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Feminizing Men: A Guide for Males to Achieve Maximum Feminization
Feminizing Men: A Guide for Males to Achieve Maximum Feminization
Feminizing Men: A Guide for Males to Achieve Maximum Feminization
Ebook61 pages1 hour

Feminizing Men: A Guide for Males to Achieve Maximum Feminization

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Do you want to feminize a male, or you as a male want, or have been told to, become feminized?

Feminization: 1) To give a feminine appearance or character to. 2) To cause (a male) to assume feminine characteristics.

This is not for those who wish to permanently change their gender, but rather for those who wish to feminize temporarily, though sometimes repeatedly and regularly, in order to proficiently cross-dress as a woman.

This feminization guide is for a male by gender who, may, or may not be, a “real” man by some opinions, but nonetheless a male, who has chosen, or has been told to, or is being coerced into, becoming feminine in appearance and character.

This guide is to be given to those who have been tasked with becoming a feminized male as part of a process to feminize them, or purchased for use by males who wish to feminize themselves.

It doesn’t have any magic potions or formulas, special makeup or fancy tools, use any drugs or surgery. It does cover all the aspects of eliminating the ‘man markers’ that set males aside from women, and make a male less feminine than they could ultimately be. It will demasculinize anything that may have had a masculine overtone with the male. It will also aid the feminized male to feel more sensual and sexy in a feminine role.

The guide is short - about 15.000 words and around sixty pages, but covers eliminating the things that keep a male from becoming as fully feminized as much as their male body and characteristics allow.

After the male has read this, acted upon this information fully, and practiced, he will be the best feminized male he can be. He will reach crossdressing perfection as a male to female (MTF) cross dresser. He will have the routines of maintenance and upkeep of the feminized male body, which will keep him ready, and most likely anxious, to fairly quickly, crossdress at the request of their wife, mistress, or whim of his own. Whether the reason be from femdom, a wife led relationship, female led relationship, cuckolding, cuckoldry, a hot wife, male chastity, forced crossdressing, forced chastity, female domination, submissive training, sissy training, or purely their own desire to become feminine, a diligent male student who incorporates the information in this guide with passion and drive will become the perfect crossdressing male, as fully feminized as possible.

Upon following the elements in this guide, the feminized male will be able to proudly display how feminine he has become to anyone he, or the one who coerced him, choose to. Should this be a singular undertaking, the individual will be able to see and feel the difference in the degree of feminization they have achieved after practicing and perfecting the elements, and thus, bring greater pleasure and satisfaction to the resulting feminization.

This will be time consuming and will require dedication and diligence in order for a male to feminize to his best. If you are purchasing this for yourself, or someone else, beware of that in order to allow the necessary time and resources.

Buy yourself a copy, or give one to a male you want to feminize. It’s a small, but valuable investment in a male’s journey toward maximum feminization.

Release dateNov 4, 2014
Feminizing Men: A Guide for Males to Achieve Maximum Feminization

Barbara Deloto

Barb and Thom are a happy couple that entertain in saying, "What if?". They share in the experience of thinking outside the box when it comes to people's sexual natures and societal paradigms. Of course, paradigms are meant to be broken is the rule in their books. Thus, the husband being ruled by the woman and the woman being able to do like men do when it comes to having multiple partners can be common place. In most of their stories there is love and affection though some may have some twists depending on the nature of the characters that were developed. We hope you enjoy the fresh approach to a vision of what a totally x-rated, uninhibited life might be like if things were looked at differently. If you are not into blatant, sometimes raw, sometimes explicit sexual scenes you probably would not want to read these books. If you decide to read, we sincerely hope you enjoy them to the fullest!

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    Book preview

    Feminizing Men - Barbara Deloto

    Feminizing Men - A Guide for Males to Achieve Maximum Feminization

    by Barbara Deloto and Thomas Newgen

    Feminizing Men - A Guide for Males to Achieve Maximum Feminization

    Barbara Deloto and Thomas Newgen

    Copyright 2014 by Barbara Deloto and Thomas Newgen

    Smashwords Edition

    The publisher and authors do not have any control over, and does not assume responsibility for third party websites, or their content. The reader has the sole responsibility to use, or not use, the information contained herein as well as for the results of using this information.

    To purchase another copy of this book, or to see our other books go to

    Other books written by Barb and Tom



    Changes II

    Virgin Bride

    Virgin Call Girl

    My Wife’s Success

    Bored Guys


    An Addicted Cross-Dresser, Married, and a Happy Ending - A True Story: A Book to Share


    Reasons, Expectations, and Suggestions

    Body Hair



    Breasts and Cleavage? Me?

    Shoes, Hosiery, and Perfume

    Clothing and Jewelry

    Nails, Nail Polish, and Gloves

    Presentation and a Feminized Persona

    Your Feminine Name

    Male Chastity and Further Kink

    Maintenance and Caring for What You Have Created, or Not

    Reasons, Expectations, and Suggestions

    So you may have either determined to cross dress as a woman for several reasons, some which may have been as follows:

    As a male who is intrigued by it and simply curious.

    Because you are taken by the feminine mystique and everything about women.

    You want to escape the demanding male world you live in daily, and feel feminine, pretty, and relaxed, thus separating from the responsibilities in the role of your male persona.

    For a Halloween or masquerade party, and you want to have a hell of a costume and play the character impeccably.

    As a male being forced by someone such as your female partner or wife, such as in a female led, or wife led relationship.

    As a cuckolded male.

    Because you are in male chastity making that male part rather defunct, which makes your male aspects inappropriate.

    By a mistress.

    Whatever the reason is, whether it is purely your desire, or a necessary assignment you must complete, if the goal is to be as feminized a male as possible, this book will help cover all the basics.

    If someone has given you this book, it is because they want you to be the best you can be at being a feminized male. Be proud and thankful of their interest in making you your feminine best. The choice to actually do it, is yours though, since no one can be forced to do this - coerced maybe, of which this force can be strong, but not forced.

    If you bought this for someone, read it yourself as well, to see what will be happening with them and whether or not this is where you want them to go. You will then be able to see that they do, in fact, do all of it to be their feminine best and you will be able to follow-up on them.

    If you are doing this on your own, congratulations for taking the time to invest in this part of you and increase your pleasure and accomplishment in feminization. You will be opening your experience to new levels in your climb to achieving maximum feminization. Your courage, passion, and devotion to your interest must be high, and when one’s is, the greatest results are achieved in any endeavor. Congratulations on your future achievements.

    Feminization of a male is not an undertaking to be taken lightly. Whatever the path, why do it only part way? If it is to be done, one should do their best at becoming the most feminine, sensual, and prettiest feminized male one can be. Who wants to have a burly bear in a skirt around? No offense, but wouldn’t you, or anyone who may be interested in you being feminized, much more highly appreciate it, if you were as feminine and pretty as you can be? Absolutely!

    What will you learn in these pages? You will learn to become more feminine in appearance by reducing the male aspects and markers of your body as much as possible. Granted, this isn’t surgery, but it will allow you to maximize the total feminization effect of all of the techniques as much as possible. Links have been added to the author’s website for items referred to in this book as well as for other items, such as male chastity cages. The author has no affiliate compensation, or other compensation, for these links. It is purely for your convenience. The link is here.


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