able to control their cravings, but Antonio de la Cruz was the only one she had ever met who could actually manage it. Years of meditation, study, and prayer had given him the strength he needed. Or so he claimed.

But deep inside Jenn knew that every moment they spent together was eroding that strength. One day he wouldn’t pull away, and then she would have to kill him. If she could. Or one of the other hunters would. Like Eriko. Or Jamie—

Good, Eriko said. One down. But she didn’t lower the stake. Muscular and petite, Eriko was a couple of years younger and a couple of inches shorter than Jenn. When they had graduated from the academy two months before, Eriko had been chosen from their class to receive the sacred elixir that bequeathed astounding speed and strength. The elixir was so difficult to make, there was only enough for one Hunter, capital H. Their leader.

Antonio killed one too, Jenn said.

Eriko raised a brow and glanced at Antonio, who nodded. His face was returning to normal. There were only three, right? We’re nearly done.

Three’s what we were told, Jenn said, relaxing only slightly. She pulled out her garlic salve and quickly applied it to her cheek and lip.

Eriko sighed and pressed the fingertips of her free hand against the spiky stubble of her hair. The villagers might have miscounted. It wouldn’t be the first time that happened.

Jenn swallowed hard. I’m sorry, Eriko, she said. I didn’t back you up.

Eriko shrugged. You don’t have the power I do, Jenn. You did fine.

But Jenn knew she hadn’t. She had panicked. She’d been more worried about Antonio than anyone else, including herself.

Eriko looked past her to Antonio. Antonio, on the other hand . . .

He was burned, Jenn said, angry and defensive at the implication. Look at his hands.

Bloody hell, that was all arseways, a familiar voice fumed. Jenn turned as two figures approached. One was tall, with a nearly shaved head and heavy tattoos on his arms and neck, which made him look like a demon in the firelight. The turtleneck he had been wearing was gone, and only an undershirt remained. That was Jamie O’Leary.

For once the girl at his side didn’t disagree. From her black battle clothes—padded jacket, leggings, thigh-high boots—to her white-blond rasta braids, to the silver crescent-moon ring on her thumb, Skye York was covered with soot except where tears had cut paths down her pale cheeks.

Skye made circles in the air with her hand while muttering an incantation with the Latin refrain "desino." Cease. One by one the fires in her vicinity were extinguished.

Cursers all dead? Jamie asked, gazing around. He looked at Antonio. "The ones we’re allowed to kill?" he added pointedly.

There’s one more, Eriko said. I got one, Antonio got one, and that leaves—

None, Jamie interrupted. I got one on my way out of the church. He showed them his singed palms. Staked him through the back with a piece of burning timber. It was good and long and caught him in the heart.

That’s great; we’re done, then, Eriko said, grinning at her fighting partner. Jamie grinned back, clearly relishing that both of them had managed kills. They hadn’t been near each other when the church went up in flame, but they had still caused the most damage. Energy practically sizzled between the two. They did seem to belong together, somehow.

After fasting, praying, and working magicks, Father Juan had matched them into fighting pairs, insisting that each fulfilled some complicated balance of yin and yang, light and dark.

Strength and weakness.

Jenn was paired with Antonio, much to her relief. Eriko and Jamie were matched, and they pushed each other hard and themselves harder. Skye and Holgar were the third pair, and they had a quiet closeness with each other that was enviable.

Like Jenn, Jamie had no special gifts or powers. But his ferocity and the fighting skills drilled into him by his family during his childhood in Belfast more than made up for it.

Eriko seemed unaware of the way Jamie looked at her. . . . It went beyond a Hunter-hunter relationship. It must have been obvious to Skye, too, as she turned away to concentrate on her incantations. Their gothy witch carried a torch for Jamie, and Jamie had no clue. Jenn wasn’t sure if the other team members knew, or if she was the only one who had figured it out. She felt both sorry for Skye and, frankly, bewildered, because Jamie was a jerk. He made no secret of his desire to be elsewhere; he didn’t even believe that there should be a team of hunters. Jamie was only there because Father Juan had asked him to stay in Salamanca and serve the cause. If it hadn’t been for his deeply ingrained loyalty to his church, Jenn was sure that even Jamie’s attraction to Eriko wouldn’t be enough to keep him from going home.

Finished with her incantation for the fires, Skye gently touched Jamie’s palms, and his skin began to heal. Her delicate face nearly glowed as she infused him with her nurturing energy. Jamie sighed with pleasure but said nothing.

Skye turned next to Antonio. Moving into position while the sun was still up had weakened his system. He held out his hands, palms up, and Skye moved her hands over them and whispered in ancient Latin. Jenn felt herself relax slightly. She hated it when Antonio came close to fire. Fire was one of the few things that could kill a vampire. Vampires could also be killed by sunlight, a wooden stake through the heart, and decapitation.

"How many dead, brujita? Antonio asked softly, calling Skye little witch, as he flexed his fingers. Villagers?"

Skye shook her head, her rasta braids swaying down her back. At least fifty. When the fires started, the vampires killed the first few people who tried to escape the burning buildings. The rest were so afraid . . . Her voice broke.

Some of them stayed inside their homes and burned to death, Jenn bitterly finished for her, sick knots twisting her stomach. Then we failed.

Eriko shook her head. No one would be alive if we hadn’t come.

And about that, Jamie said, spitting into the dirt. How the bloody hell did they know—

Where’s Holgar? Skye asked, glancing around for her fighting partner.

Fried, extra crispy if we’re lucky, Jamie muttered.

Sorry to say it, Irish, but my ears weren’t burned off, Holgar quipped, limping toward the group. His clothes hung in tatters from his body. Gaping wounds on his

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