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Bedtime Stories For Small Kids: 19 Fantastic and Short Stories Best For Bedtime
Bedtime Stories For Small Kids: 19 Fantastic and Short Stories Best For Bedtime
Bedtime Stories For Small Kids: 19 Fantastic and Short Stories Best For Bedtime
Ebook70 pages52 minutes

Bedtime Stories For Small Kids: 19 Fantastic and Short Stories Best For Bedtime

Rating: 2 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

There is always time to read together with this deluxe treasure-trove of five-minute stories, fantastic and well-loved short tales. 

Here we present you a book !

Bedtime Stories For Kids: 19 Fantastic and Short Stories Best For Bedtime

There are over 19 easy-to-read stories to enjoy in this enchanting collection - and each one fits perfectly into the beginning, middle or end of a very busy day!

1. Quick and short stories read aloud in around five minutes. Allows adults to adjust how many stories and how much time to spend reading every day.
2. Bond with your child through family story time and strengthen a love for books and reading.
3. Favorite classics bring imagination and creativity to story time. Rich and vivid illustrations and beautifully written tales will bring a smile from ear to ear.

In addition, each story uses colorful and imaginative characters, settings and situations to create an environment which will not only help children to become interested in the story itself, but also serve as a vehicle to convey a moral teaching and lesson. 

Plus, the stories in this book seek to create traditions and memories which will create everlasting moments that your will children will treasure for the rest of their lives. These are the kinds of moments that your children will surely love to live with their children someday, too.

Thank You,
PublisherAyush Rawat
Release dateAug 31, 2020
Bedtime Stories For Small Kids: 19 Fantastic and Short Stories Best For Bedtime

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    Book preview

    Bedtime Stories For Small Kids - Ayush Rawat


    The scared chicken

    There once was a chicken.

    Everyone made fun of the chicken because he was very scared by everything. His own family even gave him the stink eye. Why can't you just be normal? His father asked. Just pretend to be normal. His mother suggested, and the chicken tried. But he just couldnt.

    One day the chicken was walking to the creek to get a fresh drink of water when all of a sudden he heard something rustling in the bushes next too him. What was that?! He wondered as he backed up starting to shake. Pretend to be tough pretend to be tough! He told himself as he stood there waiting to see what popped out. Just then QUACK!!! The chicken squealed and ran fluffing his feathers squealing up a storm. He ran all the way back to the little farm flapping his wings all about shouting to everyone to hide. All the horses and pigs, sheep's and lambs, and even the cats looked over to see what they were hiding from. Too all of their surprise they seen a small cute little ducky. His father was disgusted.

    You come in here yelling up a storm flapping your wings about over a duck! Chicken tilted his head down. Y-yes sir.. He was ashamed. Get out! Go! I don't want you on this farm you're a disgrace. You caused commotion over a small baby duck. You'll never be a rooster. You'll always be stuck being a scared little chicken! The farm was silent. The chicken looked up in his father's eyes hoping to find mercy but seemed no luck. The farm made no protest. In fact they were all pleased for the fact he'd be forced to leave. Without a goodbye chicken turned around and walked with his head facing down right out of the small farm.

    He walked miles with tears in his eyes and a pain in his heart. He's right, I'll always be a scared chicken. I'll never grow to be a rooster. Just then chicken heard a small animal noise. What could that be? Chicken wondered. He walked a little closer to where the sound had came from and peeked his head through some bushes. He seen a big Grizzly bear with slobber dripping from its mouth and hunger in his eyes.

    Chicken was frightened! But what he saw next was almost heart breaking. Chicken saw that the bear was growling at a small cute fluffy bunny. Oh no! Thought chicken. What can a scared chicken like me do? Then a thought came. Chicken started flapping his wings and letting out a loud screeching scream. He stoped his little feet and made such a racket that even the bear was scared. In fact the bear was scared so much he ran far far away never to be seen again. The little bunny with fear in his eyes looked over to see what had scared the bear.

    To her surprise she seen a little chicken come waddling over to her. Y-you made all that noise? She asked still shook up. The chicken surprised himself said yes. Y-yes I was scared but when I saw how scared you were I had to do something. The bunny impressed replied Wow you're the most bravest animal I've ever met! To stand up to a bear makes you the most bravest of all the woods! The chicken so surprised had to make sure she was talking to him. Brave? No he couldn't be... he was a scared chicken. No you don't understand I'm not brave I'm a scared chicken that's all I'll ever be. No its not you saved me. And a scared chicken could never have done such a brave thing like you. The chicken smiled and felt a warm happiness grow deep inside of him. And for once he was happy to be who he was all along.

    Moral of the story: No matter what anybody tells you, and no matter who disagrees with who you are, always stay true to yourself. Because the person you are deep inside may be ugly to some but to the right people the you inside may be the most beautiful person they've ever met.

    The princess and the pea

    There once was a prince

          who was looking for a wife. Only a real princess would do,

          and he was very fussy about what she must be like.

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