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Actor: the Unsung Greek Hero
Actor: the Unsung Greek Hero
Actor: the Unsung Greek Hero
Ebook90 pages49 minutes

Actor: the Unsung Greek Hero

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About this ebook

Actor, a young man of Ancient Greece looking to make a name for himself, ends up on a trail of side-kicking for some of the greatest heroes ever. However, each one seems to be a little off from their legend. Jason is a jerk. Perseus is an old fart. Theseus is a liar. And so on and so on. Only by the skin of his teeth is he able to survive each time, but when will he be the hero? When will he deserve to become a legend?

This is a play in One Act intended for a minimum of two actors. It is a comedy-farce, and it requires a few basic props, blackbox theatre, some costume change for second (or more) actor(s), and repeatedly breaking the fourth wall. It's a good small piece for a mildly mature to fully mature audience.

ATTN: Reading it is free. Producing it requires you to contact me the author. Please.

Release dateJun 17, 2014
Actor: the Unsung Greek Hero

Justin Blasdel

This is an attempt to make my works public. If you like them and want to produce them, please contact me first. Thank you.

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    Book preview

    Actor - Justin Blasdel





    Justin Blasdel

    Justin Blasdel


    Version 3

    [email protected]

    Smashwords Edition Copyright by Justin Blasdel


    ACTOR = Smart-mouthed, negative (yet eager) warrior-in-training.

    JASON = Sly, Cool Guy who gets what he wants, and is generally a jerk.

    BELLEREPHON = Bright-eyed old guy with too much hubris.

    THESEUS = Battle-hungry, impetuous man who is insane.

    PERSEUS = Arrogant, war-hungry man who takes credit from others.

    HERACLES = True warrior and kind hearted, but incredibly depressing.

    FERGUS = Moody, sour man behind the desk.

    DEION, king of Phocus = Very positive, but cheap and also a jerk.

    PEGASUS = Easy-going, mellow winged horse.


    Multiple Locations in Greece


    Time of Legend

    Production Notes: All characters except ACTOR can be played by the same actor.


    Bellerophon (bell-AIR-a-fon)

    Heracles (HAIR-a-kleez)

    Phrixus (FRIX-us)

    Phocus (FOCK-us)

    Aegean (a-JEE-an)

    Thermopylae (therm-OP-el-ay)

    Locris (LOW-kris)

    drachma (DRACH-ma)

    Symplegades (sim-PLEG-a-dees)

    Phineus (FIN-e-us)

    Ledus (LEAD-us)

    Chimera (kim-ER-a)

    Medea (me-DEE-a)

    Why I’m doing this…


    I have many plays that I am now changing into PDF format and posting them online for free. There is a very simple reason for this: I want them to be read. After years of submitting my work to theatres only to receive rejection letters, I’ve realized many things. One, I cannot write mainstream plays. I can’t do it. It’s not as simple as choosing not to write what is popular, but rather an inability to write what is popular. This sounds conceited, I know, but the alternative is to consider the possibility that I have no talent, and I know that isn’t true. Another reason why my plays might not be selected is because I tend to rely on the imaginations of the stage manager and actors to convey a lot of difficult things, which when read at face value might seem like I’m asking for tons of money to be spent on props.

    And of course there’s always the slight possibility that I’m unwilling to bend my personal vision in order to fit more coherently with the modern theatre. As someone who looks on both sides of every situation, I have to acknowledge that. However, I believe that is not the case (wholly). I do have a Masters in Drama (Playwriting), a Bachelors in English (Creative Writing) and Anthropology, and a Minor in Religious Studies, so I know I’m mentally competent enough to write stories. Am I infallible? No, but I am quite capable. Honestly, this is probably my last attempt to share my art with the world before I am sucked into a manual labor job which will never be as fulfilling as being a playwright. Side note: I hope that none of my future employers take that previous comment too seriously. I am sure I will need the money.

    As far as my plays go, they are free to read and share within the limitations of the websites I’m submitting them to. Productions of said plays are NOT free. They might be if I am contacted and a deal is struck, but making one without every giving me a single notice is not acceptable. I’m a reasonable guy who understands what it’s like to be dirt poor. I probably will be so most of my life. Email me at [email protected] or contact me through the websites you found my plays on. Hell, a simple good going or that sucked would be appreciated. Spam will not be appreciated. It’s too processed for my stomach to digest.

    In closing, I would like to thank my mentor Dr. Roger Gross for helping me develop my abilities, Adam E. Douglass for understanding my humor, Dr. Daniel Levine for instilling a good appreciation of the classics, Prof. Melissa Zabecki Harvey for showing how human the past can be, Prof. Joseph Candido for

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