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Under the Weather: COVID-19 Biosocial System Dynamics
Under the Weather: COVID-19 Biosocial System Dynamics
Under the Weather: COVID-19 Biosocial System Dynamics
Ebook188 pages2 hours

Under the Weather: COVID-19 Biosocial System Dynamics

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When a novel coronavirus hit the wet markets of China in December 2019, the world was not prepared. The virus spread like wildfire and within a few months, it had gone global. The pathophysiology of COVID-19 garners much attention in healthcare settings, but illness is not limited to its biological impact—the pandemic’s effects are a mosaic of social, economic, political, environmental, and evolutionary influences. The rapid spread of COVID-19 led to major global changes that compromised economies, healthcare systems, and global connectivity. Written by a group of Canadian students with a passion for research and medicine, Under the Weather: COVID-19 Biosocial System Dynamics takes an interdisciplinary outlook on the high transmissibility of COVID-19 and explores ways in which policy makers, researchers, healthcare workers, epidemiologists, and the general public have come together in dire times to combat the disease.
Release dateOct 27, 2020
Under the Weather: COVID-19 Biosocial System Dynamics

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    Under the Weather - Austin Mardon


    Chapter 1: Introduction

    By Tina Wu

    Viruses have existed for billions of years, far surpassing the dawn of human existence. The estimated number of viruses on Earth is staggeringly large at more than a quadrillion quadrillion—there are more viruses on Earth than stars in the entire universe (Wu). It comes by  no surprise that encounters with disease is a large aspect of human thought and experience. Viruses touch on all aspects of human life; it is represented in culture, politics, economics, and society. The popular children’s song Ring around the Rosy has a hidden dark undertone of pestilence and death.  In Ontario, almost every worker has the benefit of three sick days per calendar year (Sick Leave). Almost all apocalyptic media, including zombie movies, feature a virus. Viruses are a social phenomena as much as they are a physiological one, and manifest in all areas of our lives.

    Another focal outlook on viruses is the biological one. Various scientific lenses can be taken to examine the complexities of viral disease: evolutionary history, environment and geography, statistics and epidemiology, bioinformatics, symptomatology, and of course, virology. Compared to the Middle Ages when plague ravaged the population and there was little hope for the seriously ill, modern medicine has drastically diminished the threat of viruses. The development of vaccinations and treatments has allowed us to eradicate smallpox, rinderpest, and restrict polio by decreasing cases by 99% (Corona; Does Polio Still Exist? Is It Curable?). However, recent events have shown the dangers of viral infection are far from over. The intersection of the biological and social aspects of viruses are brought to light in the appearance of a new viral threat to the human population, with nearly 20 million cases worldwide as of early August 2020 (Canada).

    In December of 2019, a novel coronavirus surfaced in the wet markets of Wuhan, China. The virus affected the lower and upper respiratory tracts of humans, with potential impacts on various other organ systems including the circulatory and renal systems. Symptoms of the virus are difficult to distinguish from those of the flu; fever, dry cough, and fatigue are most common (Q&A on coronaviruses (COVID-19)). Since its initial outbreak, a series of events have led the coronavirus to become the largest pandemic of the 21st century.

    The identification of this novel virus was delayed by political factors. BBC reports that in late December, Dr. Li Wenliang noticed that seven of his patients had cases of a virus that looked like severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), which caused a pandemic in 2003. He alerted his fellow medics about the outbreak on December 30 and advised them to wear protective clothing to avoid infection. Four days later, he was visited by authorities from the Public Security Bureau and signed a letter to stop making false comments. It was January 20, 2020, when the Chinese government finally declared the outbreak an emergency. Unfortunately, Dr. Li Wenliang contracted the virus himself and passed away on February 7 (Hegarty). He is praised as a hero for raising the alarm on the new outbreak with his death sparking outrage worldwide and drawing government and healthcare systems’ attention to the novel coronavirus internationally. The events that followed include the imposition of strict lockdowns in China, infection of a cruise ship in Japan, and a number of outbreaks in Iran, Italy, and other countries (Schumaker). The virus gained traction and on March 11, 2020, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was officially declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO).

    An infectious disease that is limited to a community, region, or country is known as an epidemic. When a disease such as COVID-19 changes from an epidemic to a pandemic, this does not have to do with the severity of the disease: rather, the term reflects its geographical spread. A pandemic occurs when an infectious disease spreads worldwide, crossing international borders, and usually afflicting a large number of people (The Classical Definition of a Pandemic Is Not Elusive). The declaration of a pandemic is significant even though the label itself holds no legal implications because of the fear and power we associate with the word. The WHO was greatly scrutinized for declaring the swine flu (H1N1 virus) a pandemic in 2009 because it led to widespread panic as governments spent a lot of money on vaccine research for a disease that ended up being fairly mild and easy to contain. Unnecessary panic has many downsides, but declaring a pandemic can also allow the general public to mentally and physically prepare for the spread of the disease, potentially aiding in mitigation of viral spread and economic losses (Brown and Moffit).

    The Biological Side of COVID-19

    The COVID-19 pandemic is caused by a virus named severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which belongs to the family of coronaviruses. Many different strains of coronaviruses circulate among a diverse range of animal species like cows, bats, birds, dogs, cats, and pigs (Shi et al.; Saif). These viruses cause symptoms varying from respiratory to gastrointestinal. Understanding the evolutionary history of coronaviruses in animal populations can help us discern how mutations that cause zoonotic transfer, allowing the virus to jump from species to species, occur. With SARS-CoV-2, researchers speculate that zoonotic transfer occurred from bats or perhaps spread from bats to an intermediate host which was then contracted by humans (Fox). Additionally, a firm grasp on the mechanisms of infection and symptomology in animals such as livestock and pets that are in contact with humans may help us better predict their biological impact on humans.

    Coronaviruses have crossed into the human population seven times in recent years. They all share a similar structure, with spike-like glycoproteins that aid in the invasion of their host’s cells. However, some cause the typical symptoms accompanying an upper respiratory infection (i.e the common cold), while others are deadlier. Four of the coronaviruses that infect humans cause the common cold. Two other viruses have caused deadly epidemics in the 21st century. These are SARS and the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), which had outbreaks in 2002 and 2012 respectively. SARS-CoV-2 now joins this list (Coronavirus). MERS-CoV, SARS-CoV and now SARS-CoV-2 have caused significant fatalities and understanding the mechanisms by which they invade a host’s body through symptoms and post-mortems will allow effective treatments to be implemented in the future.

    As a highly infectious disease rapidly expanding across the globe, COVID-19 has shaken the world with its transmissibility. This sparked research on the optimum conditions for the transmission of the novel coronavirus, which involve both environmental and viral characteristics. Factors like air quality, humidity, temperature and land transformations all play a critical role in the virus’s survival and transmission (Ma, Yueling, et al). Additionally, studying the molecular mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2 may give insight into the infectivity of the virus, especially compared to other coronaviruses such as SARS-CoV. The viral characteristics that enable SARS-CoV-2 to spread effectively are a highlight of current medical research.

    The Sociological Side of COVID-19

    While the highly contagious disease sparks a lot of fear, there is also hope and action. Luckily, the collective work of government systems, healthcare professionals, and the general population can help combat the spread of the disease. Accurate data collection and time-space models can help inform policymakers of the best containment strategies, whether it be social distancing, quarantining, contact tracing, border control, or education. These strategies are meant to buy time for researchers to find vaccinations and treatments while minimizing the death toll. Different countries will have different approaches to end the pandemic: delay and vaccinate is only one of the three. Racing through it, and coordinate and crush are two other tactics that are seen within the global community as we continue to press through the pandemic.

    To combat COVID-19 in Ontario and Quebec, the provincial governments made the decision to shut down non-essential businesses in late March of 2020. Needless to say, this has drastic implications for the economy. Despite government relief for rent on commercial buildings, many businesses went bankrupt. Aid was also provided for individuals who lost their jobs due to COVID-19, known as the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit, while university students could apply for the Canadian Emergency Student Benefit. As the country plummets into recession, public spending rises dramatically. COVID-19 hit the travel and tourism industry the hardest due to restricted air travel and travel bans to thwart the spread of the virus. Furthermore, this pandemic has changed consumer patterns, allowing for the rise of eCommerce, contactless payment methods, and the decline in sales of many retail establishments. Lastly, the housing market faced a small decline leaving potential home buyers and sellers at a point of uncertainty. Economic recovery in Canada involves a controlled reopening of businesses to resume economic activity without initiating a second wave of COVID-19 cases.

    As far as the economy is impacted, so are our social behaviours. To encourage physical distancing, elementary, secondary schools, and universities alike have closed and shifted to online learning. Gatherings of more than 5 people were prohibited in Ontario in late March, although restrictions have eased to 10 people in early June. Individuals are encouraged to stay at home when possible. In place of in-person interactions, viewing faces through a screen has become the norm. Social media usage in particular has gone up in recent times. According to one site, messaging across Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp has increased 50% in countries hit the hardest by the virus as of late April of 2020. While social media is a fantastic tool to maintain communication with friends and family during a time that face-to-face meetings are less attainable. It can also be a good platform to educate the population on COVID-19. Unfortunately, issues arise when inaccurate information is posted. With social media, these non-fact-checked messages can spread like wildfire and reach a significant number of people. Fear-mongering is also prevalent in the media. It falls on the consumers to remain vigilant in ensuring the information they receive when they use social media platforms is reliable, researched, and factual.


    COVID-19 is not a strictly biological or social phenomenon. The disease manifests itself at the centre of both. As crucial as the environmental, evolutionary, and physiological factors are, there are equally important social, political, and economic aspects to consider. Exploring the novel coronavirus through an interdisciplinary lens enables us to see the big picture of the pandemic to determine the steps that need to be taken to prevent a tragedy of this scale from befalling humanity again—but if it does, to ensure that we are prepared to take the threat head-on.

    Chapter 2: The Relationship of COVID-19 With Other Viruses

    By Lily Liu


    The coronavirus disease of 2019, more commonly abbreviated as COVID-19,

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