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The Frogs and Other Plays
The Frogs and Other Plays
The Frogs and Other Plays
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The Frogs and Other Plays

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Along with Sophocles and Euripides, Aristophanes is considered one of the three great Greek playwrights. Only eleven of his nearly forty plays survive in their entirety to this day. "The Frogs and Other Plays" includes the titular play along "The Wasps" and "The Thesmophoriazusae." Produced the year after the death of Euripides, "The Frogs" laments the decay of Greek tragedy which Aristophanes attributed to that writer. It is an admirable example of the brilliance of his style, and of that mingling of wit and poetry with rollicking humor and keen satirical point which is his chief characteristic. Here, as elsewhere, he stands for tradition against innovation of all kinds, whether in politics, religion, or art. In "The Wasps" Aristophanes pokes satirical fun at the demagogue Cleon and the Athenian law courts that provide Cleon with his power. "The Thesmophoriazusae" is concerned with the schemes of a group of women at the Thesmophoria, an annual fertility celebration dedicated to Demeter, who angered by Euripides portrayal of women in his plays as mad, murderous, and sexually depraved, plan to exact revenge upon him.
Release dateFeb 1, 2013
The Frogs and Other Plays


Often referred to as the father of comedy, Aristophanes was an ancient Greek comedic playwright who was active in ancient Athens during the fourth century BCE, both during and after the Peloponnesian War. His surviving plays collectively represent most of the extant examples of the genre known as Old Comedy and serve as a foundation for future dramatic comedy in Western dramatic literature. Aristophanes’ works are most notable for their political satire, and he often ridiculed public figures, including, most famously, Socrates, in his play The Clouds. Aristophanes is also recognized for his realistic representations of daily life in Athens, and his works provide an important source to understand the social reality of life in Ancient Greece. Aristophanes died sometime after 386 BCE of unknown causes.

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    The Frogs and Other Plays - Aristophanes



    A Book Publishing

    Print ISBN 13: 978-1-4209-4764-9

    EBook ISBN 13: 978-1-4209-4765-6

    This edition copyright © 2013

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    Like 'The Birds' this play rather avoids politics than otherwise, its leading motif, over and above the pure fun and farce for their own sake of the burlesque descent into the infernal regions, being a literary one, an onslaught on Euripides the Tragedian and all his works and ways.

    It was produced in the year 405 B.C., the year after 'The Birds,' and only one year before the Peloponnesian War ended disastrously for the Athenian cause in the capture of the city by Lysander. First brought out at the Lenaean festival in January, it was played a second time at the Dionysia in March of the same year—a far from common honour. The drama was not staged in the Author's own name, we do not know for what reasons, but it won the first prize, Phrynichus' 'Muses' being second.

    The plot is as follows. The God Dionysus, patron of the Drama, is dissatisfied with the condition of the Art of Tragedy at Athens, and resolves to descend to Hades in order to bring back again to earth one of the old tragedians—Euripides, he thinks, for choice. Dressing himself up, lion's skin and club complete, as Heracles, who has performed the same perilous journey before, and accompanied by his slave Xanthias (a sort of classical Sancho Panza) with the baggage, he starts on the fearful expedition.

    Coming to the shores of Acheron, he is ferried over in Charon's boat—Xanthias has to walk round—the First Chorus of Marsh Frogs (from which the play takes its title) greeting him with prolonged croakings. Approaching Pluto's Palace in fear and trembling, he knocks timidly at the gate. Being presently admitted, he finds a contest on the point of being held before the King of Hades and the Initiates of the Eleusinian Mysteries, who form the Second Chorus, between Aeschylus, the present occupant of the throne of tragic excellence in hell, and the pushing, self-satisfied, upstart Euripides, who is for ousting him from his pride of place.

    Each poet quotes in turn from his Dramas, and the indignant Aeschylus makes fine fun of his rival's verses, and shows him up in the usual Aristophanic style as a corrupter of morals, a contemptible casuist, and a professor of the dangerous new learning of the Sophists, so justly held in suspicion by true-blue Athenian Conservatives. Eventually a pair of scales is brought in, and verses alternately spouted by the two candidates are weighed against each other, the mighty lines of the Father of Tragedy making his flippant, finickin little rival's scale kick the beam every time.

    Dionysus becomes a convert to the superior merits of the old school of tragedy, and contemptuously dismisses Euripides, to take Aeschylus back with him to the upper world instead, leaving Sophocles meantime in occupation of the coveted throne of tragedy in the nether regions.

    Needless to say, the various scenes of the journey to Hades, the crossing of Acheron, the Frogs' choric songs, and the trial before Pluto, afford opportunities for much excellent fooling in our Author's very finest vein of drollery, and seem to have supplied the original idea for those modern burlesques upon the Olympian and Tartarian deities which were at one time so popular.



    XANTHIAS, his Servant












    SCENE: In front of the temple of Heracles, and on the banks of Acheron in the Infernal Regions.


    XANTHIAS. Now am I to make one of those jokes that have the knack of always making the spectators laugh?

    DIONYSUS. Aye, certainly, any one you like, excepting I am worn out. Take care you don't say that, for it gets on my nerves.

    XANTHIAS. Do you want some other drollery?

    DIONYSUS. Yes, only not, I am quite broken up.

    XANTHIAS. Then what witty thing shall I say?

    DIONYSUS. Come, take courage; only ...

    XANTHIAS. Only what?

    DIONYSUS. ... don't start saying as you shift your package from shoulder to shoulder, Ah! that's a relief!

    XANTHIAS. May I not at least say, that unless I am relieved of this cursed load I shall let wind?

    DIONYSUS. Oh! for pity's sake, no! you don't want to make me spew.

    XANTHIAS. What need then had I to take this luggage, if I must not copy the porters that Phrynichus, Lycis and Amipsias{1} never fail to put on the stage?

    DIONYSUS. Do nothing of the kind. Whenever I chance to see one of these stage tricks, I always leave the theatre feeling a good year older.

    XANTHIAS. Oh! my poor back! you are broken and I am not allowed to make a single joke.

    DIONYSUS. Just mark the insolence of this Sybarite! I, Dionysus, the son of a ... wine-jar,{2} I walk, I tire myself, and I set yonder rascal upon an ass, that he may not have the burden of carrying his load.

    XANTHIAS. But am I not carrying it?

    DIONYSUS. No, since you are on your beast.

    XANTHIAS. Nevertheless I am carrying this....

    DIONYSUS. What?

    XANTHIAS. ... and it is very heavy.

    DIONYSUS. But this burden you carry is borne by the ass.

    XANTHIAS. What I have here, 'tis certainly I who bear it, and not the ass, no, by all the gods, most certainly not!

    DIONYSUS. How can you claim to be carrying it, when you are carried?

    XANTHIAS. That I can't say; but this shoulder is broken, anyhow.

    DIONYSUS. Well then, since you say that the ass is no good to you, pick her up in your turn and carry her.

    XANTHIAS. What a pity I did not fight at sea;{3} I would baste your ribs for that joke.

    DIONYSUS. Dismount, you clown! Here is a door,{4} at which I want to make my first stop. Hi! slave! hi! hi! slave!

    HERACLES. [from inside the Temple.] Do you want to beat in the door? He knocks like a Centaur.{5} Why, what's the matter?

    DIONYSUS. Xanthias!

    XANTHIAS. Well?

    DIONYSUS. Did you notice?

    XANTHIAS. What?

    DIONYSUS. How I frightened him?

    XANTHIAS. Bah! you're mad!

    HERACLES. Ho, by Demeter! I cannot help laughing; it's no use biting my lips, I must laugh.

    DIONYSUS. Come out, friend; I have need of you.

    HERACLES. Oh! 'tis enough to make a fellow hold his sides to see this lion's-skin over a saffron robe!{6} What does this mean? Buskins{7} and a bludgeon! What connection have they? Where are you off to in this rig?

    DIONYSUS. When I went aboard Clisthenes{8}....

    HERACLES. Did you fight?

    DIONYSUS. We sank twelve or thirteen ships of the enemy.

    HERACLES. You?

    DIONYSUS. Aye, by Apollo!

    HERACLES. You have dreamt it.{9}

    DIONYSUS. As I was reading the 'Andromeda'{10} on the ship, I suddenly felt my heart afire with a wish so violent...

    HERACLES. A wish! of what nature?

    DIONYSUS. Oh, quite small, like Molon.{11}

    HERACLES. You wished for a woman?


    HERACLES. A young boy, then?

    DIONYSUS. Nothing of the kind.

    HERACLES. A man?

    DIONYSUS. Faugh!

    HERACLES. Might you then have had dealings with Clisthenes?

    DIONYSUS. Have mercy, brother; no mockery! I am quite ill, so greatly does my desire torment me!

    HERACLES. And what desire is it, little brother?

    DIONYSUS. I cannot disclose it, but I will convey it to you by hints. Have you ever been suddenly seized with a desire for pea-soup?

    HERACLES. For pea-soup! oh! oh! yes, a thousand times in my life.{12}

    DIONYSUS. Do you take me or shall I explain myself in some other way?

    HERACLES. Oh! as far as the pea-soup is concerned, I understand marvellously well.

    DIONYSUS. So great is the desire, which devours me, for Euripides.

    HERACLES. But he is dead.{13}

    DIONYSUS. There is no human power can prevent my going to him.

    HERACLES. To the bottom of Hades?

    DIONYSUS. Aye, and further than the bottom, an it need.

    HERACLES. And what do you want with him?

    DIONYSUS. I want a master poet; some are dead and gone, and others are good for nothing.{14}

    HERACLES. Is Iophon{15} dead then?

    DIONYSUS. He is the only good one left me, and even of him I don't know quite what to think.

    HERACLES. Then there's Sophocles, who is greater than Euripides; if you must absolutely bring someone back from Hades, why not make him live again?

    DIONYSUS. No, not until I have taken Iophon by himself and tested him for what he is worth. Besides, Euripides is very artful and won't leave a stone unturned to get away with me, whereas Sophocles is as easy-going with Pluto as he was when on earth.

    HERACLES. And Agathon? Where is he?{16}

    DIONYSUS. He has left me; 'twas a good poet and his friends regret him.

    HERACLES. And whither has the poor fellow gone?

    DIONYSUS. To the banquet of the blest.

    HERACLES. And Xenocles?{17}

    DIONYSUS. May the plague seize him!

    HERACLES. And Pythangelus?{18}

    XANTHIAS. They don't say ever a word of poor me, whose shoulder is quite shattered.

    HERACLES. Is there not a crowd of other little lads, who produce tragedies by the thousand and are a thousand times more loquacious than Euripides?

    DIONYSUS. They are little sapless twigs, chatterboxes, who twitter like the swallows, destroyers of the art, whose aptitude is withered with a single piece and who sputter forth all their talent to the tragic Muse at their first attempt. But look where you will, you will not find a creative poet who gives vent to a noble thought.

    HERACLES. How creative?

    DIONYSUS. Aye, creative, who dares to risk the ethereal dwellings of Zeus, or the wing of Time, or a heart that is above swearing by the sacred emblems, and a tongue that takes an oath, while yet the soul is unpledged.{19}

    HERACLES. Is that the kind of thing that pleases you?

    DIONYSUS. I'm more than madly fond of it.

    HERACLES. But such things are simply idiotic, you feel it yourself.

    DIONYSUS. Don't come trespassing on my mind; you have a brain of your own to keep thoughts in.{20}

    HERACLES. But nothing could be more detestable.

    DIONYSUS. Where cookery is concerned, you can be my master.{21}

    XANTHIAS. They don't say a thing about me!

    DIONYSUS. If I have decked myself out according to your pattern, 'tis that you may tell me, in case I should need them, all about the hosts who received you, when you journeyed to Cerberus; tell me of them as well as of the harbours, the bakeries, the brothels, the drinking-shops, the fountains, the roads, the eating-houses and of the hostels where there are the fewest bugs.

    XANTHIAS. They never speak of me.{22}

    HERACLES. Go down to hell? Will you be ready to dare that, you madman?

    DIONYSUS. Enough of that; but tell me the shortest road, that is neither too hot nor too cold, to get down to Pluto.

    HERACLES. Let me see, what is the best road to show you? Aye, which? Ah! there's the road of the gibbet and the rope. Go and hang yourself.

    DIONYSUS. Be silent! your road is choking me.

    HERACLES. There is another path, both very short and well-trodden; the one that goes through the mortar.{23}

    DIONYSUS. 'Tis hemlock you mean to say.

    HERACLES. Precisely so.

    DIONYSUS. That road is both cold and icy. Your legs get frozen at once.{24}

    HERACLES. Do you want me to tell you a very steep road, one that descends very quickly?

    DIONYSUS. Ah! with all my heart; I don't like long walks.

    HERACLES. Go to the Ceramicus.{25}

    DIONYSUS. And then?

    HERACLES. Mount to the top of the highest tower ...

    DIONYSUS. To do what?

    HERACLES. ... and there keep your eye on the torch, which is to be the signal. When the spectators demand it to be flung, fling yourself ...

    DIONYSUS. Where?

    HERACLES. ... down.

    DIONYSUS. But I should break the two hemispheres of my brain. Thanks for your road, but I don't want it.

    HERACLES. But which one then?

    DIONYSUS. The one you once travelled yourself.

    HERACLES. Ah! that's a long journey. First you will reach the edge of the vast, deep mere of Acheron.

    DIONYSUS. And how is that to be crossed?

    HERACLES. There is an ancient ferryman, Charon by name, who will pass you over in his little boat for a diobolus.

    DIONYSUS. Oh! what might the diobolus has everywhere! But however has it got as far as that?

    HERACLES. 'Twas Theseus who introduced its vogue.{26} After that you will see snakes and all sorts of fearful monsters ...

    DIONYSUS. Oh! don't try to frighten me and make me afraid, for I am quite decided.

    HERACLES. ... then a great slough with an eternal stench, a veritable cesspool, into which those are plunged who have wronged a guest, cheated a young boy out of the fee for his complaisance, beaten their mother, boxed their father's ears, taken a false oath or transcribed some tirade of Morsimus.{27}

    DIONYSUS. For mercy's sake, add likewise—or learnt the Pyrrhic dance of Cinesias.{28}

    HERACLES. Further on 'twill be a gentle concert of flutes on every side, a brilliant light, just as there is here, myrtle groves, bands of happy men and women and noisy plaudits.

    DIONYSUS. Who are these happy folk?

    HERACLES. The initiate.{29}

    XANTHIAS. And I am the ass that carries the Mysteries;{30} but I've had enough of it.

    HERACLES. They will give you all the information you will need, for they live close to Pluto's palace, indeed on the road that leads to it. Farewell, brother, and an agreeable journey to you. [He returns into his Temple.]

    DIONYSUS. And you, good health. Slave! take up your load again.

    XANTHIAS. Before having laid it down?

    DIONYSUS. And be quick about it too.

    XANTHIAS. Oh, no, I adjure you! Rather hire one of the dead, who is going to Hades.

    DIONYSUS. And should I not find one....

    XANTHIAS. Then you can take me.

    DIONYSUS. You talk sense. Ah! here they are just bringing a dead man along. Hi! man, 'tis you I'm addressing, you, dead fellow there! Will you carry a package to Pluto for me?

    DEAD MAN. Is't very heavy?

    DIONYSUS. This. [He shows him the baggage, which Xanthias has laid on the ground.]

    DEAD MAN. You will pay me two drachmae.

    DIONYSUS. Oh! that's too dear.

    DEAD MAN. Well then, bearers, move on.

    DIONYSUS. Stay, friend, so that I may bargain with you.

    DEAD MAN. Give me two drachmae, or it's no deal.

    DIONYSUS. Hold! here are nine obols.

    DEAD MAN. I would sooner go back to earth again.

    XANTHIAS. Is that cursed rascal putting on airs? Come, then, I'll go.

    DIONYSUS. You're a good and noble fellow. Let us make the best of our way to the boat.

    CHARON. Ahoy, ahoy! put ashore.

    XANTHIAS. What's that?

    DIONYSUS. Why, by Zeus, 'tis the mere of which Heracles spoke, and I see the boat.

    XANTHIAS. Ah! there's Charon.

    DIONYSUS. Hail! Charon.

    DEAD MAN. Hail! Charon.

    CHARON. Who comes hither from the home of cares and misfortunes to rest on the banks of Lethé? Who comes to the ass's fleece, who is for the land of the Cerberians, or the crows, or Taenarus?

    DIONYSUS. I am.

    CHARON. Get aboard quick then.

    DIONYSUS. Where will you ferry me

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