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Everyday Wicca: Magickal Spells throughout the Year
Everyday Wicca: Magickal Spells throughout the Year
Everyday Wicca: Magickal Spells throughout the Year
Ebook215 pages3 hours

Everyday Wicca: Magickal Spells throughout the Year

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About this ebook

Seasonal rites and blessings—from a New Year’s resolution spell to a golden goddess prayer—by the author of Wicca A to Z: A Modern Witch’s Encyclopedia

Written by Wiccan expert Gerina Dunwich, Everyday Wicca is both an essential gateway for anyone seeking to add magick to their life and a thorough examination of magickal living for longtime practitioners of the pagan arts. A fascinating study of spellcasting and a thoughtful survey of the Wiccan calendar, this insightful work will guide the modern witch through everyday rituals, spells, and Sabbats celebrated during the Wiccan Wheel of the Year. A handy glossary and an invaluable resource section are also included for both the solitary witch as well as those in a coven.
PublisherCitadel Press
Release dateNov 27, 2018
Everyday Wicca: Magickal Spells throughout the Year

Gerina Dunwich

Gerina Dunwich is the author of over two-dozen books on witchcraft and the occult. Her articles, poetry and interviews have appeared in numerous publications, including Playgirl, American Woman, Moving Words, and in Llewellyn's calendars and datebooks. She lives in Upstate New York.

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    Book preview

    Everyday Wicca - Gerina Dunwich

    Everyday Wicca

    Magickal Spells Throughout the Year

    Gerina Dunwich

    A Citadel Press Book

    Published by Kensington Publishing Corp.

    I dedicate this book with love to my mother, and especially to Al.

    Thank you both for always being there for me.


    Title Page

    Also by Gerina Dunwich




    Chapter 1: Lunar Spellwork

    Waxing Moon

    Full Moon

    Waxing Moon

    Spellwork by Lunar Phase

    Coven Empowering Ritual

    Cat Blessing

    Negativity Banishing Ritual

    Chapter 2: The Wheel of the Year

    The Four Major Sabbats





    The Four Minor Sabbats

    Spring Equinox

    Summer Solstice

    Autumn Equinox

    Winter Solstice

    Sacred God/dess Days

    Chapter 3: The Rainbow of Magick

    Rainbow Candle Spell

    Chapter 4: The Magick of Incense

    Magickal Properties of Incense

    Traditional Sabbat Incense

    Daily Incense

    Chapter 5: Dedication and Initiation

    Summer Solstice Dedication Rite

    The Rite of Initiation

    Chapter 6: A Calendar of the Magickal Year

    New Year’s Resolution Spell

    Day of the Triple Goddess

    St. Agnes’ Eve

    Candlemas Candle Spell

    A Valentine Spell for Lovers

    Pentagram Night

    Salem Memorial Rite

    Seed Blessing Ritual

    Moonrise Prayer

    Earth Day Blessing

    Beltane Fire Magick

    Cerridwen’s Cauldron Ritual

    Ocean Prayer

    St. John’s Eve

    Independence Day Ritual

    Lammas Corn Dolly

    New Moon Wishing Spell

    Harvest Moon Ritual

    Autumn Leaf Spell

    Horned God Ritual

    All Hallow’s Eve (Samhain)

    Love Divination

    Golden Goddess Prayer

    Chapter 7: The Magick of Verse

    Poetry Healing


    Ritual for Poetic Inspiration

    Chapter 8: Glossary of the Wiccan Craft

    Resources for the Modern Witch

    Wiccan/Pagan Organizations

    Wiccan/Pagan Publications

    Appendix A: A Calendar of the Sacred Days of the Year

    Appendix B: Incenses and the Sabbats With Which They Are Associated




    Also by Gerina Dunwich

    Candlelight Spells

    The Concise Lexicon of the Occult

    Circle of Shadows (poetry)

    Wicca Craft

    Wicca Love Spells (The Secrets of Love Magick)

    The Wicca Spellbook

    The Wicca Book of Days

    The Wicca Garden

    The Wicca Source Book

    Wicca Candle Magick (The Magick of Candle Burning)

    A Wiccan’s Guide to Prophecy and Divination


    Within a circle of white light

    cast a spell—the time is right.

    Invoke the powers, one by one

    in harmony with Moon and Sun.

    Light a candle; burn it bright,

    cast a spell with all your might.

    If the Rede you never shun,

    then true your magick shall be done.

    Gerina Dunwich

    Have you ever wanted to cast a spell? Perhaps you already have without even being aware of it! For example, simple acts such as making a wish on a falling star or throwing a pinch of salt over your shoulder to avert bad luck are customs that have actually evolved from ancient Pagan religious beliefs and practices, and could be considered two basic acts of spellcasting.

    Of course the mere making of a wish or the throwing of salt into the air does not in itself make one a Witch, but they are both examples of how simple folk magick works.

    To make these mundane gestures into a true act of magick, all one would need to do is perform it with visualization and intent.

    For instance, to add magick to the wish made on a star, you would need to visualize the wish coming true as it is being spoken in the form of a spell (or prayer to the Goddess and/or the Horned God) for the desired outcome. Example:



    (state whatever it is you are wishing to attain or accomplish.)

    To seal the spell, the phrase:


    would then be said.

    The five-pointed star known as a pentacle is a sacred symbol of the magickal craft of Wicca. (When written or drawn it is called a pentagram.) It represents wo/man (the spirit or the divine) and the four ancient elements of Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. It is used, among other things, for protection, invoking, controlling, and banishing elemental forces.

    To add magick to the gesture of throwing salt over your shoulder, you would need to visualize yourself surrounded by a protective sphere of Goddess/God energy in the form of white light. Once this was done and as the salt was being cast into the air, you would recite a spell such as:


    The first and perhaps the most important thing to remember when casting a spell of any kind is the Wiccan Rede. This is the creed of contemporary Neo-Pagan Witchcraft which states: Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill; An’ it harm none, do what ye will.

    What this means simply is do not use magick or any other type of energy or power to bring deliberate harm unto others, including yourself. Never attempt to manipulate or interfere with the free will of any living thing.

    If you should violate the Wiccan Rede (even unintentionally or through carelessness) you will have to pay a price: The negativity created by your own actions will return to you threefold or more. This applies to all spells you cast, regardless of how simple they may seem. (More about this in a bit when I discuss what is known as Dark Magick.)

    And speaking of simple spells: Just as magick can be as simple as one desires, it can also be as complicated as one chooses. But while an elaborate ritual employing lots of expensive and/or difficult to obtain magickal paraphernalia may indeed be quite a flashy show (and there is absolutely nothing wrong with this), it certainly is not requisite for performing effective magick.

    A simple spell using just a candle can often be just as powerful if it is done with the right intent and if it is magick that is drawn from the most important source—straight from the heart.

    I often receive interesting letters from people around the world (many of them young folks) who are interested in Wicca and are new to the art of spellcasting. Many want to know if there is any way that they (or I on their behalf) can cast a spell or concoct a magickal potion to instantly solve all of their problems, make them win the lottery, literally transform them into a different person, and other impossibilities. I’ve even been sent letters by incarcerated criminals inquiring if I, for a fee, would be willing to perform a spell of some sort to get them released from prison.

    As with anything else, there are certain things that magick can do and certain things that it cannot. One must not jump blindly into magickal workings with unrealistic expectations and/or selfish motives. To do so is only setting yourself up for a disappointment.

    As far as spellcasting is concerned, you must first acquire a basic understanding of magick and how it actually works. It is an extremely powerful energy that can bring about a desired change when used correctly (being performed during the appropriate lunar phase and using herbs possessing the correct magickal or astrological vibrations, for example.) But as much as we would all like to wave our magick wands, and then poof! … something we want just suddenly appears, we must face the fact that it unfortunately does not work that way in real life. The Samantha Stevens type of magick is not realistic.

    This is not to say that the magick real-life Witches work with is not powerful, because it truly is. It just happens to work in a different way.

    Magick can help you but it will not solve all of your personal problems if you are not willing to put some hard work and effort into the betterment of your own life. Magick can awaken your inner strength and keep you focused on your goals, but the rest is up to you. If a spell helps to create an opportunity for you but you do nothing to act upon it, chances are nothing good will come of it.

    If you are one of those people who are plagued with constant problems or what appears to be a streak of bad luck, magick can help to banish negativity, attract good luck into your life, even break curses (if they are responsible), and protect you against psychic attacks.

    However, if the same problems continue to arise after trying all manners of magick to combat them, perhaps it is time for you to examine (or reexamine) your situation to find out just why you seem to be a magnet for attracting them. Is it something you are possibly bringing on yourself without even being aware of it? Perhaps you simply need to make some positive adjustments in your life or learn to handle your situations in a better way so they do not reoccur.

    Regarding the lottery, the simple reason that no amount of magick can win the lottery for you is because there are countless numbers of people just like yourself wishing, hoping, and praying (each a form of magick) for different numbers to come up. The end result is nothing more than a conflict of magickal energies. As each person who gambles on a lottery ticket focuses their energies on his or her personal numbers, these energies are simultaneously working against the energies of the next person, and so on, and so on. Magickally, it is a no-win situation as only one set of numbers at a time can be drawn as the winner.

    I have no doubt in my mind that if everyone who purchased a lottery ticket played the same numbers, that combination would come up. But of course a million dollar jackpot being divided between several million players would not amount to very much. It wouldn’t even make up for the cost of each person’s lottery ticket.

    Transformations are another aspect of magick which many people have lots of questions and misunderstandings about. I’ve often been asked if magick can be used to physically transform a person, such as changing their weight, height, eye color, and so forth.

    Wanting to make personal changes to better one’s appearance is fine. In fact I think it’s only normal for most people to be dissatisfied

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